Past Event Listing
All past events in our calendar. Events were BFMS Sponsored unless indicated.
Select a type of event to display and click Submit
English Country Dance
English Country Dancing
Ann Fallon calling to the playing of Emily Aubrey on violin, Mark Vidor on accordion and Janina O'Brien, on mostly piano.
Enjoy a lovely hall, live music, a great floor and easy parking and please register at:
Saturday, February 08 2025
2nd Saturday Dance
The BFMS 2nd Saturday Dance on 2/8 has been cancelled due a forecast of inclement weather.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, February 05 2025
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Contre Temps: McGregor Yatsevich, fiddle and mandolin; Andrew Tomlinson, flute and piccolo; Mark Vidor, piano and accordion. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, February 03 2025
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country Dance in a lovely hall with a great floor
Sharon McKinley calls to the playing of Marty Taylor on recorders, whistles and concertina; Carl Freidman at the piano; and Jeff Steinberg on violin
Please register at:
Hope to see you then!
Saturday, February 01 2025
2025 BFMS Midwinter Ball
6pm: Social
6:30 - 10pm: Grand March and dancing
1970s Theme!
Great caller and fabulous musicians from well-known bands :-)
Caller - Penelope Weinberger
Music by Owen Morrison (guitar) and Scotty Leach (fiddle)
Wednesday, January 29 2025
Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the Baltimore Open Band! Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, January 28 2025
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Tuesday, January 28 2025
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday zoom Song Swap 7:30
The 4th Tuesday zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, January 27 2025
English Country Dance
A Most Lively Evening of English Country Dance 8:00 --10:30 pm
All provided to you by Jonathan Jensen (piano and possibly small wind instruments besides), Emily Aubrey (violin) and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina), with Andrea Nettleton calling.
Please register at:
Monday, January 20 2025
English Country Dance
Cancelled; Due to overall wintry conditions this dance is, alas,
A Night of Dancing in the English Country style. 8:00 -- 10:30 pm
Please join us for many rounds (and lines) of dances taught and called by Diane Schmitt, and played by Steven Epstein (clarinet), Jeffrey Steinerg (violin), and Janina O'Brien (piano, stray whistles & drum)
please register beforehand at:
Sunday, January 19 2025
Sandy Spring Sacred Harp
4 PM - 9 PM. Shape note music is early American hymns sung in four part harmony a cappella. We will gather in the Miller Center at Friends House and sing from 4 PM until 6:00 PM when we break for a shared pot luck meal which will be down the hall in the Activities Room in HQL. Then we will sing again in the Miller Center. We have books to share. Come and try it out, or just to listen. Please let me know if you are planning to join us. Phone or text with questions: Anne Greene 410-599-3730.
Sunday, January 19 2025
Balfolk Music Session - cancelled
Cancelled: For more information, contact Mark Vidor at
Wednesday, January 15 2025
Contra Dance
April Blum calls to Amberwing-- Robin Wilson, Emily Aubrey, and Janina O'Brien. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, January 14 2025
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday IN PERSON BFMS Song Swap At the 4 Hour a Day Lutherie in Lauraville, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214 Once a month on the 2nd Tuesday. 7:30-9:30pm. We're delighted to be back singing in person! Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation welcome).
REMEMBER: If you are sick, not feeling well, etc. Please stay home.
Monday, January 13 2025
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Monday, January 13 2025
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country Dance! 800 - 1030 pm
Christopher Field calls to the playing of Marty Taylor (whistles, recorders, concertina), Mark Vidor (accordion) and Carl Friedman (piano).
Please register beforehand at
Saturday, January 11 2025
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (one hour earlier)
Greg Frock calling to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake ~ Carl Friedman - fiddle, Robin Wilson - flute, concertina, and sax, Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Janina O'Brien - piano, bodhran, and whistle
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Saturday, January 11 2025
Dave Schott Memorial Service
There will be a memorial service for our dear friend and fellow dancer Dave Schott on January 11th at 11 am. There will be a reception afterward.Location information:
Ascension Lutheran Church
7601 York Road
Towson, MD 21204
There is a large parking lot on the opposite side of York Rd, and there is a crosswalk from the parking lot to the church. Note: Do NOT immediately cross York Rd. when the light changes. Be patient and confirm that cars have stopped (they often don't). After the little "walking person" disappears, countdown numbers will appear and you'll have 30 seconds to cross, which is plenty of time. PATIENCE = SAFETY.
The church entrance is on Worcester Rd.(The far side of the block from the crosswalk. There is an oblique pathway mid-block to the door.)
There is limited handicap parking on the front circle of the church on Worcester Road and a ramp. There is an elevator inside the building to access the fellowship hall for the reception.
Thursday, January 09 2025
Mid Winter Ball - Save the Date *Below*
Tickets are now available!
February 1 2025 not the date above
6:30-10pm Church of the RedeemerFor more info, click the link above or visit
Monday, January 06 2025
English Country Dance
CANCELLED due to complicated weather conditions!!
Hope to see you all next Monday night!!!Not Tonight! An Evening of English Country Dance this New Year 8:00 -- 10:30 pm
Come join in a convivial evening of dance and live music!
April Blum with call (and teach) the dances, while Robin Wilson (flute, concertina), Carl Friedman (violin) and Janina O'Brien (piano, whistles and attimes bodhrán) provide the music.
Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
419 Cedarcroft Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Please regiister at
Wednesday, January 01 2025
Special New Year's *Afternoon* Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes and Colette Mrozek call to Countercurrent: a powerhouse acoustic duo based in Olympia WA, featuring fiddle, guitar, harmony vocals, and foot percussion (Alex Sturbaum & Brian Lindsay). SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S DAY AFTERNOON DANCE! Intro lesson at 1:00pm. Dance 1:30- 4:00pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, December 31 2024
NYE Gala English Country Dance
This years New Year's Eve English Country Dance Gala will happen at Ballroom Blum
Tickets are still available! Email to be confirmed and get the link to purchase tickets. See for more information
Monday, December 30 2024
English Country Dance
A Close-to-New-Year's-Eve English Country Dance. 8 pm -- 1030 pm
Sharon McKinley will be calling the dances played by Mark Vidor on accordion, Jeff Steinberg on violin and Carl Friedman on piano
Feel free to being along a snack to share at the break; this enhances socializing!!
Please register at
Sunday, December 29 2024
Balfolk Music Session
BALFOLK MUSIC SESSION - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29th 1- 3 p.m., at the Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Road, Baltimore MD 21214. Balfolk refers to traditional and contemporary folk dance from France, Belgium, Brittany and a few other places. Dances include bourrée, mazurka, an dro, hanter dro and others. The music is interesting, rhythmic and lots of fun to play. Pretty easy, too! This will be a guided jam session, led by Mark Vidor. IT IS NOT A DANCE SESSION. All musicians and all instruments are welcome. No prior experience in the genre is necessary. Music will be provided at the session. Music is also available electronically in advance. For more information, contact Mark Vidor at
Tuesday, December 24 2024
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday zoom Song Swap 7:30
Wow, Christmans eve? Yes, we can share some songs!
The 4th Tuesday zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, December 23 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country Dance in a lovely hall. 8:00 -- 10:30 pm
Emily Aubrey returns to call for us, accompanied by Mark Vidor on accordion, Steven Epstein on clarinet, and Carl Friedman on the piano!
Please, feel free to bring along a snack to share, as it enhances our break time!
And please, remember to register at
Wednesday, December 18 2024
Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to the music of Charlie Pilzer & Zachary Mills. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, December 16 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Coutnry Dance on Beethoven's Birthday: 8 pm -- 1030 pm
April Blum calls the dances and Jeffrey Steinberg on violin, Marty Taylor on recorders and concertina, and Janina O'Brien will provde the music thereto.
Please feel free to bring a snack to share, as it encourages socializing during the break!
And please, register at
Saturday, December 14 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (one hour earlier)
Kappy Laning calling to Amberwing ~ Emily Aubrey - fiddle, Robin Wilson - flute, concertina, and sax, Janina O'Brien - piano
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Tuesday, December 10 2024
BFMS Song Swap
Join us at the In-person Song Swap at the Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214! We're delighted to be back singing in person! Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation welcome).
REMEMBER: If you are sick, not feeling well, etc. Please stay home.
This event occurs every 2nd Tuesday of the Month, 7:30-9:30pm
Monday, December 09 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Monday, December 09 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country Dance in a lovely hall. 8 pm -- 1030 pm
The Merrie Bande of Baltimore led by Emily Aubrey will provide the music called by Ann Fallon.
Feel free to bring a snack to share, as it bolsters socializing during the break.
And please, register at
Wednesday, December 04 2024
Contra Dance
Abigail Hobart calls to Backstep Cindy -- Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Joe Langley (guitar), Fred Cherney (banjo), and Shirley Echols (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, December 02 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country in a lovely space; 8 pm -- 1030 pm
Sharon McKinley will call the dances to be played by: Emily Aubrey on violin; Marty Taylor on recorders and concertina; and Janina O'Brien, primarily on piano.
Please feel free to bring a snack to share: it enhances socializing during the break. But come without a snack if you're not feeling led.
Please register online at:
Wednesday, November 27 2024
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to the music of Charlie Pilzer & Rebecca Weiss. SPECIAL 4th WEDS PRE-THANKSGIVING HURRICANE RELIEF FUNDRAISER DANCE!! Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Church of the Nativity. Online payment only:
Tuesday, November 26 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Tuesday, November 26 2024
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoom Song Swap. 7:30 November 26, 2024.
The 4th Tuesday zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, November 25 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English of Country Dance 8 pm -- 1030 pm
Caller Apil Blum with provide the dance program and instruction thereof, and Jonathan Jenson on piano, Elke Baker on violin and Susan Brandt on flute will provide quite.a dazzling display of musicality!
Please, bring a snack if so inclined. It enhances our break time and socializing therein.
Please register at
Saturday, November 23 2024
Balfolk Music Session
Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Road, Baltimore MD 21214. Balfolk refers to traditional and contemporary folk dance from France, Belgium, Brittany and a few other places. Dances include bourrée, mazurka, an dro, hanter dro and others. The music is interesting, rhythmic and lots of fun to play. Pretty easy, too! This will be a guided jam session, led by Mark Vidor. IT IS NOT A DANCE SESSION. All musicians and all instruments are welcome. No prior experience in the genre is necessary. Music will be provided at the session. Music is also available electronically in advance. For more information, contact Mark Vidor at Please note that this session is on SATURDAY, not Sunday (which has been the day for past sessions).
Wednesday, November 20 2024
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Contre Temps - McGregor Yatsevich (fiddle and mandolin), Andrew Tomlinson (flute and piccolo), Mark Vidor (piano and accordion). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, November 18 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country Dance 8 pm -- 1030 pm
Kappy Laning will call the dances and Marty Taylor on whisltes and recorders, Becky Ross on violin and Carl Friedman on piano will provide the tunes.
Please, bring a snack if you feel inspired to do so; it enhances the break and socializing!
and please register online at:
Tuesday, November 12 2024
In-person Song Swap
Join us for IN PERSON our monthly Song Swap Tuesday November 12 from 7:30 - 9:30 at the Four Hour Day Lutherie in Lauraville, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214
Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation for the venue welcome). Suggestion for November - songs about food?
Monday, November 11 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Monday, November 11 2024
English Country Dance
A Speical Birthday Celebration of Richard Joffe's 80th -- providing all free admission!
Guest Caller Tom Spillsbury and Liz Donaldson, piano; Carl Friedman and Elke Baker, both on violin/fiddle!
It will be quite a festive occasion!
Please register online at
Saturday, November 09 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (one hour earlier)
Greg Frock calling to John Sauer (guitar), Art Abrams (bass), Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), and Lisa Roberts (banjo)
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Wednesday, November 06 2024
Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), Ralph Barthine (guitar), Janina O’Brien (piano, whistle, bodhran). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, November 04 2024
English Country Dance
An Evening of English Country Dance
Complete with live music and caller who will teach the dance beforehand.
Please, bring a snack if you are so inclined. It makes for better socializing during the break!
Good parking and a lovely hall to dance in!
Ann Fallon calls the tunes played by Robin Wilson, concertina/flute, Jeff Steinberg, violin, and Janina O'Brien piano and probalby bodhrán and whistles
please register online at
Wednesday, October 30 2024
Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to Sugar Beat - Susan Brandt (flute), Elke Baker (fiddle), and Marc Glickman (piano). Special 5th Wednesday Halloween dance, costumes encouraged! Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, October 28 2024
English Country Dance
Special Halloween English Country Dance. 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Let your creativity flow and glow with the tunes provided by:
Robin WIlson on flute and concertina, Carl Friedman on violin, and Janina O'Brien on piano and perhaps more. ALL dances determined and called by Sharon McKinley.
Costumes and creative get-up are optional, but greatly encouraged!
Feel free to bring a spooky snack along for the break. It's a party!
Admission to this dance is free for all as part of Baltimore Free Fall!
Please register even if there is no cost, at
Saturday, October 26 2024
Autumn Assembly
BFMS is pleased to present its annual Baltimore Autumn Assembly English Ball on Saturday, October 26th, 2024, at the Church of the Redeemer. Come to our afternoon ball with refreshments, beautiful dancing, and elegant music by Tina Chancey, Paul Oorts and Jonathan Jensen from 1:30 to 5:00 PM. Each dance will have its own caller.
Attendance by on-line, pre-registration only
Festive attire is admired, but not required
A light snack will be served.
Please bring non-marking dance shoes to help preserve the floor.
Your 2024 Ball Chairs are Christopher Field and Ann Fallon, reachable by email at autumn_assembly at
For more information and registration visit
Tuesday, October 22 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Monday, October 21 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance, 8:00 - 10:30 pm
April Blum calls to the tunes provided by Liz Donaldson, piano; Mark Vidor, accordion; and Jeffrey Steinberg, violin
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Balitmore, MD 21212
Feel free to bring a snack to share at the break, if you wish.
Please register and pay on-line at
Wednesday, October 16 2024
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to the Baltimore Open Band led by McGregor Yatsevitch. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, October 14 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance 8;00 - 10:30 pm
Diane Schmit will call to the playing of Carl Friedman, violin; Steven Epstein, clarinet; and Ben Hobbs, piano.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212
Participants are invited to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please register and pay on-line .
Sunday, October 13 2024
BFMS Annual Picnic
ATTN: See for new information about construction in the park.
Looking forward to seeing you for the BFMS picnic on Sunday, October 13 from 12-4 PM at Lake Roland Park in Pavilion #2. See old friends and meet new ones! Bring a picnic lunch and a beverage, and if possible a folding chair, tablecloth, and your instrument. Please wear a name badge if you have one. If not, we will likely have markers and name stickers for you. Parking in the park is limited, so consider carpooling. Plentiful parking is in the Falls Road light rail lot adjacent to the park. Some of the picnic highlights will include singing, jamming, storytelling, hiking, and a clothing and cd exchange. For questions or to volunteer to help: or 410-979-8150. Please see the BFMS website for many other important details:
Saturday, October 12 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Andrea Nettleton calling to Nova, a neo-trad trio hailing from New England featuring Kathleen Fownes on fiddle, Everest Witman on guitar, and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin on accordion.
Dance lesson: 7:30
Admission is: Free for all (as part of Free Fall, sponsored by the Baltimore Office of Public Arts and BFMS).
Please pre-register. Online there will be an option to register for free.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Potluck snacks at the break.
Bring a little cash if you want to tip the band and caller, and contribute to the snacks.
Monday, October 07 2024
English Country Dance
Evening of English Country Dance 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Ann Fallon calls to playing by Marty Taylor on whistles, Ralph Barthine on guitar, and Janina O'Brien on piano, mostly.
Location: The Church of the Natvity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland, 21210
All are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. Please register and pay ahead, on-line at
Wednesday, October 02 2024
Contra Dance
Sargon de Jesus calls to music by Flamingo Sketches - Jared Kirkpatrick (piano, fiddle, mandolin, feet) and Tom Krumm (fiddle, mandolin). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, September 30 2024
English Country Dance
Monday English Country Dance 8:00 -- 10:30 pm
Christopher Field calling to the tunes of Liz Donaldson on piano, Becky Ross on fiddle/violin and Mark Vidor on accordion.
Location: The Church of the Natvity and Holy Comforter 6112 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21210
All are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. Please register and pay on-line .
Thursday, September 26 2024
BFMS Fall Picnic - Save the Date Below
Put the BFMS Fall Picnic on your calendar.
Sunday, October 13, 2024, 12pm to 4 pm - not the date above
Thanks to the generous donation of BFMS member Ellice Brahms, the almost annual BFMS picnic will return this Fall. We are pleased to announce that we are returning to the lovely pavilion at Lake Roland Park. Socializing, clothing swap, singing, jamming, games and hiking will be part of the fun. Stay tuned for more details.Tuesday, September 24 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Tuesday, September 24 2024
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday BFMS zoom song swap. September 24, 7:30
The 4th Tuesday BFMS zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, September 23 2024
4th Monday English Country Dance
English Country Dance 8-10:30 pm
Diane Schmit will call, and Jeffrey Steinberg, violin; Marty Taylor, whistles; and Janina O'Brien, piano will play the tunes
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, September 18 2024
Contra Dance
Janine Smith and Susan Taylor call to The Dead Sea Squirrels - Cathy Mason (fiddle), Craig Edwards (fiddle, banjo, and mandolin), and Henry Yoshimura (guitar). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, September 16 2024
Special 3rd Monday English Country Dance
English Country Dance 8-10:30 pm
Kappy Laning will call to the playing of Susan Brandt on flute, Tom Wright on mandolin and Jonathan Jensen at the piano
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Saturday, September 14 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Sue Gola calling to Zachary Mills fiddle & feet, Bobby LaRose mandolin, and Charlie Pilzer piano
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Monday, September 09 2024
2nd Monday English Country Dance
English Country Dance 8-10:30 pm
Ann Fallon will call to the tunes of Carl Friedman, violin; Ralph Barthine on guitar; and Ben Hobbs at the plastic ivories
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Saturday, September 07 2024
Contra Dance Demo at the Baltimore by Baltimore Festival
5:30 -6:00
Join us for a short Contra Dance demo in the heart of Baltimore! Greg Frock calls to the music of Shane Knudsen, Brenna Hogan and Charley Beller in the Inner Harbor. BFMS will join other community groups for a Baltimore dance showcase! Come enjoy the music and dancing and help us share the joy of contra dance. The FREE festival runs 12pm-8pm, with Contra at 5:30 at Light and Pratt. More info at the Waterfront Partnership.
Wednesday, September 04 2024
Contra Dance
Carl Friedman calls to music by Strings on Wings: Barb Schmid (fiddle), Todd Clewel (guitar), Aaron Blouin (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, August 27 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Monday, August 26 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Kappy Laning leads the dancing to music by Robin Wilson (flute, concertina), Mark Vidor (accordion) and Benn Hobbs (piano).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Thursday, August 22 2024
BFMS Song Swap
Tuesday August 22 7:30 . BFMS zoom song swap
The 4th Tuesday BFMS zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Wednesday, August 21 2024
Contra Dance
April Blum calls to music by Lovely Lane String Band - Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), John Sauer (guitar), Lisa Roberts (banjo), and Art Abrams (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only.
Sunday, August 18 2024
1 pm - 3 pm. The Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. 21214. Balfolk refers to traditional and contemporary folk dance from France, Belgium, Brittany and a few other places. Dances include bourrée, mazurka, an dro, hanter dro and others. The music is interesting, rhythmic and lots of fun to play. Pretty easy, too! This will be a guided jam session, led by Mark Vidor. IT IS NOT A DANCE SESSION. All musicians and all instruments are welcome. No prior experience in the genre is necessary. Music will be provided at the session. Music is also available electronically in advance. For more information, contact Mark Vidor at
Monday, August 12 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
April Blum calling to music by Becky Ross (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet, saxophone) and Charlie Pilzer, piano
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Saturday, August 10 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Kim Forry calling to The Orphans - a high energy trio, with a specialty for French Canadian tunes,
Peter Buchak on accordion, Ben Kennedy on piano, Miranda Weinberg on fiddle.
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Wednesday, August 07 2024
Contra Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to music by Megan Beller (fiddle) and Charley Beller (mandolin, banjo, feet). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Saturday, August 03 2024
A SPECIAL CONTRA DANCE in partnership with Charlestown Senior Living Community
A SPECIAL CONTRA DANCE in partnership with Charlestown Senior Living Community
1:30-4:00 PM
Ann Fallon calling to music by Jumping Sharks (Robin Wilson, Emily Aubrey, and Michael Raitzyk)
Dance lesson: 1:00 PM
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged.
Location: Charlestown Senior Living Community. 719 Maiden Choice Lane, Catonsville, MD 21228. Follow signs for Cross Creek Station Clubhouse. The dance will be in the Conference Center within the Clubhouse.
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Tuesday, July 23 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Tuesday, July 23 2024
BFMS Song Swap
The 4TH Tuesday Zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
7:30 July 23. Link below
Monday, July 22 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Andrea Nettleton calling to music by Elke Baker (violin), Carl Friedman (piano) and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, July 17 2024
Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to music by Ken Kolodner, Elke Baker, and Liz Donaldson. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Saturday, July 13 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (one hour earlier)
Greg Frock calling to Charley Beller and Megan Wobus, and friends
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Monday, July 08 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Sharon McKinley will lead the dancing to music by Becky Ross (violin), Francine Krasowska (piano) and Steve Epstein (clarinet, saxophone)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, July 03 2024
Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Janina O'Brien (piano), Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Robin Wilson (flute, sax, etc). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Sunday, June 30 2024
1 pm – 3 pm @ The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214.
Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This free guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, rond de St Vincent, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format, contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Tuesday, June 25 2024
Baltimore Shape Note Singing
7pm to 9:30pm. Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD. Join us in America's oldest musical tradition! Experience the joy of singing a cappella choral music in four-part harmony. Shaped note heads aid sight reading. No experience needed, and loaner books are available. Attendance is free. All are welcome! More information,
Tuesday, June 25 2024
BFMS Song Swap
The 4TH Tuesday Zoom Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
7:30 June 25. Link below
Monday, June 24 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Ann Fallon will lead the dancing to music by Susan Wright (flute), Charlie Pilzer (piano) and Tom Wright (mandolin).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, June 19 2024
Contra Dance
Ben Sela and Rebecca Anger call to music by Charlie Pilzer (piano), Bobby LaRose (mandolin), and Zachary Mills (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Friday, June 14 2024
BFMS Catoctin Mountain Music and Dance Weekend
Still time to join us for the 2024 edition of the BFMS Catoctin Mountain Music and Dance Weekend.
A fabulous weekend of folk music, craft and dancing near Thurmont, MD. Starts dinner time Fri Jun14 and goes through dinner Sun June 16th, Check out the details on our Catoctin page and register and then pay online.
Monday, June 10 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Diane Schmit will lead the dancing to music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Janina O'Brien (piano), and Ralph Barthine (guitar).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Saturday, June 08 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Steve Gester calling to Renee Mendenhall (accordion), Janina O'Brien (keyboard), and Steven Epstein (clarinet and sax)
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Wednesday, June 05 2024
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to music by Contra Intuitive - Peggy Kaiser (piano), Ryck Kaiser (fiddle), and special guest Dan Levenson (fiddle, banjo). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Wednesday, May 29 2024
Catoctin Weekend June 14-16
Discounts still available on Catoctin admissions ends May 30th
The weekend is Friday June 14th-Sunday June 16th
Monday, May 20 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Mike Franch will lead the dancing to the music of the Geud Band of Baltimore!
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, May 15 2024
Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to music by Ladies in the Parlor - Barb Schmid (fiddle), Freya Qually (guitar), Suzanne Gates (bass), and Sharon Sacks (banjo). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, May 13 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Kappy Lanng will lead the dancing to music by Becky Ross, (violin), Liz Donaldson, (piano) and Mark Vidor, (accordion)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Saturday, May 11 2024
BFMS State of Society Meeting at 2nd Saturday Dance
Annual meeting of the BFMS Membership will be held at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Members arriving by 7:10 attend dance for free.
Otherwise, online payment only.
You can prepay or register for free admission to reserve your spot.
If you want to attend the meeting via Zoom, email 2ndsat at (replace at with @) by April 30.
See Second Saturday dance event for informationon about the dance that follows
Click link above (web) or below (newsletter) to see more general info on Annual Meeting.
Saturday, May 11 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Andrea Nettleton calling to Terpsichore ~ Elke Baker, fiddle, Liz Donaldson, piano, and Ralph Gordon, bass
7 pm Annual Membership Meeting, followed by the dance at 8, including ECD and contra
Dance lesson: 7:45-8:00 (if meeting has ended)
Members arriving by 7:10 attend dance for free.
Everyone is asked to preregister. Members arriving by 7:10, select the BFMS member -$10 option. Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged.
Admission is: $10 BFMS members arriving after 7:10 & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Saturday, May 11 2024
Balfolk dance (bal)
1 pm – 4 pm. The Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21214
An afternoon of traditional folk dance from France and Brittany! All dances are taught. They’re easy to learn, easy to do and a whole lot of fun! Try out the bourree, hanter dro, laride, valse, polka and more! Live Music by Balfolk Balto: Ralph Dubayah, hurdy gurdy; Ted Porter, French bagpipes, mandolin; Mark Vidor, accordion. Dance Instruction by Gene Baron. $10 General Admission. For more information:
Wednesday, May 01 2024
Contra Dance
David Giusti calls to Wyndream - Janet Muse (piano), Chelle Fulk (fiddle), and David Knight (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Sunday, April 28 2024
1 pm – 3 pm @ The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214.
Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This free guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, rond de St Vincent, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks: Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format, contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Wednesday, April 24 2024
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoom songswap MOVED TO WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 7:30,
The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. While we have been getting together on zoom, the 4th Tuesday BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Lots of seasonal songs......
Monday, April 22 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Emily Aubrey will lead the dancing to music by Carl Friedman, (violin), Francine Krasowska (piano) and Robin Wilson, (flute and concertina)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, April 17 2024
Contra Dance
Daniel Friedman calls to great live music from the fabulous Baltimore Open Band! Come out and support your local musicians with a great night of dancing. If you'd like to join the Open Band, please email amdance[at]bfms[dot]org. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Sunday, April 14 2024
Album Release Concert Blue Jean Day
3 pm, St. Margaret's Church Fellowship Hall, 1601 Pleasant Plains Road, Annapolis, MD 21409. Also performing will be Ernie Tucker on guitar, mandolin, banjo and bass; and Brock Holmes, guitar and piano. Reception following with CDs for sale. Free-will offering in support of Save the Children. For info call 410.972.6535. Visit
Saturday, April 13 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Sargon de Jesus calling to The Hollertones, Paul Brown - banjo, mandolin & fiddle, Linda Scutt - fiddle, Jeanie Thieken Creamer - guitar, Nick Weiland - upright bass
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Tuesday, April 09 2024
BFMS Song Swap
Howdy folkies. Come sing with us Tuesday April 9 at the 4 Hour Day Lutherie at 7:30. We enjoy each other's company while we sing songs we like. Some add harmony, others sing along robustly, others quietly, and some just hum (or clap their hands, or paws...). All welcome! Hope to see your smiling face! Nice weather, too!
4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214
Monday, April 08 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Sharon McKinley will lead the dancing to music by Emily Aubrey, (violin), Charlie Pilzer (piano) and Steve Epstein, (clarinet).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, April 03 2024
Contra Dance
Perry Shafran calls to Petrichord - Sophie Chang (cello) Colleen Holroyd (fiddle, feet), and Bobby LaRose (piano, mandolin, bones). Caller TBD. Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, March 26 2024
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS Zoom songswap.March 26, 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. Check the link at our facebook page
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, March 25 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Ann Fallon will lead the dancing to music by Becky Ross, (violin), Jonathan Jensen (piano) and Marty Taylor (whistles and concertina)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, March 20 2024
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calsl to music by Steve Epstein (clarinet and sax), Renee Mendenhall (accordion), Janina O'Brien (keyboard). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, March 12 2024
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS live song circle TuesdayMarch 12 at the 4 Hour a Day Lutherie in Lauraville, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214 7:30-9:30 p.m. Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation welcome). We are once a month every 2nd Tuesday.
Monday, March 11 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Val Medve visits Baltimore and will call dances while Emily Aubrey (violin), Janina O'Brien (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina) play the tunes.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Sunday, March 10 2024
1 pm – 3 pm @ The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214. Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This free guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, gavotte de l’Aven, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks: Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format, contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Saturday, March 09 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (1 hour earlier)
April Blum calling to
Some Assembly ~ ~ Mary Corletta Flora – flute, sax, penny whistles, Joe Klausner – violin, mandolin, Adam Lee – guitar, Donna Moore Boylan – piano, and Iain Sturrock - percussion, bass uke, vocals
Dance lesson: 6:30 PM
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Wednesday, March 06 2024
Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Janina O'Brien (piano) and Robin Wilson (flute, sax, and concertina). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, February 27 2024
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS Zoom songswap.Feb 27. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. Check the link at our facebook page
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, February 26 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
April Blum will call dances while Jeff Steinberg (violin), Ben Hobbs (piano), and Ralph Barthine (guitar) play the tunes.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, February 21 2024
Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to Contra Rebels - Todd Clewell (fiddle), Barb Schmid (fiddle), Henry Koretzsky (guitar), Aaron Blouin (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, February 13 2024
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS live song circle TuesdayFeb 13 at the 4 Hour a Day Lutherie in Lauraville, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214 7:30-9:30 p.m. Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation welcome). We are once a month every 2nd Tuesday.
Monday, February 12 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Christopher Field leads the dancing to music by Elke Baker (violin) and Jacqueline Schwab (piano).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Saturday, February 10 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (1 hour earlier)
Caroline Barnes calling to
Rhythmajigs - Patti Reum on flutes and whistles, Michael Giordano on fiddle and mandolin, and Jack Maus on piano
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Wednesday, February 07 2024
Contra Dance
April Blum calls to Waverley Station - Liz Donaldson (keyboard), Ralph Gordon (bass), and David Courret-Knight (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Sunday, February 04 2024
1-3 pm at the Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. 21214. Come play traditional and contemporary folk dance music from France and Brittany. Guided jam session, tunes books provided. An dro, hanter dro, bourree, mazurka, and much more! All instruments welcome, no prior experience required. This is a music session - NOT a dance. For more information contact Mark Vidor,
Saturday, January 27 2024
2024 BFMS MidWinter Ball
Music by Triple Helix with Anna Rain calling
Saturday January 27, 2024
6:15 - Social/Gathering
6:45 - Grand March
7-10 - Contra and Couples Dancing
Church of the Redeemer: 5603 North Charles St Baltimore
Tuesday, January 23 2024
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS Zoom songswap.Jan 23, 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. Check the link at our facebook page
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, January 22 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
January 22: Andrea Nettleton leads the dancing with music by Elke Baker (violin) and Larry Unger (guitar and more).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Please pay on-line at
Wednesday, January 17 2024
Contra Dance
Anna Rain calls to Starling - Jared Kirkpatrick (fiddle, mandolin, piano, feet) and Mo Brachfeld (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Saturday, January 13 2024
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (1 hour earlier)
Kappy Laning calling to Richard Osban (guitar), Joanna Clare (fiddle) and Laura Byrne (flute)
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Tuesday, January 09 2024
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS live song circle Tuesday Jan 9 at the 4 Hour a Day Lutherie in Lauraville, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214 7:30-9:30 p.m. Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation welcome). We are once a month every 2nd Tuesday.
Monday, January 08 2024
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
January 8: Jan Danek and Paul Ballard celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary by sponsoring this dance!
Sharon McKinley leads the dancing with music by Carl Friedman (violin), Francine Krasowska (piano) and Mark Vidor (accordion).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Admission to this dance is free!
Wednesday, January 03 2024
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to music by Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Tom Wright (10-string mandolin), and Charlie Pilzer (piano). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Sunday, December 31 2023
Gala New Year's Eve English Dance
8:00 pm - 12:30 am
Melissa Running will call dances to music by Becky Ross (violin), Liz Donaldson (piano) and Bruce Edwards (bassoon and concertina).
8:00 pm Doors open, Reception with light refreshments
8:30 pm Waltzing
8:45 pm Dancing Begins
Part 1: Dancing for the Olde Yeare
10:15 pm Break for refreshments, socializing
10:45 pm Part 2: Goodbye to the Olde Yeare
Revelry to Marke the Impending Transit
Midnight Libation for Celebration (champagne & non-alcoholic)
12:10 am Part 3: Dancing for the New Yeare and First Last Waltz of 2024
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
Dance is mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. There will be snacks provided but participants are encouraged to bring snacks to share.
Sunday, December 31 2023
Ring in the New Year with a BALFOLK MUSIC SESSION at the Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Road, Baltimore 21214. Traditional and contemporary folk dance tunes from France, Belgium and Brittany. An dro, hanter dro, mazurka, bourree, and much more! Lots of fun, and easy to play. All instruments welcome. No prior experience with the genre required. Tunebooks provided; also available in advance by PDF from Mark Vidor, This is a guided jam session, not a dance session. Bring your instruments and have some fun! For more information contact Mark at the above email address.
Wednesday, December 20 2023
Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to Triple Helix - Colleen Reed (flute), Paul Oorts (mandolin), and Keith Gillis (guitar). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, December 18 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Dec. 18 Diane Schmit leads the dancing with music by Carl Friedman (violin), Janina O’Brien (piano and more) and Mark Vidor (accordion).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Monday, December 11 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Dec. 11 Sharon McKinley celebrates the 30th anniversary of her heart valve! Sharon will call dances to music by Tina Chancy (violin), Jonathan Jensen (piano) and Marty Taylor (concertina and winds).
PLEASE NOTE: Admission to this dance is free, thanks to Sharon! But on-line registration is required.
Please register at
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break.
Saturday, December 09 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (1 hour earlier)
Greg Frock calling to:
Back Step Cindy ~ Joe Langley - guitar and vocals, Fred Cherney - banjo, Shirley Echols - bass fiddle, Sandy Hofferth - fiddle
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Thursday, December 07 2023
2024 BFMS MidWinter Ball
Save the date!
Saturday January 27, 2024 6:30-10
Triple Helix with Anna Rain calling
Church of the RedeemerWednesday, December 06 2023
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to music by Charlie Pilzer (piano) and Zachary Mills (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, November 28 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday BFMS Zoom songswap, 7:30. We are continuing our 4th Tuesday transcontinental and international Zoom songswap with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person! Check the song swap Facebook page ( for dates and the zoom link.
Monday, November 27 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
November 27: Kappy Laning leads the dances while Jonathan Jensen (piano), Susan Brandt (flute) and Tom Wright (10 string mandolin) play the tunes.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, November 15 2023
Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to music by Strings on Wings - Todd Clewell (guitar) and Barb Schmid (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, November 14 2023
BFMS Song Swap
Great News! We are going live again at the 4 Hour a Day Lutherie in Lauraville, 4305 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21214 Once a month on the 2nd Tuesday.
2nd Tuesday Song Swap: Folk song circle 7:30-9:30 p.m. We're delighted to be back singing in person! Bring a favorite folk-genre song or two to share with our community of singers. Chorus songs or repeated refrains are encouraged. You can lead a song, sing along, hum, listen, or add some accompaniment. No mic, no pressure, no performance. Just singing together in a friendly, supportive space! Free (pass-the-hat goodwill donation welcome).
Monday, November 13 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
November 13: Emily Aubrey calls dances to the music of Jeff Steinberg, (violin); Charlie Pilzer (piano) and Steve Epstein (clarinet).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Saturday, November 11 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (1 hour earlier)
Kim Forry calls to Amberwing, Emily Aubrey, Robin Wilson and Janina O'Brien
Dance lesson: 6:30 PM
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. People under 21 and students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Saturday, November 11 2023
Singer/Songwriter Lynn Hollyfield with Dave Abe
Singer-songwriter Lynn Hollyfield plays a diverse repertoire of contemporary folk, pop, blues and jazz. She will be accompanied again by Dave Abe, on mandolin and violin. Lynn’s website for samples of music and bio: Potluck 6:00pm, music @ 7:00pm, 101 Longdale Rd, Timonium, MD. RSVP to Brenda (410) 560-4953, Suggested donation: $20.
Wednesday, November 01 2023
Contra Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to Callithump - Glyn Collison (mandolin), Andrew Marcus (accordion), David Knight (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Saturday, October 28 2023
Autumn Assembly English Country Dance Ball
October 28 2023
Autumn Assembly English Country Dance Ball
12 noon-3:30 PM
Come to our afternoon ball with refreshments, beautiful dancing, and elegant music by Trio con Brio (Elke Baker, violin; Paul Oorts, strings; and Jonathan Jensen, piano).
Church of the Redeemer, 5603 N Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210
Registration open now!
Tuesday, October 24 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday BFMS Zoom songswap, 7:30. We are continuing our 4th Tuesday transcontinental and international Zoom songswap with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person! Check the song swap Facebook page ( for dates and the zoom link.
Monday, October 23 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance
8:00pm - 10:30pm
October 23: April Blum leads the dancing to the music of Carl Friedman, (violin); Janina O'Brien (piano and more) and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Sunday, October 22 2023
Balfolk Music Session
1 pm – 3 pm @ The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214. Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This free guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, gavotte de l’Aven, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks: Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format, contact Information: Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Wednesday, October 18 2023
Contra Dance
Kappy Lanning calls to Contre Temps - McGregor Yatsevitch (fiddle, mandolin), Andrew Tomlinson (flute), and Mark Vidor (accordion, piano). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
We learned George Mercer, a long time member of BFMS, died recently while recuperating from injuries he received a couple of months ago. In honor of his memory, if you are so inclined, wear a shirt with a Hawaiian flower pattern. If you'd like to share a memory of George, we encourage you to do so at the break.
Sunday, October 15 2023
BFMS Fall Picnic 2023
Join old friends and new friends for an afternoon of picnicking, fun, music, hiking, and relaxation at the beautiful Lake Roland Park! Much information about the park is available on their website:
BFMS will have our own pavilion with long tables! The pavilion is right next to a great playground.
Go to the picnic web page (above or below) to get more information
Saturday, October 14 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
April Blum calling to:
Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake ~ Carl Friedman - fiddle, Robin Wilson - flute, concertina, sax, Ralph Barthine - guitar, Janina O’Brien - piano, accordion, bodhran, whistle
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: free. Potluck snacks at the break.
We learned George Mercer, a long time member of BFMS, died recently while recuperating from injuries he received a couple of months ago. In honor of his memory, if you are so inclined, wear a shirt with a Hawaiian flower pattern. George wore this style of shirt to dances.
Tuesday, October 10 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday Song Swap. 7:30 The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Song swap facebook page:
Monday, October 09 2023
English Country Dance
Christopher Field calls dances to the music of Emily Aubrey, fiddle; Carl Friedman, piano; and Marty Taylor, whistles and concertina.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, October 04 2023
Contra Dance
Come dance to fabulous music by the Baltimore Open Band with calling by Greg Frock. Interested in joining the Open Band? Email amdance[at] for information. Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
We learned George Mercer, a long time member of BFMS, died recently while recuperating from injuries he received a couple of months ago. In honor of his memory, if you are so inclined, wear a shirt with a Hawaiian flower pattern. If you'd like to share a memory of George, we encourage you to do so at the break.
Tuesday, September 26 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday BFMS songswap,
September 26, 7:30zoom Link at our lage
We continue our transcontinental, transnational event!
For (mobile) locals, stay tuned for monthly in person songswap update!
Monday, September 25 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
September 25: Andrea Nettleton leads dances to the music of Becky Ross
(violin); Janina O'Brien (piano and more) and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, September 20 2023
Contra Dance
Harris Lapiroff calls to music by Larry Unger (guitar) and Caroline McCaskey (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, September 12 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday BFMS zoom songswap,
September 12, 7:30 Link at our lage
We continue our transcontinental, transnational event!
For (mobile) locals, stay tuned for monthly in person songswap update!
Monday, September 11 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
September 11: BFMS welcomes Jacqueline Schwab to the piano, with local favorite Elke Baker on violin, while Ann Fallon calls the dances.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Saturday, September 09 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM (1 hr earlier than usual)
Penelope Weinberger calling to
Claire Noonan - button accordion, Keira Noonan - fiddle, Richard Osban - guitar
Dance lesson: 6:30
Online payment only.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: free
Potluck snacks at the break.
Wednesday, September 06 2023
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Wombat Crossing - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Charlie Pilzer (piano). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at the air-conditioned Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, August 28 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
August 28; Sharon McKinley celebrates her birthday by calling dances to the music of Jeff Steinberg (fiddle), Charlie Pilzer (piano) and Ralph Barthine (guitar). Happy Birthday, Sharon!!
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Sunday, August 27 2023
1 pm – 3 pm @ The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214. Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This free guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, gavotte de l’Aven, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks: Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format, contact .
Information: Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Tuesday, August 22 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Songswap 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
See the songswap page for the linlk>
Wednesday, August 16 2023
Contra Dance
April Blum calls to music by Some Assembly - Mary Corletta-Flora (flute, sax, pennywhistle), Joe Klausner (fiddle, mandolin), Adam Lee (bodhran, guitar), and Donna Boylan (keyboard). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, August 14 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
August 14: Diane Schmit calls while Becky Ross (fiddle), Carl Friedman (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina and more!) play the tunes.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Saturday, August 12 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Caroline Barnes calling to:
Petrichord - Sophie Chang (cello), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle, feet), Bobby LaRose (piano, mandolin, bones)
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Potluck snacks at the break.
Tuesday, August 08 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday zoom song swap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
See the songswap page for the linlk>
Wednesday, August 02 2023
Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to fabulous live music by Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Michael Raitzyk (guitar). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, July 25 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoom songswap. 7:30.,July 25. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
P.S. We are working on a location for getting back together in person. Stay tuned.......
Monday, July 24 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
July 24: Kappy Laning calls to the music of Becky Ross (violin), Janina O'Brien (piano) and Marty Taylor (whistles and concertina).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, July 19 2023
Contra Dance
Carl Friedman calls to music by Ken Kolodner (fiddle, hammered dulcimer), Megan Beller (fiddle), and Charley Beller (mandolin, banjo). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at the air-conditioned Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, July 11 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd h Tuesday Zoom songswap. 7:30.,July 11 The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
P.S. We are working on a location for getting back together in person. Stay tuned.......
Monday, July 10 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
July 10: April Blum calls to the music of Carl Friedman (violin), Ben Hobbs (piano) and Mark Vidor (accordion).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Dances are mask optional and proof of vaccination not required. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Sunday, July 09 2023
Balfolk Music Session
Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany.1-3 pm @ The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214. This guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, gavotte de l’Aven, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Session is free, but a voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks: Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format. Information: Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Saturday, July 08 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Carl Friedman calling to:
Contre Temps ~ McGregor Yatsevitch - fiddle, Andrew Tomlinson - flute, Mark Vidor - accordion/piano
Dance lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Wednesday, July 05 2023
Contra Dance
Frannie Marr calls to Sugar Beat - Elke Baker (fiddle), Susan Brandt (flute), and Marc Glickman (piano). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at the air-conditioned Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, June 27 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoom songswap. 7:30., this week (June 27) The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, June 26 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
June 26: Emily Aubrey calls while Laurie Andres (accordion), Jonathan Jensen (piano), and Susan Brandt (flute) play the tunes.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Starting May 1, 2023, unless otherwise noted, we will be not be requiring vaccinations and masks for in-person events. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, June 21 2023
Special Contra Dance in Honor of Renate and Jeff's 50th Anniversary
Please join Renate and Jeff for a special contra dance to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary! The location is the usual, Lovely Lane Church in Baltimore, but admission is free because Renate and Jeff are sponsoring the dance. Just register as usual: . All are welcome! Intro workshop at 7:30pm.
Anna Rain will be calling to the music of Are We There Yet - Susan Brandt (flute), Tom Wright (mandolin), Tina Chancey (fiddle), and Charlie Pilzer (on piano and squeezebox).
A note from Renate and Jeff: We danced our first contra 36 years ago on a Wednesday night at Lovely Lane, and we would love to have you celebrate with us by doing what we love the most—dancing with the friends who have been so dear to us over the years. No presents, please, but if you like, please consider a donation to the Baltimore Folk Music Society.
Friday, June 16 2023
BFMS Catoctin Mountain Music & Dance Weekend
BFMS Catoctin Mountain Music and Dance Weekend * Thurmont, MD
From Potluck dinner on Friday, June 16 through Supper on Sunday, June 18, 2023
Join dancers and musicians of all ages for a participatory intergenerational weekend of dancing, singing, workshops, jamming, crafts, hiking and more in a beautiful mountain setting from $99 per person ($129 after May 15th). All cabins updated (overhead fans, electric outlets), and don't forget the heated pool. New this year: dancing and workshops on Sunday afternoon!
Tuesday, June 13 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday Zoom songswap. 7:30., this week (June 13) The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, June 12 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
June 12: Christopher Field calls to the music of Elke Baker (fiddle), Janina O'Brien (piano), and Barbara Gorin (cello).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Starting May 1, 2023, unless otherwise noted, we will be not be requiring vaccinations and masks for in-person events. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Saturday, June 10 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Andrea Nettleton calls to Amberwing, Emily Aubrey, Robin Wilson and Janina O'Brien
New dancer lesson: 7:30 PM
Use this link for online payment
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Wednesday, June 07 2023
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to music by Contra Intuitive - Ryck Kaiser (fiddle) and Peggy Shutes Kaiser (keyboard) with speical guest Dan Levenson (banjo, fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Tuesday, May 23 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoomm songswap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person. Check the song swap facebook page for the link.
Monday, May 22 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
May 22: Sharon McKinley calls to the music of Jonathan Jensen (piano), Tom Wright (mandolin) and Susan Brandt (flute). .
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Starting May 1, 2023, unless otherwise noted, we will be not be requiring vaccinations and masks for in-person events. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, May 17 2023
Contra Dance
Daniel Friedman calls to Unbowed - Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Mike Henry (guitar), and Aaron Blouin (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only:
Monday, May 15 2023
BFMS Catoctin Weekend Early Registration
BFMS Catoctin Mountain Music and Dance Weekend * Thurmont, MD
From Potluck dinner on Friday, June 16 through Supper on Sunday, June 18, 2023
Join dancers and musicians of all ages for a participatory intergenerational weekend of dancing, singing, workshops, jamming, crafts, hiking and more in a beautiful mountain setting from $99 per person. All cabins updated (overhead fans, electric outlets), and don't forget the heated pool. New this year: dancing and workshops on Sunday afternoon!
Early bird discounts now through May 15th
Saturday, May 13 2023
BFMS State of the Society Meeting
It is time once again for the Annual State-of-the-Society meeting of the Baltimore Folk Music Society. All members are invited to join us to hear about the past year's activities, and plans for the future. The evening's agenda will include a report from our President, Lisa Kornberg; a report from our Treasurer, Tom Bryson; and a proposed slate of BFMS Board candidates from our Nominating Committee. After that, the floor will be open for additional nominations, and board members will be available to answer questions about BFMS events and operations.
This year's meeting will be live but we will try to provide also via Zoom where it should be accessible through your computer, phone or tablet. If you are planning to come, please select a free ticket at and arrive by 7:10pm. Though you will not have to pay, preregistering like this lets us know that you are coming and gives us a means to notify people if communicable illness is reported afterwards
Saturday, May 13 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
BFMS members annual meeting 7 pm
Dance 8-10:30 pm following the meeting, English Country and Contra dances
Kappy Laning calling to Terpsichore ~ Elke Baker fiddle, Liz Donaldson piano, Ralph Gordon bass
New dancer lesson: 7:45ish
Use this link for online payment
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission: Free BFMS members who arrive by 7:10 (select $10 discount); otherwise $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Tuesday, May 09 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday Zoomm songswap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person. Check the song swap facebook page for the link.
Monday, May 08 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
May 8: Andrea Nettleton calls to the music of Carl Friedman (fiddle), Charlie Pilzer (piano) and Steve Epstein (clarinet).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212.
PLEASE NOTE: Starting May 1, 2023, unless otherwise noted, we will be not be requiring vaccinations and masks for in-person events. Participants are welcome to bring individually wrapped snacks to share at the break. On-line payments only.
Sunday, May 07 2023
Balfolk Music Session
Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. Mazurka, bourrée, an dro, hanter dro, valse, gavotte de l’Aven, and MORE! This is a MUSIC SESSION, not a dance. Session is free, but a voluntary donation for the Lutherie will be collected. Tunebooks: Tunebooks will be available at the session. Also available in advance electronically in PDF format: contact & info:, 410-790-4072. The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
Wednesday, May 03 2023
Contra Dance
Come dance to live music! Andrea Nettleton calls to special guests The Dead Sea Squirrels - Craig Edwards (fiddle), Cathy Mason (fiddle), and Henry Yoshimura (guitar). Intro lesson at 7:30pm. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church. Online payment only: . No cash at the door.
Tuesday, April 25 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoomm songswap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, April 24 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
April 24: April Blum calls to the music of Jeff Steinberg (fiddle), Ben Hobbs (piano) and Mark Vidor (accordion).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, April 19 2023
Contra Dance
Susan Taylor calls to music by Ladies in the Parlor - Barb Schmid (fiddle), Freya Qually (guitar), Suzanne Gates (bass), Sharon Sacks (banjo). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Tuesday, April 11 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday Zoomm songswap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, April 10 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
April 10: Kappy Laning calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Janina O'Brien (piano) and Ralph Barthine (guitar).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Saturday, April 08 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Kim Forry calling to:
Dead Sea Squirrels - Cathy Mason (Fiddle), Henry Yoshimura (guitar), Craig Edwards (fiddle, banjo, mando)
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Wednesday, April 05 2023
No Contra Dance Tonight
No contra dance tonight. We look forward to dancing with you on Wednesday, April 19th!
Wednesday, March 29 2023
Special 5th Wednesday Contra Dance
Special 5th Wednesday Contra Dance! Due to the many holidays in early April, we won't be dancing on our usual 1st Wednesday, so get your dance fix now! Come dance to the long-awaited return of the Baltimore Open Band, with calling by April Blum. Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Monday, March 27 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Christopher Field calls to the music of Becky Ross (fiddle), Francine Krasowska (piano) and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, and more!!).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, March 22 2023
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Zoomm songswap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Wednesday, March 15 2023
Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to live music by Petrichord - Sophie Chang (cello), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle, feet), and Bobby LaRose (piano, mandolin, bones). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Monday, March 13 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
March 13: Diane Schmit calls to the music of Carl Friedman (fiddle), Judy Meyers (piano) and Ralph Barthine (guitar).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Saturday, March 11 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Andrea Nettleton calling to Rhythmajigs:
Patti Reum on flutes and whistles, Michael Giordano on fiddle and mandolin, and Jack Maus on piano
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Use this link for online payment
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Wednesday, March 08 2023
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday Zoomm songswap. 7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Wednesday, March 01 2023
Contra Dance
Kappy Lanning calls to music by Terpsichore - Elke Baker (fiddle), Liz Donaldson (piano), and Ralph Gordon (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Tuesday, February 28 2023
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, February 27 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
February 27 TROPICAL STAYCATION EVENING! Wish you were someplace warm? Join Emily Aubrey for the traditional Tropical Staycation dance to remind us that winter doesn't last forever! Emily will call to the music of Trio Con Brio: Elke Baker (violin), Paul Oorts (mandolin, concertina), Jonathan Jensen (piano)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, February 15 2023
Contra Dance
Daniel Friedman calls to live music by Wombat Crossing - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Charlie Pilzer (piano). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Tuesday, February 14 2023
BFMS Song Swap
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Monday, February 13 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Andrea Nettleton calls to the music of Jeff Steinberg (violin), Ben Hobbs (piano), Steve Epstein (clarinet).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Saturday, February 11 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Caroline Barnes calling to Contra Rebels ~ Henry Koretzky (guitar), Barb Schmid (fiddle) and Todd Clewell (fiddle)
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
In case of inclement weather, check for an event cancellation notice.
Wednesday, February 01 2023
Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to tunes by Strings on Wings - Todd Clewell (guitar) and Barb Schmid (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Saturday, January 28 2023
MidWinter Ball
2023 Mid Winter Ball: "All That Glitters".
Band: Frog Hammer, featuring Jim Besser on concertina, Andrew Marcus on accordion, Michael Ferguson on harpejji, Dave Casserly on saxophone, Glyn Collinson on bozouki, guitar, vocals, and Bob Collins on drums
Caller: Caroline Barnes
3 pm to 5 pm: English Ceilidh
7:30 pm to 11 pm: Contras and Ceilidhs, beginning with a Grand March by Stan Fowler
2640 Space
2640 St. Paul Street
Baltimore, MD
Link to register:
Tuesday, January 24 2023
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Check our facebook page for the link.
Monday, January 23 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00 - 10:30 pm
Kappy Laning calls to the music of Elke Baker (violin), Janina O'Brien (piano), and Mark Vidor (accordion)
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, January 18 2023
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Unbowed - Henry Koretzsky (mandolin, guitar) and Jill Smith (piano). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Saturday, January 14 2023
2nd Saturday Dance
7-9:30 PM *One hour earlier than regular schedule*
Penelope Weinberger calling to Claire Noonan Button accordion, Keira Noonan Fiddle, and Riley Fitzpatrick Piano
New dancer lesson: 6:30 PM
Use this link for online payment
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
In case of inclement weather, check for an event cancellation notice.
Tuesday, January 10 2023
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Check our facebook page for the link.
Monday, January 09 2023
English Country Dance
English Country Dance: 8:00-10:30 pm. Sharon McKinley calls dances to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Francine Krasowska (piano) and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina).
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, January 04 2023
Contra Dance
Rowyn Peel calls to the music of the Gravy Soppers - Rebecca Adams (banjo, vocals, and dance board), Jeffrey Adams (guitar), Jason Miller (fiddle, vocals, and banjo), Jørgen Miller (fiddle), and Gary Baker (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Saturday, December 31 2022
NYE English Gala Dance
New Year's Eve Gala English Country Dance, 8:30-12:30
Musicians: Elegant Echoes (Becky Ross, violin; Colleen Reed, flute; Liz Donaldson, piano)
Callers: April Blum and Ann Fallon
Admission: $30 Members and affiliates; $35 Non-members; $20 students.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Attendance is limited. On-line payments only. For more details visit, Gala New Year's Eve English Country Dance Details... Register at
Tuesday, December 27 2022
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Check our facebook page for the link.
Monday, December 26 2022
English Country Dance
English Country Dance, 8:00-10:30 pm. Christopher Field comes out of retirement to call dances to the music of Carl Friedman, violin; Judy Meyers, piano; and Ralph Barthine, guitar.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, December 21 2022
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to live music by Paul Oorts (mandolin, accordion, banjo, guitar) and Elke Baker (fiddle). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Tuesday, December 13 2022
BFMS Song Swap
7:30. The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. We take turns around the circle. If you are shy about leading a song, don’t fret…we sing many songs with choruses and your voice will blend in.
While we have been getting together on zoom, the BFMS songswap has become transcontinental and international with participants from west, farther west, and north and northwest across the border. You can drop in on the zoom and meet (and hear / sing with) some nice folks we 're not likely to meet in person!
Check our facebook page for the link.
Monday, December 12 2022
English Country Dance
English Country Dance
8:00-10:30 pm. Sharon McKinley will call to the music of Jeff Steinberg, violin; Francine Krasowska, piano; and Robin Wilson, flute and concertina.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Saturday, December 10 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Kappy Laning calling to: Brenna Hogan - fiddle, Shane Knudsen - fiddle, Art Abrams - bass, John Sauer - guitar, Jay White - banjo
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Use this link for online payment
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Wednesday, December 07 2022
Contra Dance
Calling by Greg Frock and tunes by Contre Temps - Andrew Tomlinson (flutes), Mark Vidor (piano, accordion), and McGregor Yatsevitch (fiddle, mandolin). Caller TBD. Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Wednesday, November 30 2022
Contra Dance (Bonus 5th Wednesday!)
Join us for a special 5th Wednesday contra dance with Perry Shafran calling and fabulous live music by Contranella featuring Rebekah Geller - Megan Beller (fiddle), Rebekah Geller (fiddle), John Wobus (piano), and Charley Beller (percussion). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment required: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Monday, November 28 2022
English Country Dance
English Country Dance, 8:00-10:30 pm. April Blum calls to the music of Carl Friedman, violin, Janina O'Brien, piano, and Mark Vidor, accordion. Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Tuesday, November 22 2022
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Join us for chorus songs, old-time, early country, sea chanteys or pub songs, traditional, oldish, newish, original, ballads, blues, Western swing, duets, gospel…, anything goes. A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break) with great acoustics. We'll take turns around the room. Sing unaccompanied or grab that uke, guitar, mando, fiddle, harmonica, concertina, banjo, (or whatever) and let's sing! see the songswap page for the link:
Saturday, November 19 2022
Johnson Girls Concert
Join BFMS for an exciting and memorable evening of nautical singing by this nationally renowned quartet. The Johnson Girls are an energetic all-woman a cappella ensemble, performing traditional and contemporary music with an emphasis on songs of the sea and shore. Join us for a rare appearance in this area! Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. Doors open at 7:30. $20 for members of BFMS, FSGW, ATDS, and CNHC , $25 General Admission, $10 for full time students. Please purchase your tickets online before the show! Contact:, 410-979-8150. Effective masking and proof of vaccination required.
Wednesday, November 16 2022
Contra Dance
Kappy Lanning calls to music by Some Assembly - Mary Flora (woodwinds), Donny Boylan (keys), Adam Lee (guitar), and Joe Klausner (strings). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Monday, November 14 2022
English Country Dance
English Country Dance, 8:00-10:30 pm. Ann Fallon calls to the music of Trio Con Brio: Elke Baker, violin; Paul Oorts, things with strings and accordion, and Jonathan Jensen, piano.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Saturday, November 12 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8-10:30 PM
Steve Gester calling to Contre Temps ~ McGregor Yatsevich - fiddle and mandolin, Andrew Tomlinson - flute, Mark Vidor - accordion and piano
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Use this link for online payment!/Regular-Saturday-Dance/c/130232759
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission is: $10 BFMS members & affiliates, $15 non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $7 members, $10 nonmembers.
Tuesday, November 08 2022
2nd Tuesday Song Swap on Zoom
Join us for chorus songs, old-time, early country, sea chanteys or pub songs, traditional, oldish, newish, original, ballads, blues, Western swing, duets, gospel…, anything goes. A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break) with great acoustics. We'll take turns around the room. Sing unaccompanied or grab that uke, guitar, mando, fiddle, harmonica, concertina, banjo, (or whatever) and let's sing! see the songswap page for the link:
Wednesday, November 02 2022
Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to music by Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, and sax), and Janina O'Brien (piano, bodhran, and whistle). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door
Tuesday, October 25 2022
BFMS Song Swap
join us on zoom 7:30
A good old-fashioned acoustic/folk group singing session: chorus songs, old-time, early country, sea chanteys or pub songs, traditional, oldish, newish, original, ballads, blues, Western swing, duets, gospel…, anything goes. A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break)
Monday, October 24 2022
English Country Dance
Special Halloween Dance!! Come dressed as your favorite English Country Dance. Emily Aubrey will create the program and call the dances to music by Elke Baker, fiddle; Paul Oorts, mandolin, harp guitar, musette accordion; and Sophie Chang, cello. Dance begins at 8:00. Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road, Baltimore. N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. On-line payments only.
Wednesday, October 19 2022
Contra Dance
Bob Isaacs calls to Sugar Beat - Elke Baker (fiddle), Susan Brandt (flute), and Marc Glickman (piano). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Tuesday, October 11 2022
BFMS Song Swap
Join us on zoom. 7:30
A good old-fashioned acoustic/folk group singing session: chorus songs, old-time, early country, sea chanteys or pub songs, traditional, oldish, newish, original, ballads, blues, Western swing, duets, gospel…, anything goes. A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break)
Monday, October 10 2022
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calls dances to the music of Robin Wilson, Flute, concertina; Sophie Chang, cello; and Judy Meyers, piano. On-line payments only.
Saturday, October 08 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8 - 10:30 PM
Donna Hunt calling to Strings on Wings ~ Barb Schmid (fiddle) and Todd Clewell (guitar)
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Use this link for online payment!/Regular-Saturday-Dance/c/130232759
Wednesday, October 05 2022
Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to music by the Treble Makers - Liz Donaldson (piano), Emily Aubrey (fiddle), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina). Caller TBA. Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Saturday, October 01 2022
Autumn Assembly English Country Dance Ball
Autumn Assembly English Country Dance Ball
1-4:30 p.m. Church of the Redeemer, 5603 N. Charles St. Street, Baltimore, MD
Music: Becky Ross, violin; Jonathan Jensen, piano and more; Paul Oorts, strings and things
Admission by pre-registration only; Registration is open.
Fees: $35 BFMS Members, $40 Non-members, $20 Students
Proof of vaccination (including booster) and medical grade face mask required.
Tuesday, September 27 2022
BFMS Song Swap
Join us for a relaxed evening of sharing music. For now, we're still on zoom. See the song swap facebook page for the link!
Monday, September 26 2022
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls to the music of Carl Friedman, fiddle; Francine Krasowska, piano, and Ralph Barthine, guitar.
On-line payments only.
Wednesday, September 21 2022
Contra Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to music by Triple Helix - Colleen Reed (flute), Alexander Mitchell (fiddle), and Keith Gillis (guitar). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Tuesday, September 13 2022
BFMS Song Swap
Join us for a relaxed evening of sharing music. For now, we're still on zoom. See the song swap facebook page for the link!
Monday, September 12 2022
English Country Dance
English Country Dance. April Blum calling to Jeff Steinberg, fiddle, Ben Hobbs, Piano, and Robin Wilson, flute and concertina. On-line payments only.
Saturday, September 10 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8 - 10:30 PM
Melissa Chatham calling to Emily Aubrey, Robin Wilson & Michael Raitzyk
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, September 07 2022
Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to music by Ken and Brad Kolodner and Friends - Ken Koloder (fiddle), Brad Kolodner (banjo), Luke Chohany (guitar and mandolin). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Wednesday, August 24 2022
Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to music by Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Joe Langley (guitar), Fred Cherney (banjo), and Shirley Echols (bass). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Tuesday, August 23 2022
BFMS Song Swap
Tuesday, August 23 2022
4th Tuesday BFMS Song Swap
7:30, the Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. For a while, we're still on zoom.... Check the songswap facebook page for the link
Monday, August 22 2022
English Country Dance
Becky Ross (fiddle), Mark Vidor (accordion) and Judy Meyers, (piano) play music while April Blum calls the dances. On-line payments only.
Friday, August 19 2022
Weather permitting we will meet in my back yard at 7 PM. If it rains we can meet on Zoom. Contact me via email for the link.
Saturday, August 13 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8 - 10:30 PM
Greg Frock calling to Are we there? ~~ Charlie Pilzer on piano, Susan Brandt on flute and Tom Wright on mandolin
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
The hall is air conditioned.
Greg will call using Larks and Robins.
Wednesday, August 10 2022
Contra Dance
Anna Rain calls to Petrichord - Sophie Chang (cello), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle, feet), and Bobby LaRose (piano, mandolin, bones). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8 at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Tuesday, August 09 2022
BFMS Song Swap
Tuesday, August 9 2022
2nd Tuesday BFMS Song Swap
7:30, the Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. For a while, we're still on zoom.... Cisco Houston's birthday August 18. Check the songswap facebook page for the link
Monday, August 08 2022
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flue/concertina) and Jonathan Jensen (piano plus) play music while Sharon McKinley calls the dances. On-line payments only:
Wednesday, July 27 2022
Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to music by Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Janina OBrien (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, saxophone, concertina). Intro lesson at 7:30. Dance starts at 8pm at Lovely Lane Church (now with air conditioning!). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only: . Attendance is limited so pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot. No cash at the door.
Tuesday, July 26 2022
BFMS Song Swap
4th Tuesday Song Swap 7:30! The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. For a while, we're still on zoom.... See the facebook page for the link:
Monday, July 25 2022
English Country Dance
Elke Baker (fiddle), Sophie Chang (strings) and Janina O'Brien (piano) play for dances called by Orly Krasner. On-line payments only.
Friday, July 15 2022
Come to my backyard for a welcoming outdoor Open Mic from 7 to 9 PM.Friday, July 15. I live near the intersection of Falls Road and Coldspring Lane just north of Hampden. Email for directions.
Cindy Swiss
Wednesday, July 13 2022
Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Trio con Brio - Elke Baker (fiddle) and Paul Oorts (guitar, mandolin). Intro lesson at 7:30. (Lovely Lane, 8PM). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Tuesday, July 12 2022
BFMS Song Swap
2nd Tuesday song swap 7:30! The Song Swap is a place for folks to come together and share songs, community, and keep the live singing tradition thriving. For a while, we're still on zoom.... July 14 is Woody Guthrie's birthday. Lots of songs to celebrate it with! See the facebook page for the link:
Monday, July 11 2022
English Country Dance
Becky Ross (fiddle) and Steven Epstein (winds) and Carl Friedman play to the calling of Ann Fallon.
Online payment click here
Saturday, July 09 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8 - 10:30 PM
Abigail Hobart calling to Sugar Beat ~ Marc Glickman - piano, Elke Baker - fiddle, and Susan Brandt - flute
New dancer lesson: 7:30
Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required.
Location: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, June 29 2022
Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to Unbowed - Henry Koretzky (mandolin) and Jill Smith (piano). Beginner's lesson at 7:30. (Lovely Lane, 8PM). N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks and proof of vaccination are required. Online payment only. Pre-payment is encouraged to reserve your spot.
Tuesday, June 28 2022
4th Tuesday Song Swap
7:30pm - See the song swap facebook page for the link. For the month of June we are still virtual.
Tuesday, June 21 2022
Free Contra Dance in Honor of Renate and Jeff's 50th Anniversary
Please join Renate and Jeff at the BFMS Wednesday Night Dance on June 21 at 8pm to help
celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marriage. The location is the usual, Lovely Lane Church in
Baltimore, but admission is free because they are sponsoring the dance. Anna Rain will be calling to the music of Are We There Yet - Susan Brandt (flute), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Charlie Pilzer (piano and squeezebox). All are welcome. Intro lesson at 7:30. Please register online or at the door (link to come).
From Renate and Jeff: We danced our first contra 36 years ago on a Wednesday night at Lovely Lane, and we would love to have you celebrate with us by doing what we love the most—dancing with the friends who have been so dear to us over the years. No presents, please, but if you like, please consider a donation to the Baltimore Folk Music Society.
Monday, June 20 2022
English Country Dance
Jeff Steinberg (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano) make music to the calling of April Blum On line payment click here
Wednesday, June 15 2022
Contra Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to Strings on Wings - Barb Schmid (fiddle) and Todd Clewell (guitar). Beginner's lesson at 7:30. (Lovely Lane, 8PM). Preregistration, N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required. Pre-Registration
Tuesday, June 14 2022
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
7:30pm See the song swap facebook page for the link. For the month of June we are still virtual.
Saturday, June 11 2022
2nd Saturday Dance
8 - 10:30 PM
Steve Gester calling to Rebekah Geller - fiddle and Talya Raitzyk - guitar
Venue: The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter,
6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Pre-registration required. Click here: BFMS 6-11-22 Second Saturday Dance Pre-registration
Monday, June 06 2022
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls with music by Elke Baker (violin), Robin Wilson (flute/concertina), and Francine Krasowska (piano). Preregistration required at BFMS 6-6-22 Monday ECD Pre-registration
Wednesday, June 01 2022
Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to J Raitzyk (fiddle, feet) and Michael Raitzyk (guitar). Beginner's lesson at 7:30. Preregistration, N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required. Registration link:
Sunday, May 29 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
Music by Terpsichore. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Proof of fully vaxed status is required. Mask requirements change; please bring one. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID.
Friday, May 27 2022
Showtime 7:30 pm, Doors open at 7:00 pm, Tickets $25.00
Monday, May 23 2022
English Country Dance
English Country Dancing returns to Baltimore! A cavalcade of callers with Carl Friedman (violin), Steven Epstein (winds), and Janina O'Brien (piano).
Preregistration at BFMS ECD Dance 5-23-2022 Preregistration. Preregistration, N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required.
Sunday, May 22 2022
Ceili Dance
3:00-8:00 pm, GWCC will hold its last ceili of the season. Music by Alice Bradley and Patrick Winch. GWCC's policies still require proof of vaxx/booster and mask wearing, and we will ask everyone to bring a dish to share during the first break potluck dinner. More info:
Friday, May 20 2022
Showtime 7:30 pm, Doors open at 7:00 pm,Tickets $25.00
Wednesday, May 18 2022
Square/Contra Dance
Perry Shafran calls to Megan Beller (fiddle) and Charlie Beller (guitar, mandolin, and percussion). Pregistration at Preregistration, N-95/KN-95/KF-94 masks, and proof of vaccination are required. Dance starts at 8 PM. Venue: Lovely Lane Church, 2200 St. Paul St, 21218.
Saturday, May 14 2022
State of Society Meeting and Dance
Annual Meeting 7-7:45 pm Zoom link has been emailed to membership on May 10th. Check your spam folder!
Dance 8-10:30PM Current BFMS members who arrive by 7:10 pm can stay for the dance for free.
contact to see if you are a current member.
Callers will be Janine Smith and Susan Taylor, the Band will be Terpsichore - Elke Baker, Liz Donaldson, and Ralph Gordon
Preregistration required for both meeting and dance, see Membership meeting & Dance Pre-registration and Waiver
If you have questions, contact or
The dance will be held at The Church of Nativity and Holy Comforter
Friday, May 06 2022
Doors open at 7:00 pm, Showtime 7:30 pm, Tickets $25.00 ~ Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out.
Tuesday, May 03 2022
David Mallett
7:30 PM, Singer-songwriter, David Mallett is one of America’s true original troubadours. Tickets are $30. COVID protocols, details and tickets at
The Arts Barn; 311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20878; Info available
Saturday, April 30 2022
Carrie Newcomer
7pm, Album Release Tour at the Center for Spiritual Deepening. Tickets are $35 in advance ($35 at the door to members, $40 at the door to non-members, virtual tickets purchased day-of are also $40). COVID protocols, details and tickets at Focus Mount Vernon | St. Aidan's Episcopal Church 8531 Riverside Road Alexandria, VA 22308
Sunday, April 24 2022
2022 BFMS Picnic
We welcome you to join us for an afternoon of fun and camaraderie as we resume BFMS in person activities! Hooray! Since it has been 2 years since many of us have seen each other, name tags are a good idea to consider. The picnic will be held at Genesee Valley Outdoor Learning Center. This lovely park is located in Parkton, Maryland, just twenty-five minutes north of Baltimore City and 30 minutes south of York, Pennsylvania. Pre-registration is required and link will be provided later on the picnic page.
Sunday, April 17 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
"Waltz Sisters" Liz Donaldson, Tina Chancey, Paul Oorts & Ralph Gordon. Lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. Lesson at 2:45 p.m. with 30 min beginner and 15 min intermediate or advanced. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Friday, April 08 2022
Irish Dance Spring Fling
Greater Washington Ceili Club Irish Dance Spring Fling. Friday and Saturday evening will be loaded with familiar dances as well as the new. GWCC plans to return to Shepherdstown, WV on April 8-9, 2022 for our Spring Fling, offered at the same rate as previous years (Event Package $60 for GWCC members, $65 for non-members; admission to individual events can be purchased at the door).
Thursday, April 07 2022
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7:00 pm
Sunday, April 03 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
Music by "Three Roses" Carrie Rose, Edith Coakley Stowe & Melissa Running. Lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. Lesson at 2:45 p.m. with 30 min beginner and 15 min intermediate or advanced. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Friday, April 01 2022
Doors open at 7:00 pm, Showtime 7:30 pm, Tickets $25.00 ~ Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out.
Monday, March 28 2022
Tannahill Weavers
7:30pm Tickets are $22 in advance (+$2 box office fee) and $27 at the door ($17/22 for children and students with ID), available at | Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, 10701 Old Georgetown Rd, Rockville, MD | Info: rob Hinkal at
Saturday, March 26 2022
Jillian Matundan and Anne Hills
7pm, Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door for non-members, and a Live webcast will be available ($20). COVID protocols, details and tickets at
Thursday, March 24 2022
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7:00 pm,
Tuesday, March 22 2022
4th Tuesday Song Swap
7:30 PM, BFMS song swap on zoom. See the song swap facebook page for the link. For the month of March we are still virtual.
Saturday, March 19 2022
Reba Heyman Tribute Concert
7pm, Tickets are $25 in advance ($25 at the door to members, $35 at the door to non-members, day-of pricing for the virtual ticket : $35) and include a video of the event which can either be viewed live.
Friday, March 18 2022
3rd Annual Baltimore Old-Time Music Festival
7 PM Friday and All-day Saturday, The Creative Alliance, 3134 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224. Proof of vaccinations required. Tix & Info:
Sunday, March 13 2022
Le Vent du Nord
5:30P, Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, 10701 Old Georgetown Rd, Rockville, MD. Tix & Info:
Saturday, March 12 2022
Liam Purcell & Cane Mill Road
7PM,Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, 10701 Old Georgetown Rd, Rockville, MD, Tix & Info:
Saturday, March 12 2022
English Country Dance
3-6 PM, Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 419 Cedarcroft Road, Baltimore, 21212.
Enter parking lot from York Road. Music by Emily Aubrey (violin) and Janina O'Brien (piano). Callers Ann Fallon and Sharon McKinley. $15, vaccination proof and KN-95/N-95 masks required, RSVP to
Tuesday, March 08 2022
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
7:30 PM, BFMS song swap on zoom. See the song swap facebook page for the link. For the month of March we are still virtual.
Saturday, March 05 2022
Emerald Isle Club Ceili Dance
7-11 pm at the Atlantic Ballroom 8819 Orchard Tree Lane, Towson, Maryland 21286. Megan Downes, guest caller, Peter Fitzgerald and the J. Patrick's All Stars will be providing the lively dance tunes. Attendees must show proof of COVID vaccination, or submit your proof of vaccination in advance by sending a photo of your vaccination card to All dancers must wear face masks. Info:
Saturday, February 26 2022
Lilt with Eileen Estes
7.30 PM, This is a Live, in-person performance. Proof of FULL vaccination. Masks must be worn. Tonal Park, 7014-C Westmoreland Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912. Tickets are $25. Livestream access is available for $15.
Tuesday, February 22 2022
4th Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30pm (on zoom). See the songswap facebook page for the link
Monday, February 21 2022
Lonesome Ace Stringband
Doors at 6:30pm, Concert 7pm til 9pm, jam after! Brad's House - 831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore. $20 suggested donation. Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
*You must show proof of vaccination and remain masked during the show
Sunday, February 20 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
Dance in the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park to Some Assembly. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
For info: go to
Sunday, February 20 2022
Emerald Isle Club
Annual fundraiser to support the Baltimore Saint Patrick Parade from 2-5 pm at Racers' Cafe, 7732 Harford Rd. Parkville, MD 21234. There will be live Irish music, courtesy of Peter Fitzgerald and the J. Patrick's All Stars, and a great selection of microbrews. Facemasks are not required, but are advised except when eating or drinking. Info: The St. Patrick Parade is scheduled for Sunday, March 13th along Charles and Pratt Streets in Downtown BaltimoreHere is the Parade web site:
Friday, February 18 2022
Presidents' Day weekend: February 18th – 21st, 2022 in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania. Live music, singing, and contradancing in the evening and cross country skiing or hiking (as well as other activities) during the day. Singles, couples, families and friends of all ages are welcome. No experience skiing or dancing is required.
Monday, February 14 2022
Valentine's Day Concert with Frank Solivan & Jillian Lea
8:30pm, Songs of love ... and lovely songs. Pop some bubbly, pull your loved one close, and join Frank Solivan and Jillian Lea for this special virtual Valentine's Day concert! Watch on Youtube
Saturday, February 12 2022
Enda Kenny w Twin Flames
Virtual performance, 7:30 PM, tickets are $20, available at | Info: Rob Hinkal at
Saturday, February 12 2022
Liam Purcell & Cane Mill Road
7pm, Tickets are $20, available at | Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, 10701 Old Georgetown Rd, Rockville, MD | Info: rob Hinkal at
Thursday, February 10 2022
Doors open at 7:00 pm. Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm, Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out. ALL TICKET SALES FINAL, NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES
Tuesday, February 08 2022
2nd Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30pm (on zoom). See the songswap facebook page for the link
Sunday, February 06 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
Dance in the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park to Trio con Brio. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
For info: go to
Friday, February 04 2022
Doors open at 7:00 pm, Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm, Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out.
Wednesday, February 02 2022
"Virtual" Baltimore Old Time Jam
7-9 pm Live-streamed from Brad's living room with your trusty hosts Ken Kolodner on fiddle, Brad Kolodner on fiddle/banjo along and Alex Lacquement on guitar/bass. We'll play everything at a moderate tempo so everyone can join in. Feel free to send in your requests. Tune in HERE via the Baltimore Old Time Jam Facebook Group You can also stream the jam through Brad's YouTube Channel
Saturday, January 29 2022
Midwinter Ball
Midwinter Game Night Extravaganza. Presented by BFMS and All Hands In. See the Midwinter Ball page for details.
Friday, January 28 2022
Ann Porcella Concert
Join us for a exciting concert with Ann Porcella on Friday, January 28, 2022. There is no better way to drive away the Midwinter blues than Ann’s beautiful voice and varied selection of songs. You do not want to miss this terrific event, so mark your calendar now! This concert is free on Zoom. Check out the Concert Flyer.
Your spirits will continue to be lifted on Saturday, January 29 with this year’s edition of the Midwinter Ball. For more concert information, please contact
Wednesday, January 26 2022
Robert Burns and Scottish music
7 pm - Impromptu online solo concert (on Facebook livestream) honoring Robert Burns and Scottish music. Jacqueline Schwab play Scottish airs, strathspeys and other fiddle tunes, and my favorite Ewan MacColl song. Streamed from FB page:
Tuesday, January 25 2022
BFMS 4th Tuesdays song swap
7:30pm, Baltimore Folk Music Society Song Swap (on zoom) See the song swap FB Page
Tuesday, January 25 2022
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Sense of Wonder. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Saturday, January 22 2022
Tom Paxton, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer
7:30pm, This live concert recording session celebrates a catalogue of nearly thirty new songs.
Tickets are $50 or $60 (includes download of the album upon completion), available at | Allyworld, 7014-C Westmoreland Ave, Takoma Park MD 20912 | Info: rob Hinkal at or
Saturday, January 22 2022
Tom Paxton, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer
3pm, This live concert recording session celebrates a catalogue of nearly thirty new songs.
Tickets are $50 or $60 (includes download of the album upon completion), available at | Allyworld, 7014-C Westmoreland Ave, Takoma Park MD 20912 | Info: rob Hinkal at or
Friday, January 21 2022
Bruce Molsky & Tony Trishcka
7pm, Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, available at | Saint Mark Presbyterian Church | 10701 Old Georgetown Rd, Rockville, MD | Info: rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, January 18 2022
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Sense of Wonder. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Sunday, January 16 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
Dance in the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park to Three Roses. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
For info: go to
Tuesday, January 11 2022
2nd Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30pm, Baltimore Folk Music Society Song Swap (on Zoom) See the song swap FB Page
Tuesday, January 11 2022
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Sense of Wonder. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Friday, January 07 2022
Anya Hinkle
7:30pm, Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, available at | Seekers Church | 276 Carroll St NW Washington, DC 20012 | information, signup and registration at | Info: rob Hinkal at
Sunday, January 02 2022
Waltz at Glen Echo
Dance in the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park to Dance du Jour. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
For info: go to
Tuesday, December 28 2021
4th Tuesday song swap
7:30. See the Song Swap Facebook page for the link:
Tuesday, December 28 2021
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Sense of Wonder. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Wednesday, December 22 2021
Baltimore Old Time Jam
7:30pm at the Five and Dime Ale House (901 W. 36th St., Baltimore, MD), The ugliest sweater wearer gets a free drink on Ken & Brad (the judges). The slow jam starts at 7:30pm and we'll kick up the tempo at 8:30pm for the fast jam. Wear Your Ugly Christmas Sweaters! Join the FB Group
Tuesday, December 21 2021
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Petrichord. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Sunday, December 19 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
Rose by the Door plays a lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows 3:30 - 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Saturday, December 18 2021
Winter Solstice Concert
3:30 and 7:30 p.m. in Towson, MD. Proof of vaccinations and masking required. Seating is limited to 750 per show. Info & tickets
Thursday, December 16 2021
Holiday Cheer with Newberry & Verch
Doors at 6pm, Concert 6:30pm til 8:30pm, Brad's House - 831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore. $20 suggested donation. Feel free to bring food and drink to share! Email to reserve your spot or ask any questions.
Tuesday, December 14 2021
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
7:30. See the Song Swap Facebook page for the link:
Tuesday, December 14 2021
Doris Justis & Sean McGhee
Showtime 7:30 pm Doors open at 7:00 pm. Tickets $30.00 ~ Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out. ALL TICKET SALES FINAL, NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. Buy tickets here.
Tuesday, December 14 2021
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Luke Roberts. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Monday, December 13 2021
Annual Celtic Holiday Show
7:00 PM, Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, available at | Saint Mark Presbyterian Church | 10701 Old Georgetown Rd, Rockville, MD | Info: rob Hinkal at or
Saturday, December 11 2021
7:30 PM, Award-winning rock-folk band ilyAIMY presents a concert focused on the upcoming winter season. $18 adv, $20 for non-members at the door. Tikvat Israel | 2200 Baltimore Road Rockville, MD 20851 | tickets available at | Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Friday, December 10 2021
John Whelan
7:30 PM, Master of the Irish button accordion, John Whelan is well known for his trad and crossover recordings as well his performances and workshops at festivals around the world.
8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments).
Tuesday, December 07 2021
Open Mic at the SPRING
7:00 PM, Dave Eisner & rob Hinkal of Institute of Musical Traditions host and webcast open mic from the Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday evening. Tonight with featured artist Jillian Matundan. Free to attend but registration required in advance Info: rob Hinkal at or
Sunday, December 05 2021
Irish Holiday Party
Open to all (proof of vaccination required for 12 and over) from 5 to 9 PM in Silver Spring. It includes dancing and session, open bar, food, raffle, door prizes, and Santa. RSVP
Sunday, December 05 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
Evening Star plays a lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows 3:30 - 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Friday, December 03 2021
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7:00 pm. Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out. ALL TICKET SALES FINAL, NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES.
Wednesday, December 01 2021
Music Camps North
20th Anniversary Banjo Camp and Mandolin Camp this spring!
Registration starts December 1st at 7pm
Proof of Vaccination Required (vax card)
A link will appear on our website when registration starts
Wednesday, December 01 2021
Hanukkah Celebration
7 PM (EST) Hanukkah Celebration with Song & Sufganiyot
BENDER JCC of Greater Washington. Live at the Bender JCC or virtually via Zoom, Rabbi David Shneyer will lead us in song and prayer, as we light the candles, followed by a beautiful concert performed by the Trio Sefardi band! More info or Register
Saturday, November 27 2021
Charm City Junction + Ken & Brad Kolodner Quartet
8th Annual Post-Thanksgiving Concert, 8pm. At the Gordon Center, Owings Mills, MD. Tickets: $25/advance, $30/door.
Saturday, November 27 2021
Post-Thanksgiving Concert with Charm City Junction
At the Gordon Center for the Performing Arts in Owings Mills, MD. Sets from each band along with exciting collaborations featuring Patrick McAvinue (fiddle), Sean McComiskey (button accordion), Brad Kolodner (banjo), Alex Lacquement (bass), Ken Kolodner (hammered dulcimer) and Rachel Eddy (fiddle). Tickets
Wednesday, November 24 2021
Baltimore Old Time Jam
7-10 pm, Jam led by Ken & Brad Kolodner. All are welcome to join and/or listen. Free! But please buy drinks and food to support the bar. Five and Dime Ale House (901 W. 36th St., Baltimore, MD)
Tuesday, November 23 2021
4th Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30 pm, 4th Tuesday Song Swap on zoom. See our facebook page
Sunday, November 21 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
Taylor Among the Devils plays a lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows 3:30 - 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Saturday, November 20 2021
English Country Dance
2 - 4:30 pm with a jam afterwards (no wind instruments)
Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
419 Cedarcroft Rd (@ York Rd) Baltimore, MD 21212
Cost: $15, Music by Terpsichore (Elke Baker, Liz Donaldson and Ralph Gordon)
Callers: Ann Fallon, Sharon McKinley and Mike Franch
Must be fully vaccinated. Registration: Please register by emailing: and include a photo of your vaccination card.
Sunday, November 14 2021
In-Person: $15 at door (proof of vaccination required)
Streaming: $12, 409 Charles Street, (410) 385-2638
More info: or
Saturday, November 13 2021
Emily Hall, Sam C. Jones and Deccan Traps
7:30 PM, Mount Vernon, VA. $18 adv, $20 for non-members at the door | St. Aidan's Episcopal Church | 8531 Riverside Road, Alexandria, VA 22308 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at
Tuesday, November 09 2021
2nd Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30 pm, 2nd Tuesday Song Swap on zoom. See our facebook page
Sunday, November 07 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
Waltz Sisters plays a lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows 3:30 - 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Saturday, November 06 2021
The Sherpas
7:30 PM Gaithersburg, MD $18 adv, $20 for non-members at the door | tickets include video viewable Live or later! | Island Pride Oasis | 617 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at
Friday, November 05 2021
Doors open 7:00pm/Showtime 7:30pm. THE CELLAR STAGE© --- Timonium Timonium United Methodist Church, 2300 Pot Spring Rd, Timonium, MD 21093. Joyce 443-540-0226 - Tickets $25.00
Thursday, November 04 2021
Contra Dance Party in the Bumper Car
7:30 pm-10:30 pm
Bumper Car Pavilion at Glen Echo Park
The Gigmeisters play and Janine Smith calls the figures and reminds us how it all still works. Attendance is by pre-registration only. Cash sales and walk-ins are NOT permitted.
This event is offered to attendees who are fully vaccinated, having had their last shot by October 20, 2021. Proof of vaccination is required. Please email a photo or scan of your vaccination card to by 11/3/2021. Admission $15
Tuesday, October 26 2021
BFMS 4th Tuesdays song swap
7:30 PM. See the song swap facebook page for the link!
Sunday, October 24 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
Sugar Beat plays a lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows 3:30 - 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Sunday, October 17 2021
Mile Twelve House Concert
Doors at 4:30pm, Concert 5pm til 6:30pm. Outdoors in Ken & Alison's Backyard! Please RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot. Invite your friends and spread the word! Feel free to bring food and drink to share. 3806 Fenchurch Road, Baltimore *In case of bad weather, the show will be held indoors at Brad's House 831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore and we will be masked* Cost: $20 suggested donation Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Tuesday, October 12 2021
2nd Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30 PM. See the song swap facebook page for the link!
Sunday, October 10 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
4-6 PM, Devine Comedy plays a lively mix of folk waltzes with a few other couples’ dances, including Tango, Hambo, Swing, and Polka. Admission is $15, $5 for full-time students with ID. No partner required. The waltz lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. with a half-hour of beginner instruction and 15 minutes for an intermediate or advanced move. Dancing follows until 6 p.m. Masks and proof of fully vaxed status are required.
Saturday, October 09 2021
Summerfolk Festival w James Keelaghan
Virtual show 7:30 PM. Canadian singer-songwriter, James Keelaghan. | $15 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Saturday, October 09 2021
Baltimore Square Dance
Doors at 7:30pm, dance 8-11pm. At Mobtown Ballroom (861 Washington Blvd.) Live Old-Time Music from TBD Stringband and Dance Calling from Janine Smith. All dances will be taught. Beginners are welcome! Cost: $12/$7 student
Friday, October 08 2021
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm, Doors open at 7:00 pm. Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out. ALL TICKET SALES FINAL, NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES.
Tuesday, September 28 2021
4th Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30pm. Share songs and company, and the joy (although not the same as in person) of sharing music together during these isolating times! Check the song swap page
Thursday, September 23 2021
Tabla for Two
Virtual Show: 7:30 PM - A unique duo consisting of Masood Omari and Abigail Adams Greenway. They play traditional and classical music from Afghanistan and India, old Bollywood favorites, as well as Omari’s original compositions, which blend classical Eastern beats with Western-style beats. | $15 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Monday, September 20 2021
Common Time: Cultural Equity at the Local Level
Online at 7:00 p.m. ET. Join us as Dr. Dena Ross Jennings, facilitator of CDSS’s Cultural Equity Advisory Group, leads a presentation and discussion about cultural equity, appropriation versus appreciation, and the key element of communication that makes all of this work possible. Register here!
Friday, September 17 2021
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm Doors open at 7:00 pm. Buy in advance! Remaining tickets will be available at the door if not sold out. All audience members must be fully vaccinated (proof required). For everyone’s safety, we suggest that you wear a mask, except when eating.
Tuesday, September 14 2021
2nd Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30pm. Share songs and company, and the joy (although not the same as in person) of sharing music together during these isolating times! Check the song swap page
Saturday, September 11 2021
9/11 Commemoration with David Roth
7:30 PM - Virtual Show: In partnership with the World Folk Music Association, David Roth will be performing a virtual show of songs commemorating the 20th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11. | $15 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Thursday, September 09 2021
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm
Tickets available for 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00 dinner times.
Limited capacity, fewer than 60 seats available.
All audience members must be fully vaccinated.
For everyone’s safety, we suggest that you wear a mask, except when eating.
Sunday, September 05 2021
Waltz at Glen Echo
In the Bumper Car Pavilion at Glen Echo Park for FREE! Music by Dance du Jour. The 30-minute beginner waltz lesson begins at 1:30 pm with dancing from 2 to 4 pm. Masks may be mandatory. Please bring one. For info: go to e-mail
Saturday, September 04 2021
Buskin & Batteau w Heather Aubrey Lloyd
7:30 PM - In-person music once again! David Buskin & Robin Batteau, with their outstanding percussionist Marshal Rosenberg. $30 | The Kreeger Auditorium | Bender JCC of Greater Washington 6125 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, August 24 2021
4th Tuesdays BFMS song swap
7:30pm. Share songs and company, and the joy (although not the same as in person) of sharing music together during these isolating times! Check the song swap page
Thursday, August 19 2021
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm
Tickets available for 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00 dinner times.
Limited capacity, All audience members must be fully vaccinated.
For everyone’s safety, we suggest that you wear a mask, except when eating.
Tuesday, August 17 2021
The Slocan Ramblers
Doors at 6:30pm, Concert 7:00-9:00pm, Please RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot. Invite your friends and spread the word! Most shows fill up so don’t hesitate reserve a spot. Feel free to bring food and drink to share. $20 suggested donation *weather permitting -- backup date is Wednesday, August 18*
Saturday, August 14 2021
Phil Ochs Song Night
Virtual Show: 7:30 PM - Magpie presents a show with performances from: Elise Bryant, Charlie King, Colleen Kattau and Tom Paxton! All in celebration of the legendary "topical" songwriting of Phil Ochs! | $15 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, August 10 2021
BFMS Song Swap
7:30pm. Share songs and company, and the joy (although not the same as in person) of sharing music together during these isolating times! Check the song swap page for the link.
Saturday, July 31 2021
SummerTunes! The Art of Playing for Contra Dances
Two Zoom sessions on consecutive Saturdays, July 31st & Aug. 7 @ 11:00-1:30 EDT. The workshop will focus on tips for making tunes deliciously danceable, creating variations and accompaniment, and constructing medleys that wow. Andrea Hoag (fiddle) and Liz Donaldson (piano) will lead the workshop, while participants play along with microphones muted. Register by emailing The fee is $45 for the full workshop, $35 for one session (some scholarship money will be available — please let us know if you or a friend could use it).
Sunday, July 25 2021
'Virtual Ceili' Concert
7 pm for our 11th 'Virtual Ceili' Concert (free!). This month features an amazing young musician, Andrew Caden, and local favorite Zan McLeod. Again, a few figures from a set dance will be called by Ann Marie Breheny.Watch our concert on GWCC's YouTube Channel or on the GWCC Facebook page. Yes, the concert is free, but donations are appreciated.
Tuesday, July 20 2021
7 pm, $12 in advance, $15 at door
409 Charles Street, (410) 385-2638
More info: or
Tuesday, July 20 2021
Sierra Ferrell
Doors at 6:30 pm, Concert 7-9pm, Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
$20 suggested donation, Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Thursday, July 15 2021
Tickets $25.00 ~ Showtime 7:30 pm
Tickets available for 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00 dinner times.
Limited capacity, All audience members must be fully vaccinated.
For everyone’s safety, we suggest that you wear a mask, except when eating.
Thursday, July 08 2021
GWCC set dance classes
This Summer Session will be eight classes long and will run from July 8 through August 26 for both Beginner and Advanced. Following CDC guidelines, to attend class you will have to show that you are vaccinated (ie 2 weeks past your last shot). You can email a copy/photo of your COVID vaccination card to before classes start or show it at the door before your first class. By participating, you also agree to follow our guidelines if they have to change in the future. For more info: or
Sunday, June 27 2021
‘Virtual Ceili’ Concert
7pm - This month features an amazing young musician, Patrick Armstrong, accompanied by local favorite Mitch Fanning. Again, a few figures from a set dance will be called by Ann Marie Breheny. Yes, the concert is free, but donations are appreciated. Watch for details on donating during the event -- they can be made directly by check (see for address), PayPal at, or by using the ‘Donate’ button on our Facebook page.
Tuesday, June 22 2021
4th Tuesday song swap
Join us at the 4th Tuesday song swap at 7:30
Saturday, June 19 2021
Sugar Beat in concert
Long time favorite contra dance band, Sugar Beat, will in concert this Saturday June 19, rain date June 20, at 3:00 pm in Ellicott City. Outdoors and safely distanced, please RSVP to Suggested donation $20. CDs will be available. To hear our music samples, please listen at
Sunday, June 13 2021
SONiA disappear fear and Ertugrul Erkisi
7:30 PM, FocusMusic & the Jewish Islamic Dialogue Society Present SONiA disappear fear and Ertugrul Erkisi * online at
Presenting a diverse combination of genre, language and faith – a much-needed dose of community in our fractured times. Presented online through | $15 | Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Sunday, June 13 2021
Jewish and Muslim musicians in concert
SONiA disappear fear and Ertugrul Erkisi
Singing for Peace Shalom Salaam
7:30 PM-9:30 PM (Virtual)
Buy tickets ($15) More info about JIDS More info about FocusMusic
For more information, contact Herb Levy at or 703.380.3151
Tuesday, June 08 2021
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
2nd Tuesday Song Swap, 7:30
Friendly, supportive atmosphere great for singing a folk-inspired song or tune. Pick out a few favorite songs (or something new) to share with a virtual living room of singing and listening pals. Check out our facebook group page for the link!
Tuesday, June 08 2021
Jam Camp North
Jam Camp North
September 24-26, 2021
Prindle Pond Conference Center, Charlton MA
Registration starts June 8th at 7pm
Sunday, June 06 2021
ilyAIMY online concert
1 PM - "ilyAIMY ain't your grandpa's folk music… fearless writers & performers… Webcast Live from the Stage of Musical Traditions in Takoma Park, MD on Facebook and YouTube | free to attend, donations encouraged | Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Sunday, May 30 2021
Larry Hanks and Steve Cormier
Cowboy and Western American music
Online • 7 pm • Concert starts at 7:30
Expect a sing-around afterwards, and we've invited our performers to join us.
Register at, to get the Zoom link.
Cost to register: Free; Suggested donation: $20 or more, Info: Charlie Baum,
Saturday, May 29 2021
Sugar Beat!
Outdoor Album Release Concert, 3:00 pm
Elke Baker, fiddle, Susan Brandt, flute, and Marc Glickman, piano.
Bring lawn chairs.. Concert is Ellicott City, please have a mask, distancing will be maintained and seating is limited. Suggested donation $20, and CDs will be available.
RSVP to attend to Elke Baker:
Sunday, May 23 2021
Bob Dylan Tribute
1 PM - Dylan 8-Oh! The IMT Bob Dylan Tribute * online at
Institute of Musical Traditions 4th tribute to Bob Dylan on the occasion of his 80th birthday! Performances from Billy Coulter, Brian Simms, Ruthie Logsdon and Tony Denikos, rob Hinkal, McKinley Clare. Webcast Live from the Old Town Takoma Park Gazebo in Takoma Park, MD on Facebook and YouTube | free to attend, donations encouraged | Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Saturday, May 22 2021
Celebration of Spring!
Washington Revels’ special “Celebration of Spring” video release captures all the joy of May Revels — a DC tradition for over 35 years — and places YOU at the center of the fun in a totally new way. Delight in May whimsy set against the beauty of DC in full bloom, with special surprises from Revelers as they frolic through historic Glen Echo Park! Enjoy fun for all ages, including a boisterous procession, a fast-paced sing-along memory challenge, beautiful choral works set in nature, and performances by guest artists. May 22-May 31. Free with registration by May 31; donations encouraged Washington Revels / / 301-587-3835
Saturday, May 15 2021
Four Saturday mornings, MAY 15 - JUNE 5
Choose the three half-hour class segments that work best for you, or take all four. (TIME ZONE: Eastern US). Access to a keyboard is useful for these classes (particularly for singers), other instruments are also helpful.
For fees, and more info: Tina Chancey
Friday, May 14 2021
English Country Dance & Music Weekend
English Country Dance & Music Weekend 2021 will be held as an online event over Zoom videoconferencing!
Sunday, April 25 2021
Laura Byrne & Billy McComiskey ‘Virtual Ceili’ Concert
7pm: GWCC’s 8th 'Virtual Ceili' Concert (free!) features Laura Byrne (flute) & Billy McComiskey (accordion). Watch on GWCC's YouTube Channel or on the GWCC Facebook page. Yes, the concert is free, but donations are appreciated. See for address or PayPal
Saturday, April 10 2021
A Virtual Annual Meeting
With the cancellation of all BFMS events - this year's Annual Meeting will be a Virtual meeting through Zoom. Members will be getting instructions and invitations via email
Tuesday, March 23 2021
BFMS Song Swap
7:30pm, The BFMS song swaps are continuing, twice each month by zoom, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30.
or contact
Saturday, March 13 2021
Ian Foster and Nancy Hynes
7:30 PM, Presented online through | $15 | tickets available at Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, March 09 2021
BFMS Song Swap
Tues, March 9th @ 7:30pm
The BFMS song swaps are continuing, twice each month by zoom, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30.
or contact
Tuesday, March 09 2021
BFMS Zoom Get-Together
7:30-8:30 pm, and later if desired.
Janine Smith and Susan Taylor have graciously agreed to join us for a 'Chat with Callers." Plan: 5 min hellos; 30 min conversation with Janine and Susan; 10 min plans for the next get-together; 10 min catching up; and, if there is enough interest, an after-hours BFMS game. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 935 5778 1068 Passcode: BFMS Dial 301 715 8592
Thursday, March 04 2021
2020 NEA National Heritage Fellows
8:00 ET on click on The Culture of America: A Cross-Country Visit with the National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellows. No RSVP needed. This virtual trip across the county takes viewers into the homes and communities where the 2020 National Heritage Fellows live and create. You can view the one-minute trailer here:
Facebook Event:
Tuesday, February 23 2021
BFMS Song Swap
7:30 p.m. 4th Tuesday zoom song swap. Friendly, supportive atmosphere great for singing a folk-inspired song or tune. While we can't all sing at once in harmony, this is the closest we can get for now, and there are always pleasant surprises that make you glad you showed up. sign up at
Thursday, February 18 2021
ilyAIMY online concert
7:30 PM, online at, Webcast Live from Tonal Park Studios at | $10 | Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, February 16 2021
LIVE w Jillian Matundan, Bill Starks & Pam Razon de Ocamp
8 PM, Dave Eisner hosting for a webcast with some favourite performers! Tune in Live at and / or as we build our Traditions in a new way. Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Saturday, February 13 2021
Chuck Brodsky Online Concert
7:30 PM, Presented online through Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, February 09 2021
Tuesday zoom song swap
7:30 p.m. Friendly, supportive atmosphere great for singing a folk-inspired song or tune. While we can't all sing at once in harmony, this is the closest we can get for now. Pick out a few favorite songs (or something new) to share with a virtual living room of singing and listening pals. Stay tuned to our facebook page - - for link and/ or sign up at
Saturday, January 30 2021
Joe Troop Virtual Concert
8:00 PM EST, Streaming on Common Ground on the Hill's Facebook page:
Saturday, January 30 2021
Mid Winter Ball Virtual Event
Caller Janine Smith and Music by Bandemic
Featuring Megan Beller - Fiddle,Charly Beller - Guitar, Percussion, Jakob Raitzyk - Mandolin and Rebekah Geller -Fiddle
This years theme is a Pajama Party!!! 7pm -10 pm
click this link for more informaiton and how you can get a cool tee-shirt!!!
Midwinter Ball Page
Tuesday, January 26 2021
BFMS Song Swap
Tues, Jan 26th @ 7:30pm
The BFMS song swaps are continuing, twice each month by zoom, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30.
or contact
Thursday, January 21 2021
Marc Avon Evans BIG Little Band
7:30 PM, Webcast Live from Tonal Park Studios at | $10 | Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Tuesday, January 12 2021
BFMS Song Swap
7:30pm, BFMS 2nd Tuesday songswap on. Welcome the new year in song! Pick out some songs you've been wanting to sing. As we're on Zoom, feel free to sing a song without a chorus (but keep the ballads to a reasonable length!). We can sing along with you at our homes. Check our facebook page for the link. If you can, email so we have some idea who is joining us!
Saturday, January 09 2021
Greg Greenway and Reggie Harris
7:30 PM FocusMusic and the Sandy Spring Museum sponsoring Reggie Harris and Greg Greenway’s presentation of “Deeper Than the Skin”. Presented on Facebook and YouTube at for free. Tips and merchandise purchases encouraged. Info: Rob Hinkal at or
Sunday, December 20 2020
Winter Solstice Revels
7 PM, Washington Revels, with Happenstance Theater Foggy Bottom Morris, Rock Creek Morris:
Saturday, December 19 2020
8:00 PM Eastern Time EST
Free Concert
Link to Facebook live stream:
Link to Youtube live stream:
Link to Patreon if you would like to donate:
Sunday, December 13 2020
Herman Heyn Zoom birthday celebration
Long time BFMS member, Herman Heyn, will turn 90 years old in mid-December. A Zoom party is being organized to celebrate with him on Sunday Dec. 13 at 3 pm. Contact Ellen Hochman at to request the Zoom details.
Saturday, December 12 2020
Building Bridges—Vintage Music of Latin America
Youtube concert of Building Bridges—Vintage Music of Latin America
Concert admission ($10) will grant you a link to the La Grua Center’s private Youtube channel. Concert on an unusual, late 19th-c. 9-foot, rosewood, Chickering grand piano!
Tuesday, December 08 2020
Uptown Concerts Online - AMY SPEACE
Uptown Concerts is now assisting artists with virtual concerts
Saturday, December 05 2020
Joe Jencks
7:30 PM, Facebook and YouTube at for free. Tips and merchandise purchases encouraged. Info: Rob Hinkal at
Sunday, November 22 2020
Online Ceili Concert
7pm, Featuring Kevin Elam with Joe DeZarn. The concert will be live streamed on our YouTube Channel (GWCC Online) and our Facebook page (GWCC SetDancedc). Video of the concert will be available on both platforms for later viewing as well.
Tuesday, November 17 2020
test event
the big wazoo
Saturday, November 14 2020
Joe Crookston
7:30 PM Presented on Facebook and YouTube at for free. Tips and merchandise purchases encouraged. Info: Rob Hinkal at
Tuesday, November 10 2020
Uptown Concerts Online - CHRISTINE LAVIN
YouTube link
Sunday, November 08 2020
Sally Rogers concert
7 PM, FSGW presents a virtual concert including The Vox Hunters followed by an open sing. For Zoom link to register for the concert, go to
Saturday, November 07 2020
J. Patrick All Stars Concert
2-4 pm - Live at the Atlantic Ballroom; 8819 Orchard Tree Ln, Towson, MD 21286 Featuring Peter Fitzgerald and the J. Patrick All Stars performing in concert and members of the Hooley School of Irish Dance who will perform a brief dance demonstration. The event is free to All, but seating is limited because of spacing, so you must register in advance by sending an email to Rick Herbig at requesting the number of seats you wish to reserve. Masks are required and all relevant CDC distancing guidelines and state and local government restrictions will be observed.
Thursday, November 05 2020
Sally Rogers concert
10:30 AM, Go to
Friday, October 30 2020
A Song a Day
Sally Rogers: A Song a Day Keeps the Virus Away, Monday through Friday at 4PM sings a song each day on her Facebook Page.
Tuesday, October 27 2020
BFMS Song Swap
7:30 PM
Suggested theme: Unusual Occurrences/Phenomenon (this could include spooky stuff or funny stuff, it's up to you). Cats coming back, mistaken identity of swans, tricksters, weather oddities... Come join the Four Hour Day, Baltimore Folk Music Society and pals with a song (folk inspired/classic country/old-time/bluegrass/original). A chorus is great for others to sing along. You can also join us to listen, add an instrumental solo, and enjoy the huge variety of songs presented by a surprising array of musicians. All we ask is that you are ready with your tuned instrument and lyrics to sing when it's your turn. And remember, only one person can sing at a time on Zoom! Email Andy if you have questions:, See below for the the 4HD Zoom link:
Saturday, October 17 2020
BFMS 45th Anniversary Closing Event
Saturday October 17 - 7:45 PM
Closing Concert with the Abell Avenue Pod
Facebook Live HERE , Zoom link will be posted at the day of the event.
Live stream of a variety of dance music from the BFMS tradition with Megan Beller (fiddle) and Charlie Beller (percussion and strings) of Contranella, with Jakob Raitzyk (mandolin) and Rebecca Geller (fiddle) of JWalk and the Organic Family Band
Wednesday, October 14 2020
BFMS 45th Anniversary
Wednesday October 14 - 7:45 PM
Panel Discussion
Facebook Live HERE , Zoom link will be posted at the day of the event Folk Traditions in Baltimore – Remembering the Past, Looking to the Future
Video links to past events available at or visit our YouTube channel
Tuesday, October 13 2020
45th Anniversary Mini Concert and Song Swap
Tuesday, October 13, 7:45 pm
Mini Concert and Song Swap
Featuring Bill Destler, Ann Porcella and Bill Schmidt, Linda Baer, and Michael Quitt and hosted by Andy Cooper
Doors open for our Zoom events at 7:30, and links will be posted on the website shortly before the event.
Saturday, October 10 2020
BFMS 45th Anniversary Opening Event
Saturday October 10 - 7:45 PM
Opening Celebration with music live stream featuring Steve Hickman and Bob Dalsemer
Visit for concert links and up to the minute details.
Share your BFMS memory at
Donate to BFMS for the 45th anniversary through the website (click here) or send a check to: BFMS, P.O. Box 7134 Waverly Station, Baltimore, MD 21218-0134
Friday, October 02 2020
FSGW Getaway
The Folklore Society of Greater Washington’s 2020 Getaway goes on-line via Zoom for this very unusual year. 10:30 am on 10/2 through late afternoon, 10/5. A complete schedule of what we’ve got planned for the weekend is available at, and it will be updated with any last-minute changes. For security reasons, you’ll need to register in advance at Registration is free, but we’ll be asking for a voluntary donation.
Sunday, September 27 2020
Instrument Workshops
A very short, very kind, very simple introduction to making stuff up for the terminally ambivalent. $20 payable through PayPal or Venmo to Checks are good too. SCHOLARSHIP AID is available, just ask. FOR QUESTIONS:
Saturday, September 26 2020
Instrument Workshops
We'll use five popular country dance tunes to address five of the most common technical problems: subdividing, rushing, jumpy melodies, fast notes, and generally making it sound like a dance. $20 payable through PayPal or Venmo to Checks are good too. SCHOLARSHIP AID is available, just ask. FOR QUESTIONS:
Saturday, September 26 2020
Frontyard Mostly Scottish Concert!
Elke Baker and Liz Donaldson
(like a house concert, but outdoors and socially distanced)
Saturday, September 26, 4:30 pm – 5:30 p.m., weather permitting (Rain date: Sun, Oct 4)
At Elke Baker's; 2889 Evergreen Way, Ellicott City
Come fill a seat, or bring your own! (Bring a chair if you have one.)
Attendance will be limited to preserve social distancing.
-you must RSVP to to confirm you are coming. No admittance if you're not on the list.
-wear a mask
-bring your own refreshments if you wish, inside the house is not available, including the bathrooms. (You might want insect repellent, too.)
-Suggested Donation $20 (cash or check).
Questions or to check for weather issues: 301-854-9161 or email
Tuesday, September 22 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Sunday, September 20 2020
Instrument Workshops
LESS IS MORE: an Intro to Medieval Minimalism
We're so used to managing handfuls of notes; this class deals with the exact opposite issue--medieval style and its stark simplicity, gradually complicated by layers of texture, dissonance and rhythm. A different vocabulary needs a different approach.
$20 payable through PayPal or Venmo to Checks are good too. SCHOLARSHIP AID is available, just ask. FOR QUESTIONS:
Saturday, September 19 2020
Online Concert - Building Bridges
From Jacqueline Schwab - Sat., Sept. 19, 3 pm: Attend my online solo concert, Building Bridges—Vintage Music of Latin America, sponsored by the Eastham Public Library. I’ve been enjoying this foray into music I’ve long loved.
Tips welcome, at - for
Info to come!
Saturday, September 19 2020
Instrument Workshops
How to phrase, shape and color a line of music so it says what you want to say. We'll be working with the exquisite, expressive English Lute Song repertoire.
$20 payable through PayPal or Venmo to Checks are good too. SCHOLARSHIP AID is available, just ask. FOR QUESTIONS:
Thursday, September 10 2020
Fundraiser Benefit Virtual Dance
A virtual dance, and fundraiser benefiting Jeremiah McLane, who lost his home, musical instruments, and a lifetime of memories. 10:30 PM (Eastern)
Musicians Dave Bartley, Anita Anderson and Claude Ginsberg. Sound by the impeccable
Alan Roberts, and Gumby Falk, More info at or
Tuesday, September 08 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Tuesday, September 01 2020
Save the Dates for the BFMS 45th Anniversary
Save the Dates for the BFMS 45th Anniversary Celebration
BFMS is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year. Please join us for a week of special events in October, all online and free, including:
Saturday, October 10, 7:45 pm Opening Celebration with music live stream
Wednesday, October 14, 7:45 pm Panel Discussion
Folk Traditions in Baltimore - Remembering the Past, Looking to the Future
Saturday, October 17, 7:45 pm Closing concert with music live stream
More details coming soon at
Want to volunteer? Emily Aubrey at
Friday, August 28 2020
Online - I Lift my Lamp
From Jacqueline Schwab : Fri., August 28 pm 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM: Join me at a new, online performance of my I Lift My Lamp--Vintage Songs and Dances of Immigrant America (a bit longer than my June 30 performance and including extra pieces and some social time), sponsored by Wisconsin’s Folklore Village, for around the time of the (currently postponed) Bare Necessities dance weekend there. Facebook not needed! Tickets: $20 each.
Info and tickets:
Tips welcome, at - for
Wednesday, August 26 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled
Tuesday, August 25 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Saturday, August 15 2020
Early Music Week at Pinewoods
From Jacqueline Schwab - Aug. 15-22: Catch a glimpse of Early Music Week at Pinewoods: A developing situation, but a participatory madrigal jam, talks, and a faculty concert are in the making. I may pitch in with an anachronistic piano piece. See
Wednesday, August 12 2020
Streaming concert of English country dance music
From Jacqueline Schwab - Wed., August 12, 7 pm ET: Tune in to a streaming concert of English country dance music, including some favorites from my first solo recording Mad Robin. My early love for English dancing helped me come out from my teenage burrow and introduced me to a welcoming, worldwide community in which I still enjoy playing (and dancing). On Wednesday, you’ll hear 17th-19th-c. tunes with an English, Irish and Scottish flavor and connected to English dancing. Thanks to Hal Wagner, for spearheading, and to the Country Dance Society, Boston Centre, for sponsoring!
Tips welcome, at - (for
Tuesday, August 11 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Saturday, August 08 2020
2nd Saturday Contra & Square Dance
No Dance tonight. See you in September
Tuesday, July 28 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Wednesday, July 22 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been canceled
Tuesday, July 14 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Saturday, July 11 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
This event has been cancelled
TBA calls to Andrea Hoag, Liz Donelson and the Summer Tunes Band More info coming soon!!!
Wednesday, July 08 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled
Tuesday, June 23 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Friday, June 19 2020
35th Annual Spring Catoctin Weekend
This event has been cancelled
Saturday, June 13 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
This event has been cancelled
Susan Taylor calls to Devine Comedy
Tuesday, June 09 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Tuesday, May 26 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Wednesday, May 20 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled
Wednesday, May 13 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled
Tuesday, May 12 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled
Saturday, May 09 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
This event has been cancelled
Perry Shafran calls to Sugar Beat: Elke Baker on fiddle, Marc Glickman on piano and Susan Brandt playing flute.
Wednesday, May 06 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled
Thursday, April 30 2020
Music on the Delaware
7:00-7:30: Music on the Delaware’s sixth “Virtual House Party” will feature flutist Linda Hickman. As with all the recent Zoom Room House Parties, this one can be accessed here: Zoom meeting 763 307 078, Password: 514379
Wednesday, April 29 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
Tuesday, April 28 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been canceled
Monday, April 27 2020
Beginner Guitar Lessons w/ Michael Raitzyk
An absolute beginner guitar workshop to inspire, challenge, and encourage you to dive into the wonderful world of music making. This class will be held on the Zoom video chat platform.
Wednesday, April 22 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
You can donate to the musicians and caller on the BFMS website.
Please note that this is not a donation to BFMS. All funds will be given to the performers.
This band had been scheduled: Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (pennywhistle, concertina), and John Devine (guitar).
Saturday, April 18 2020
Online Folk Dance Workshops
2 PM, Zeljko Jergan (Croatian dance)
Wednesday, April 15 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
You can donate to the musicians and caller on the BFMS website.
Please note that this is not a donation to BFMS. All funds will be given to the performers.
These performers had been scheduled: The Too Hot Mamas (Susan Taylor and Janine Smith) call to the Dead Sea Squirrels
Tuesday, April 14 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been canceled
Saturday, April 11 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
This event has been canceled
Saturday, April 11 2020
Online Folk Dance Workshops
2 PM, Roberto Bagnoli (Roberto's Favorites)
Wednesday, April 08 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
You can donate to the musicians and caller on the BFMS website.
Please note that this is not a donation to BFMS. All funds will be given to the performers.
This band had been scheduled to perform: Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, English concertina, sax), Ralph Barthine (guitar), Janina OBrien (piano, accordion).
Saturday, April 04 2020
CUU Virtual Open Mike Night
7:00 pm, Join us and perform or be part of the audience:
Click on the link below. If you are using a computer you will need a webcam and microphone (optional if you are not performing). The link will prompt you to download Zoom and follow the instructions (if you don't already have the Zoom app). If you want to perform, use the chat function to give your name to add to the list of performers. Or email in advance at
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 656 318 9820
Saturday, April 04 2020
Online Folk Dance Workshops
2 pm: Joe Kaloyanides Graziosi (Greek dance)
Wednesday, April 01 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
You can donate to the musicians and caller on the BFMS website.
Please note that this is not a donation to BFMS. All funds will be given to the performers.
These performers had been scheduled: Greg Frock calls to Laura Light (fiddle), Susan Brandt (flute), and Charlie Pilzer (piano).
Monday, March 30 2020
English Country Dance
This event has been cancelled.
Saturday, March 28 2020
Gentle English Dance
This event has been cancelled.
Music: Cindy Swiss, violin; Marty Taylor, winds and concertina; Judy Meyers, piano
Wednesday, March 25 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
You can donate to the musicians and caller on the BFMS website.
Please note that this is not a donation to BFMS. All funds will be given to the performers.
These performers had been scheduled:Penelope Weinberger calls to Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Howard Zane (banjo), and Joe Langley (guitar).
Tuesday, March 24 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been cancelled.
Monday, March 23 2020
English Country Dance
This event has been cancelled.
Wednesday, March 18 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
You can donate to the musicians and caller on the BFMS website.
Please note that this is not a donation to BFMS. All funds will be given to the performers.
These performers had been scheduled: Anna Rain calls to David Giusti (fiddle) and Jacob Howley (guitar).
Monday, March 16 2020
English Country Dance
This event has been cancelled.
Saturday, March 14 2020
State of the Society Meeting
This event has been postponed. A future date will be announced.
Questions? Contact
Saturday, March 14 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
Canceled! Stay healthy and see you soon! Check out our website and Facebook pages for updates on when our next dance will be.
If you are a current BFMS member and arrive at the dance prior to 7:15 for our Annual members meeting starting at 7PM, you will get into the dance FREE!!! If you arrive after 7:15 there will be a charge.
Thursday, March 12 2020
House Concert: The Mari Black Trio
7:30 PM, Mari Black is Scotland's Glenfiddich Fiddle Champion, U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion, and Canadian Maritime Fiddle Champion. She and her trio bring a rich mix of dance-inspired music from around the globe. More info at
Session to follow (bring instruments & voices). RSVP
Wednesday, March 11 2020
Square/Contra Dance
This event has been cancelled.
Tuesday, March 10 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
This event has been Cancelled.
Monday, March 09 2020
English Country Dance
CANCELLED! Please stay home, stay healthy, and help flatten the curve.
Sunday, March 08 2020
Singing for Everyone
7-9pm. If you are able to come, please RSVP to me (
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, March 08 2020
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! Janine Smith calls to the band JWalk (Jakob Raitzyk and Jared Kirkpatrick). For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Friday, March 06 2020
Mari Black and Trio
Multistyle violinist and champion fiddler Mari Black and her trio (including guitar player Owen Morrison). 8:00 PM, on W 33rd St (address provided after RSVP). Our shows are open to all with a suggested donation. More information is at Contact Becca at to RSVP!
Wednesday, March 04 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Perry Shafran calls to the Baltimore Open Band! Calling terms: Larks/Robins.
Monday, March 02 2020
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey calling to Carl Friedman (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano etc)
Saturday, February 29 2020
7:30 -9.30 PM; 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
All abilities and all ages are welcome; no need to read music or even to carry a tune.
Free of charge. Pot luck snacks after Sing.
OK to come on in any time between 7:30 to 9:30 and join: just come in the main front door and walk through the kitchen and then through the door on the left -- probably will hear the voices though the inside heavy door at far end of kitchen to the left (though this door may be closed). After 9:30 PM, opportunity to stay for an informal music-jam, sing/ dance along, or chat after the Sing. Bring instruments if you would like; use our collection of shakerees, etc. Or stay just to hang out. RSVP appreciated, though not necessary, to come.
Friday, February 28 2020
Bob Bovee Concert
We have a rare opportunity to hear Bob Bovee in the intimate setting of a house concert at 8 PM on Friday, February 28. Doors open at 7:30. This is definitely a concert you do not want to miss! Bob rarely comes this way from Minnesota, and we are so excited to be able to have him in this area! His humor alone is worth the price of admission! Bob is a one man folk festival of authentic, traditional music.
The concert will be held in a wheel chair accessible home in Catonsville, MD. A limited number of chairs are still available.Suggested donation is $15 for members of BFMS, and affiliated organizations and $20 for the general public.Contributions of snack food for intermission are welcome. Bring instruments, because a jam will follow the concert.
Wednesday, February 26 2020
Square/Contra Dance
April Blum calls to Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Janina OBrien (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, saxophone, concertina). Calling terms: Ladies/Gentlemen.
Tuesday, February 25 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, February 24 2020
English Country Dance
Our annual Tropical Staycation! Dress in your favorite resort wear and enjoy special snacks! Sharon McKinley calls to Elke Baker (violin), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, ukelele), and Jonathan Jensen (piano, ukulele, etc)
Saturday, February 22 2020
2 – 4 pm: The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
Traditional and contemporary folk dance (Balfolk) music from France, Belgium and Brittany. This free guided jam session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is required. This is a music session, NOT a dance. Tunebooks (paper) available at session. Also available in advance e: Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Wednesday, February 19 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to The Gravy Soppers - Rebecca Adams (banjo), Jeff Adams (guitar), Jason Miller (fiddle), and Jorgen Miller (bass).
Monday, February 17 2020
English Country Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to Emily Aubrey (violin), Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Janina O'Brien (winds, piano, percussion)
Wednesday, February 12 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Tea and Honey - Rebecca Weiss (fiddle), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle), Sophie Chang (cello), and Bobby LaRose (piano). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Tuesday, February 11 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, February 10 2020
English Country Dance
April Blum calls to Carl Friedman (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Beth Fink (piano)
Sunday, February 09 2020
Singing for Everyone
7-9pm. We are at 1520 W Mt Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. If you are able to come, please RSVP to me ( Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Hope to see you there!
Erin Kelly / cell phone: 410-258-9259
Sunday, February 09 2020
Dances of Universal Peace
3:30 – 5:30 PM, Doors open at 3:20. If you can move you can walk these dances, If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Stuart 410-961-1607
Sunday, February 09 2020
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Sunday, February 09 2020
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm at the Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex, to the left of the main ballroom entrance in Glen Echo, Maryland. Penelope Pineapple will be calling to Indigo. The Family Dance welcomes all ages, offering a unique opportunity to experience the joy of dance with your children. An experienced family dance leader shows you everything you need to know right then and there for circle, square and contra dances. Children under 4 are welcome -- many have started their dancing by bouncing along in a parent's babypack. For more information go to and click on "Family Dance", eMail, or check out the Family Dance Facebook page at!/pages/Family-Dance-FSGW/171393932879573.
Saturday, February 08 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to Red Toad Road: Featuring Carl Friedman playing fiddle, Irish flute, Jim Besser playing Anglo concertina, and Francine Krasowska playing piano.
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Don & Michele at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, February 05 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Hilton Baxter calls to Taylor Among the Devils - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (whistle, concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, February 03 2020
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Jeff Steinberg (violin), Steven Epstein (winds), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, February 01 2020
A Mid-Winter Nights Dream
The BFMS MidWinter Ball at the Church of the Reedemer. Galling by Gaye Fifer. Music by The Ripples. Mind Blowing, Gender free Contras in the afternoon. Contra and Couples dancing in the evening. Tickets are on sale now.
Thursday, January 30 2020
Dana and Susan Robinson
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD), Doors at 6:30pm, Concert 7:00-9:00pm $20 suggested donation, Feel free to bring food and drink to share! Please RSVP to
Wednesday, January 29 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to Elke Baker (fiddle) and Paul Oorts (guitar, mandolin). Calling Terminology: Lefts and Rights.
Tuesday, January 28 2020
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, January 27 2020
English Country Dance
Carl Friedman calls to Jeff Steinberg (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, January 26 2020
5:30 - 7:30 PM, 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 For the fun of raising our voices together. All abilities and all ages are welcome; no need to read music or even to carry a tune. Free of charge. Pot luck: heavy hordourves after Sing. After 7:30 PM, opportunity to stay for an informal music-jam, sing/ dance along, or chat after the Sing. RSVP appreciated, though not necessary, to come.
Wednesday, January 22 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Alexander Mitchell (fiddle, mandolin), Henry Koretzky (guitar, mandolin), Todd Clewell (guitar), and
Ralph Gordon (bass). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, January 20 2020
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calls to Cindy Swiss (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Saturday, January 18 2020
Gentle English Dance
The Gentle English dance for Jan 18 has been canceled.
Music: Cindy Swiss, Marty Taylor, and Judy Meyers
Wednesday, January 15 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Abigail Hobart calls to Countercurrent - Brian Lindsay (fiddle) and Alex Sturbaum (guitar). Calling terms: lead/follow.
Tuesday, January 14 2020
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, January 13 2020
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey calls to Carl Friedman (violin), Steve Epstein (winds), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Sunday, January 12 2020
Singing for Everyone
7-9 pm. If you are able to come, please RSVP to
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one.
Sunday, January 12 2020
Dances of Universal Peace
3 – 5 PM Check in on Saturday Jan 11 to get a confirmation that it is happening.
Celebrate with us whether this is the first time you will come, you have been a regular, or a long while has passed since you came over. We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. Doors open at 2:50 to be ready to begin at 3:00 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 (google maps seems reliable). Donation requested: $5 - $8. For questions call Stuart 410-961-1607
Sunday, January 12 2020
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Sunday, January 12 2020
Dances of Universal Peace
3 – 5 PM, We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. If you can move you can walk these dances, If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Doors open at 2:50 to be ready to begin at 3:00 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Donation requested: $5 - $8.
Saturday, January 11 2020
2nd Saturday Dance
Caroline Barnes is calling to Dance du Jour: Alexander Mitchell (fiddle), Liz Donaldson (piano), and Ralph Gordon (bass)
Calling terms Ladies & Gents
Welcome to a new year of dancing!!
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Don & Michele at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, January 08 2020
Square/Contra Dance
Kalia Kliban calls to Red Toad Road - Carl Friedman (fiddle, flute), Jim Besser (concertina), and Francine Krasowska (piano). Calling terminology: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, January 06 2020
English Country Dance
West Coast caller Kalia Kliban visits; music by Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano etc)
Wednesday, January 01 2020
Square/Contra Dance
No dance on New Year's Day.
Tuesday, December 31 2019
The Gala New Years Eve English Country Dance
BFMS is pleased to present its annual Gala New Year's Eve English Country Dance on Tuesday, December 31st, 2019, at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comfortor. Reception is at 6:30 PM and the Dance is 8:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Ticket Sales are open.
Monday, December 30 2019
English Country Dance
NO DANCE DECEMBER 30 but see you at the New Year's Eve ECD on the 31st!
Wednesday, December 25 2019
Square/Contra Dance
No Dance Tonight!
Tuesday, December 24 2019
NO BFMS Song Swap on 12/24
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
If venue is unavailable we'll let you know well in advance if we need to cancel.
Monday, December 23 2019
English Country Dance
Kappy Laning calling to Andrea Hoag (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, December 21 2019
Helicon Winter Solstice Concert
Kraushaar Auditorium, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd., Towson, Maryland 21204. Helicon's 34th Annual Winter Solstice Concerts. 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM. Tickets: $30 in advance, $35 at the door (group discounts). For ticket information, go to , or call 410-243-7254 or 410-746-8387 or email Ken at
Wednesday, December 18 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Susan Taylor calls to The Baltimore Open Band. Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, December 16 2019
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calling to Elke Baker (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Saturday, December 14 2019
7 PM - 9 PM
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
For the fun of raising our voices together.
All abilities and all ages are welcome; no need to read music or even to carry a tune. Free of charge. Opportunity to stay and play music, sing/ dance along, or chat after the Sing. (Potluck snacks for those who stay after the Sing.) Bring instruments if you would like, or use our collection of shakerees, rhythm instruments, etc.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043.
RSVP appreciated (so we know how many chairs to put out)
Saturday, December 14 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to Elke Baker & Paul Oorts
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email satdance at The Dance called Positionally.
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Friday, December 13 2019
8 PM
Windborne - an amazing young quartet of a capella singers. $20 requested donation.
Reservation necessary.
Wednesday, December 11 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Shane Kundsen calls to Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Howard Zane (banjo), and Joe Langley (guitar). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Tuesday, December 10 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, December 09 2019
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calling to Jeff Steinberg (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Sunday, December 08 2019
Singing for Everyone
please RSVP to Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one.
Saturday, December 07 2019
International Folk Dancing
7:30 PM at the Homewood Friends Meeting House;
Wednesday, December 04 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to Contre Temps - Andrew Tomlinson (flute), Mark Vidor (piano), and McGregor Yatsevitch (fiddle). Calling terminology: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, December 02 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calling to Emily Aubrey (violin), Steve Epstein (winds), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Saturday, November 30 2019
Annual Thanksgiving Concert
8:00 p.m., Baltimore's father-son duo Ken & Brad Kolodner will join with Alex LacQuement and Rachel Eddy and Charm City Junction in an intimate post-Thanksgiving concert of old-time, Bluegrass and Irish music. The band performs their own brand of Irish, Old-Time and Bluegrass music with a modern twist. The bands will perform together (featuring clawhammer banjo, hammered dulcimer, four fiddles, mandolin, bass, vocals, guitar, button accordion). The Gordon Center (3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue, Owings Mills, MD 21117 $25 in advance; $30 door ($3.00 service fee); senior discounts
Wednesday, November 27 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to the Lovely Lane String Band - Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), John Sauer (guitar), Jay White (banjo), and Artie Abrams (bass). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Tuesday, November 26 2019
BFMS Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, November 25 2019
English Country Dance
April Blum calling to Elke Baker (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Jonathan Jensen (piano etc)
Saturday, November 23 2019
Free! 2-4 pm at The Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd., Baltimore
Come play traditional and contemporary folk dance tunes from France and Brittany! Bourree, an dro, laride, hanter dro, valse, scottisch, and more. Easy, interesting and FUN!
All instruments welcome. No prior experience in the genre is required. Tunebooks will be provided at the session and are also available in advance in PDF format.
For more information contact Mark Vidor,
Please note that this is a music session, NOT a dance.
Wednesday, November 20 2019
Ed Trickett
7 pm @ The Church of the Holy Trinity; 502 S Morris St.; Oxford, MD
Ed Trickett finds both traditional songs and the songs of modern troubadours who create stuff that sounds old. Please call 410-226-5134 for additional information and reservations.
Wednesday, November 20 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to the Treble Makers - Liz Donaldson (piano), Emily Aubrey (fiddle), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax). Calling terminology: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, November 18 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calling to Carl Friedman (violin), Steven Epstein (winds), and Rosetta Isnardi (piano)
Saturday, November 16 2019
7 PM - 9 PM
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
For the fun of raising our voices together. All abilities and all ages are welcome; no need to read music or even to carry a tune. Invite others. Free. RSVP appreciated (so we know how many chairs to put out), though not necessary to come.
Wednesday, November 13 2019
Square/Contra Dance
The Too Hot Mamas (Janine Smith and Susan Taylor) call to the Dead Sea Squirrels: Craig Edwards (fiddle), Cathy Mason (fiddle), and Henry Yoshimura (guitar). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Tuesday, November 12 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, November 11 2019
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calling to Becky Ross (violin), Robin Wilson (fliute and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Sunday, November 10 2019
Dances of Universal Peace
3 - 5PM. If you can move you can dance these If dances, If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Potluck snacks to follow Dances. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Families with elders and young ones welcome to weave in and out of the circle, or play/ rest quietly in the space or outdoors in our yard. Dances welcome you without experience or partners. Donation requested: $5 - $8. For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Sunday, November 10 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Saturday, November 09 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Jack Mitchell calls to Some Assembly: Featuring Joe Klausner playing Fiddle and Mandolin, Mary Flora playing Flute and Sax, Adam Lee - Guitar & Patrick Herlihy on cajon and percussion.
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, November 06 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (concertina, pennywhistle), Brian Farrow (bass), and John Devine (guitar). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, November 04 2019
English Country Dance
Caller - Emily Aubrey
Music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina) and Judy Meyers (piano)
Free Fall Event: Free Admission To This Dance!
Saturday, November 02 2019
Gentle English Dance
Caller: Sharon McKinley - Musicians: Carl Friedman, Dave Crandall, and Ben Hobbs.
Wednesday, October 30 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to The Jumping Sharks - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), and Michael Raitzyk (guitar). Calling terms: Larks/Robins (or maybe Ghosts/Goblins). This is the Halloween dance and costume contest....grand prize is a ticket to the Midwinter Ball!
Monday, October 28 2019
English Country Dance
Halloween Dance! Come dressed as your favorite dance! You may submit your choice ahead of time at, or surprise us . Diane Schmit calls to Carl Friedman (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Friday, October 25 2019
7 PM - 9 PM
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
For the fun of raising our voices together.
Many of the harmonies are based on music from Sweet Honey and the Rock.
All abilities and all ages are welcome; no need to read music.
Invite others.
Wednesday, October 23 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Anne Lutun calls to Elke Baker (fiddle) and Paul Oorts (guitar, mandolin).
Calling Terms - Ladies/Gents
This is a FREE dance as part of Freefall Baltimore
Tuesday, October 22 2019
BFMS Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, October 21 2019
English Country Dance
Bob Farrall calls to the Geud Band of Baltimore
Saturday, October 19 2019
2019 Autumn Assembly Ball
The 2019 Autumn Assembly English Ball at the Church of the Redeemer. Music by a Joyful Noise.Tickets will be available at the door.
Wednesday, October 16 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Tea and Honey - Rebecca Weiss (fiddle), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle), Sophie Chang (cello), and Bobby LaRose (piano). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, October 14 2019
English Country Dance
Tom Spilsbury calls to Elke Baker (violin), Marty Taylor (winds/concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano etc)
Sunday, October 13 2019
Singing for Everyone
7-9pm, please RSVP for location and directions (
Sunday, October 13 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Saturday, October 12 2019
Dances of Universal Peace
8 - 9:30 PM. We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. If you can move you can dance these dances, If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Doors open at 7:50 to be ready to begin at 8:00 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 Dances welcome you without experience or partners. Donation requested: $5 - $8. for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, October 12 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Michael Lentz calls to Strings on Wings, featuring Todd Clewell on guitar and Barb Schmid on fiddle. Dance Role Terms: Mostly Ladies & Gents.
This is a FREE dance as part of Free Fall Baltimore
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, October 09 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Bob Isaacs calls to Some Assembly - Mary Corletta Flora (flute, sax and pennywhistle), Joe Klausner (fiddle, mandolin and banjo), and Adam Lee (guitar). Dance role terms: Ladies/Gents.
Tuesday, October 08 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, October 07 2019
English Country Dance
Guest caller Val Medve of Vermont calls to Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Friday, October 04 2019
Eileen Gannon and Eimear Arkins
7:30 PM, Traditional Irish music with an amazing duo from St. Louis and Ireland:
Eileen Gannon (harp) and Eimear Arkins (fiddle, voice, step dancing). 8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments & voices). RSVP
Thursday, October 03 2019
Sophie and Fiachra Trio with Andre Marchand
7:30 PM
Sophie Lavoie (fiddle, piano, voice) Fiachra O'Regan (pipes, whistle, banjo, and who knows what else) and legendary guitarist Andre Marchand (one of the founders of La Bottine Souriante). 8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments & voices). RSVP
Wednesday, October 02 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Tavi Merrill calls to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Janina OBrien (piano, accordion, whistle). Role terms: Gents/Ladies.
Monday, September 30 2019
English Country Dance
Annapolis' own Ann Fallon calling to Carl Friedman (violin), Brian Cardell (winds), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Wednesday, September 25 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Taylor among the Devils - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (whistle, concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano).
Tuesday, September 24 2019
BFMS Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, September 23 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calling to Sophie Chang (cello), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Saturday, September 21 2019
Gentle English Dance
Ann Fallon calling, to the music of Cindy Swiss, violin, Brian Cardell,
recorders and flute, and Francine Krasowska, piano.
Saturday, September 21 2019
Music Jam Party
4 - 8 p.m. Music Jam Party, hosted by neighbors Jan Caughlan and Bill Webster at their homes in Catonsville. Guests are encouraged to bring instruments and food to share. The hope is that people will play with old and new friends. If you want more information, contact Jan at She will send you the evite with all the information.
Wednesday, September 18 2019
Square/Contra Dance
April Blum calls to The Organic Family Band - Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Michael Raitzyk (guitar),Rebekah Geller (fiddle), and Judith Geller (French horn). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, September 16 2019
English Country Dance
Caller Emily Aubrey with Cindy Swiss (violin), Robin Wilson (winds and concertina), and Beth Fink (piano)
Sunday, September 15 2019
BFMS Picnic
Genesee Valley Outdoor Learning Center in Parkton, MD
Bring a picniclunch, and something to grill if you wish.Charcoal will be provided for the grills. BFMS will also supply all ingredients for yummy s'mores. Jamming, Frisbee, storytelling, singing, juggling, games, nature walks, all may spontaneously happen. In case of slightly inclement weather, there's an indoor venue. In case of severe, check the website for cancellation notice. There's no charge but we do appreciate your donations to help us cover costs.
Saturday, September 14 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Greg Frock calls to Rebecca Weiss, David Kaynor & Gianna Marzilli Ericson on fiddles and Charlie Pilzer on piano.
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Friday, September 13 2019
7-10pm, Free and open to all, all ages and any vocal ability. Vocal only for this part, no instruments. Easy to follow songs will be taught, no music reading involved. We'll have water out for drinking. Other drinks are welcome. Please park with consideration for our neighbors. For those who want to extend the evening after the Sing is over to play, sing-along, dance or hang out, feel free to stay and bring potluck snacks. Instruments welcome, not needed to join in. Stuart and Peggy at 612 Hollow Road, Ellicott City MD 21043. 410-465-1914
Wednesday, September 11 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Shane Kundsen calls to Contra Rebels - Barb Schmid (fiddle), Todd Clewell (fiddle), and Henry Koretzky (guitar). Caller Terminology: Ladies/Gents.
Tuesday, September 10 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, September 09 2019
English Country Dance
April Blum calls the dances to the boisterous sounds of Carl Friedman (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Francine Krasowska (piano)
Sunday, September 08 2019
Singing for Everyone
7-9 pm, If you are able to come, please RSVP for location/directions or contact for more info: Erin Kelly Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing if you have one.
Saturday, September 07 2019
Dances of Universal Peace
This is a Saturday dance (will return to Sundays in November) 7 - 9 PM
Celebrate with us whether this is the first time you will come, you have been a regular, or a long while has passed since you came over. We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. If you can move you can dance these dances, If you can breathe, you can sing these chants.
Doors open at 6:45 to be ready to begin at 7:00 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Friday, September 06 2019
Keith Murphy
7:30 PM A mix of original & traditional songs from Canadian and other traditions.
8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments & voices).
Thursday, September 05 2019
One for the Foxes
7:30 PM, Irish & American tunes & songs by Tadhg O Meachair, Dave Curley and Denver, Joanna Hyde. 8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments & voices). RSVP
Wednesday, September 04 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to The Baltimore Open Band. Calling terms: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, September 02 2019
English Country Dance
Hilton Baxter calling to Emily Aubrey (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Ben Hobbs (piano). Free new dancer's workshop at 7:45.
Monday, September 02 2019
Ken & Brad's Annual Backyard House Concert
2pm-10pm - Whether you play Bluegrass, Old-Time, Irish, Americana, Folk or don't play at all – anyone is welcome to come hang. Bring your favorite dish for the big potluck, instruments, lawn chairs and we’ll supply a keg. Bring the whole family, your friends, neighbors, and anyone you think might enjoy playing or listening to music on a warm summer evening! Ken and Alison's House (3806 Fenchurch Road, Baltimore, MD). Please bring food and drink to share! FREE
Sunday, September 01 2019
Washington Family Dance
The next Washington Family Dance will be a FREE dance in conjunction with Glen Echo's Labor Day Weekend celebration, from 3 to 5 pm, Sunday, September 1st at the Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex, to the left of the main ballroom entrance in Glen Echo, Maryland.?? Note this is a departure from the usual second-Sunday-of-the-month schedule. The next dance after this one will be October 13th. For more information go to and click on "Family Dance", eMail If you suspect a dance may be cancelled due to bad weather, call the park at 301-320-2330.
Wednesday, August 28 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Susan Taylor calls to Steve Hickman (fiddle), Ralph Barthine (guitar), John Bryant (bass), and Dave Crandall (flute, sax).
Calling terminology: gents/ladies or left/right. This dance is free for BFMS members!
Tuesday, August 27 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, August 26 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Tom Spilsbury; music will be provided by Elke Baker (violin), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Sunday, August 25 2019
Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy and The Ken & Brad Kolodner Quartet
7:00 pm; Join us for an outdoor summer evening of old-time, French-Canadian, Irish and The Canadian Maritimes and original music on hammered dulcimer, clawhammer and gourd banjo, fiddles, mbira, guitar and vocals. Bring a chair/blanket, picnic, drinks. Suggested donation: $25 advance; $27 door; $12 under 15 years old, Backyard of 3806 Fenchurch Rd, Baltimore MD 21218 OR in case of rain/heat, The Stony Run Friends Meeting House, 5116 N Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21210 410-746-8387 or,,,
Saturday, August 24 2019
2 pm - 4 pm - This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments.
We will be playing tunes from the Balfolk repertoire - traditional and contemporary folk
dance music from France and Brittany. Bourree, an dro, hanter dro, laride,
valse and more! The music is lively, exciting, and mysterious with
great melodies and rhythms. And it’s easy to play! Tunebook: We will be playing from Balfolk Baltimore Tunebook #`1 and Tunebook #2. Available in advance (PDF) or at the session (paper). If you have a favorite Balfolk tune, bring 10 copies.
The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
For more information contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Please Note: This is a music session. IT IS NOT A DANCE.
Wednesday, August 21 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Kim Forry calls to The Gravy Soppers - Rebecca Adams (banjo), Jeff Adams (guitar), Jason Miller (fiddle), Jørgen Miller (bass), and Gary Baker (bass). Caller terminology: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, August 19 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley will be the caller, with music by Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Beth Fink (piano)
Wednesday, August 14 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle, feet), Michael Raitzyk (guitar), and friends. Calling terminology: Ladies and Gents.
Tuesday, August 13 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, August 12 2019
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Doors at 6:30pm, Concert 7:00-9:00pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Please RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot. Invite your friends and spread the word! Most shows fill up so don’t hesitate reserve a spot. Feel free to bring food and drink to share.
Monday, August 12 2019
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls to music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Tom Wright (10-string mandolin), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Sunday, August 11 2019
Singing for Everyone
7-9 pm
If you are able to come, please RSVP to me ( so we can make sure we have enough chairs. Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Info & directions: Erin Kelly /
cell phone: 410-258-9259
Sunday, August 11 2019
No Washington Family Dance in August
There is no Washington Family Dance in August.
Please join us for the next Family Dance on September 1st.
For more information, see
Saturday, August 10 2019
No Dance This Month Be back September 14
Summertime Closed, but come back next month September 14,2019 for a great new dance
Wednesday, August 07 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to Matthew Christian (fiddle) and Max Carmichael (guitar). Calling terminology: Larks and Robins.
Monday, August 05 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of McGregor Yatsevitch (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Wednesday, July 31 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Contre Temps - Andrew Tomlinson (flute), Mark Vidor (piano), and McGregor Yatsevitch (fiddle). Caller terminology: Ladies/Gents.
Monday, July 29 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calls the figures; music will be provided by Emily Aubrey (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Sunday, July 28 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 - 5 PM in the in the Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex. Note this month is a departure from the usual second-Sunday-of-the-month schedule. $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Penelope Weinberger at
Wednesday, July 24 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to Medicinal Purpose - Ryck Kaiser (fiddle), Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Jamie O'Brien (guitar), and Bruce Campbell (bass). Calling terms: Ladies/Gents
Tuesday, July 23 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, July 22 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Emily Aubrey; music will be provided by Andrea Hoag (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Saturday, July 20 2019
2 pm – 4 pm at The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments.
We will be playing tunes from the Balfolk repertoire - traditional and contemporary folk
dance music from France and Brittany. Bourree, an dro, hanter dro, laride,
valse and more! The music is lively, exciting, and mysterious with
great melodies and rhythms. And it’s easy to play!
Tunebook: We will be playing from Balfolk Baltimore Tunebooks #1 and #2. Available in advance (PDF) or at the session (paper). If you have a favorite Balfolk tune, bring 10 copies. For more information contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Please Note: This is a music session. IT IS NOT A DANCE.
Wednesday, July 17 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Sam Smith calls to Jumping Sharks - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, and sax), and Michael Raitzyk (guitar)
Monday, July 15 2019
The Wildmans House Concert
Bring an instrument, friends, food, drink and a smiling face for what will surely be a beautiful evening of music and community! Please RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot. Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD) $15-$20 suggested donation. Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Monday, July 15 2019
English Country Dance
Andrea Nettleton will be the caller, with music by Cindy Swiss (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Sunday, July 14 2019
Singing for Everyone
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Hope to see you there!
For location/directions: Erin Kelly /
cell phone: 410-258-9259
Saturday, July 13 2019
No Dance This Month
Summertime closed be back September 14, 2019
Wednesday, July 10 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Anne Lutun calls to the Lovely Lane String Band - Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), John Sauer (guitar), Jay White (banjo), and Artie Abrams (bass). Calling terminology: Ladies-Gents.
Tuesday, July 09 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, July 08 2019
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls to music by the Geud Band of Baltimore
Wednesday, July 03 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Quena Crain calls to The Long Pond Rounders - Jonah Sidman (Fiddle), Corey Walters (Flute, Mandolin), Michael Friedman (Piano), and Ness Smith-Savedoff (Percussion).
Monday, July 01 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Ann Fallon calls to the music of Carl Friedman and Rosetta Isnardi (violins), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Wednesday, June 26 2019
Square/Contra Dance
April Blum calls to the Baltimore Open Band!
Tuesday, June 25 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, June 24 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Bob Farrall; music will be provided by Emily Aubrey (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Wednesday, June 19 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Kelsey Hartman calls to The Nettles - Laura Brophy (fiddle), Kevin Johnsrude (guitar), Michael Proctor (bass), and Ness Smith-Savedoff (percussion).
Monday, June 17 2019
English Country Dance
April Blum will be the caller, with music by Barbara Gorin (strings), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Francine Krasowska (piano)
Monday, June 17 2019
English Country Dance
Andrea Nettleton will be the caller, with music by Cindy Swiss (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Friday, June 14 2019
Catoctin Music and Dance Weekend
34th Annual BFMS Spring Catoctin Mountain Music and Dance Weekend
Friday June 14 to Sunday, June 16, 2019
Join dancers and musicians of all ages for a participatory intergenerational weekend of dancing, singing, workshops, jamming, crafts, hiking and more in a beautiful mountain setting from $89 per person. Info & online registration available. Ticket sales are open.
Wednesday, June 12 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Howard Zane (banjo), Joe Langley (guitar), and Art Abrams (bass).
Tuesday, June 11 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, June 10 2019
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls to music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Dave Crandall (flute and saxophone), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, June 09 2019
Singing for Everyone
7-9 pm, Contact for more info: Erin Kelly Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing if you have one.
Sunday, June 09 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 - 5 PM. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex, $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Penelope Weinberger at
Saturday, June 08 2019
Sat & Sun, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum at 300 Oella Avenue, Baltimore MD.
BFMS is helping sponsor participatory dances, singing and music sessions again at this year's Colonial Market Fair. All activities are free, however a $5.00 donation is requested for parking. If you have questions, you may contact Steve Bilanow at or call 301-385-9292.
Saturday, June 08 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Triple Helix Alexander Mitchell (fiddle), Colleen Reed (flute, sax) and Keith Gillis (guitar).
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, June 05 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Rodney Sutton calls to Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (pennywhistle, concertina), and John Devine (guitar). Caller will use Ladies/Gents Terminology.
Monday, June 03 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
English caller and choreographer Colin Hume calls to the music of Elke Baker (violin), Tom Wright (10-string mandolin), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, May 29 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Ethan Ableman calls to Tea and Honey - Rebecca Weiss (fiddle), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle), Sophie Chang (cello), and Bobby LaRose (piano). Special Workshop before the dance (7:15-8PM): Contra flourish workshop for intermediate to advanced dancers with Eria and Amelia.
Tuesday, May 28 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, May 27 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Emily Aubrey; music will be provided by Carl Friedman (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Monday, May 27 2019
Dances of Peace
Please RSVP as soon as possible and latest by Thursday May 23 if you plan to attend. 3 - 5 PM. We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. If you can move you can dance these dances. Doors open at 2:45 to be ready to begin at 3 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Donation requested, $5 suggested. Bring potluck snacks if you wish. If weather allows, we dance outdoors, so bring layers and sun protection to be comfortable. For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, May 25 2019
Balfolk Music Session
2 pm - 4 pm
The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments.
We will be playing tunes from the Balfolk repertoire - traditional and contemporary folk
dance music from France and Brittany. For more information contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072, Please Note: This is a music session. IT IS NOT A DANCE.
Wednesday, May 22 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Alexandra Deis-Lauby calls to Tim Ball (fiddle) and Harry Aceto (guitar).
Monday, May 20 2019
English Country Dance
Tom Spilsbury will be the caller; we’ll have special music by
Elke Baker (violin), with Jacqueline Schwab, a wonderful pianist known for her work with Bare Necessities and on cinematic soundtracks, as well as a solo career.
Saturday, May 18 2019
Gentle English Dance
Caller, Emily Aubrey. Musicians, Cindy Swiss on violin, David Crandall on flute and saxophone, Janina O'Brien on piano.
Wednesday, May 15 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to Kingfisher - Cecilia Vacanti (fiddle) and Jeff Kaufman (piano).
Tuesday, May 14 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, May 13 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calls to music by Rosetta Isnardi (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Sunday, May 12 2019
Singing for Everyone
Contact for more info: Erin Kelly Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing if you have one.
Sunday, May 12 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Sunday, May 12 2019
Washington Family Dance
Donna Hunt calling. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex, $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Penelope Weinberger at
Saturday, May 11 2019
Sat, May 11th, 6:30 - 8:30/ Free, and open to all, all ages and any vocal ability. Vocal only (no instruments). We will sing together for the enjoyment of hearing our voices join in harmony and beauty. Easy to follow songs will be taught, no music reading involved. Many of the songs come from the Ysaye Barnwell (from Sweet Honey and the Rock singing group) Community Sings. For those who want to extend the evening after the Sing is over:
Feel free to bring instruments and potluck snacks. During this time: your instruments if you have the use our shakerees, drum, keyboard; sing-along as others play; dance; listen; chat; etc. Stuart and Peggy at 612 Hollow Road, Ellicott City MD 21043.
Saturday, May 11 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Donna Hunt calls to Contranella, Featuring: Megan Wobus Beller on (Fiddle), John Wobus on (Piano) and Charley Beller on (Percussion)
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, May 08 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to The Treble Makers - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, saxophone), and Liz Donaldson (piano).
Monday, May 06 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Ann Fallon calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Beth Fink(piano)
Sunday, May 05 2019
Dances of Universal Peace
Next Dance is FIRST Sunday: May 5 from 4 - 6 PM at
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043.
With gratefulness for the Circle of healing and fun we created today;
Missed those who were not able to join us. Peggy Adams
Wednesday, May 01 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Hilton Baxter calls to Evening.. - Steve Hickman (fiddle), John Devine (guitar), and David Crandall (Saxophone, flute).
Monday, April 29 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Emily Aubrey; music will be provided by Paul Oorts (mandolin and acdordion), Dave Crandall (flute and sax), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, April 24 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, saxophone), and Michael Raitzyk (guitar).: Contra flourish workshop before the dance (7:15-8 PM) for intermediate to advanced dancers with Eria and Amelia.
Tuesday, April 23 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, April 22 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Tom Spilsbury; music will be provided by Becky Ross (violin), Tom Wright (10-string mandolin), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, April 20 2019
Balfolk/Fest Diez Dance
2 pm - 4 pm
The Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd., Baltimore MD
Come and enjoy an afternoon of folk dances from France and Brittany: an dro, hanter dro, laride, bourree, schottische, valse and more!
All dances are taught. No prior experience required. Lots of fun and easy to do!
Live music by Slyte of Hand: Jon Kmetz - bagpipes and viola; Shelly Kelley - hurdy gurdy, chalumeau, percussion; Mark Vidor - accordion
Free (donation encouraged)
For more information contact Mark Vidor,, 410-790-4072
Wednesday, April 17 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Mike Lentz calls to the Baltimore Open Band
Monday, April 15 2019
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley will be the caller; music will be the big band sound of the Geud Band of Baltimore
Sunday, April 14 2019
Dances of Universal Peace
With gratefulness for the Circle of healing and fun we created today:
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. RSVP appreciated, though not necessary.
Sunday, April 14 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm. Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Saturday, April 13 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to The Run Of The Mill String Band from Philadelphia area featuring: Palmer Loux,Greg Loux,Paul Sidlick & Michael Foster
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, April 10 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake- Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), Janina OBrien (piano), and Ralph Barthine (guitar).
Tuesday, April 09 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, April 08 2019
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Beth Fink (piano)
Saturday, April 06 2019
Sing with Stuart
We will sing together for the enjoyment of hearing our voices join in harmony and beauty. Easy to follow songs will be taught, no music reading involved. Many of the songs come from the Ysaye Barnwell (from Sweet Honey and the Rock singing group) Community Sings. Vocal only 7 - 9 PM, no instruments. An RSVP is not necessary (though appreciated). Please park with consideration for our neighbors. Stuart and Peggy at 612 Hollow Road, Ellicott City MD 21043. 410-465-1914
Saturday, April 06 2019
Balfolk Music Session
2 pm to 4 pm. The Four Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd., Baltimore
Traditional and contemporary folk dance music from France and Brittany. This session is for all musicians and all instruments. No prior experience in the genre is necessary. We will be playing dance tunes such as bourree, an dro, hanter dro, laride, valse, gavotte and more! The music is lively, exciting, and mysterious with great melodies and rhythms. And it’s easy to play! We will be playing from Balfolk Baltimore Tunebook #1 and Tunebook #2. Available in advance (PDF) or at the session (paper). If you have a favorite Balfolk tune, bring 10 copies. For more information or a copy of the tunebooks, contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072, Please note: This is a music session. IT IS NOT A DANCE.
Wednesday, April 03 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Alexander Mitchell (fiddle), Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Todd Clewell (guitar), and Bruce Campbell (bass).
Monday, April 01 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Wednesday, March 27 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Rodney Sutton calls to Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle). Marty Taylor (concertina, whistle), and John Devine (guitar).Special Workshop before the dance (7:15-8PM): Contra flourish workshop for intermediate to advanced dancers with Eria and Amelia.
Tuesday, March 26 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, March 25 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Ann Fallon; music will be provided by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Dave Crandall (flute and sax), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Saturday, March 23 2019
Gentle English Dance
The caller will be Sharon McKinley. The musicians will be Brian Cardell (recorders and flute), David Crandall (flute and saxophone), and Judy Meyers (piano).
Wednesday, March 20 2019
Square/Contra Dance
The Too Hot Mamas (Susan Taylor and Janine Smith) call to the Dead Sea Squirrels - Craig Edwards (fiddle), Cathy Mason (fiddle), and Henry Yoshimura (guitar).
Monday, March 18 2019
English Country Dance
Andrea Nettleton will be the caller; music provided by our very own Geud Band of Baltimore
Wednesday, March 13 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock Calls to Unbowed - Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Alexander Mitchell (mandolin), Jamie OBrien (guitar), and Bruce Campbell (bass).
Tuesday, March 12 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, March 11 2019
Annual State of the Society Meeting
The Annual State of the Society Meeting - This year on a Monday night before the English Country Dance at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter. 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Hear reports from the BFMS President, the BFMS Treasurer and the BFMS Nominating Committee. Members arrive before 7:15 PM and get into the dance FREE.
Monday, March 11 2019
English Country Dance
Bob Farrall calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, March 10 2019
Singing for Everyone
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Hope to see you there!
Call for directions: Erin Kelly /, cell phone: 410-258-9259
Sunday, March 10 2019
10 String Symphony
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Doors at 6:30pm, Concert 7:00-9:00pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Sunday, March 10 2019
Washington Family Dance
Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Ben Sela at
Sunday, March 10 2019
Dances of Peace
3-5 pm, Doors open at 2:45. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 (google maps seems reliable)
Beginners and old friends: families with elders and young ones welcome to weave in and out of the circle, or play/ rest quietly in the space or outdoors in our yard
Come with or without experience and partners.
Donation requested: $5 - $8
For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, March 09 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Abigail Hobart calls to Devine Comedy: Marty Taylor
(whistles, concertina), Steve Hickman (fiddle), and John Devine
(guitar).We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
Friday, March 08 2019
Aoife Clancy and Bill Elliott
Reserve space by email,, suggested donation $20, snacks or drinks appreciated, parking limited, carpooling encouraged.
Wednesday, March 06 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Anne Lutun calls to Sugar Beat - Elke Baker (fiddle), Susan Brandt (flute), and Marc Glickman (piano).
Monday, March 04 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Tom Wright (10-string mandolin), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Saturday, March 02 2019
Traditional and Contemporary Folk Dance Music from Brittany and France
2 pm – 4 pm, The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments.
We will be playing tunes from the Balfolk repertoire - traditional and contemporary folk
dance music from France and Brittany. Session Leader: Mark Vidor, accordionist. We will be playing from Balfolk Baltimore Tunebook #`1 and Tunebook #2. Available in advance (PDF) or at the session (paper). If you have a favorite Balfolk tune, bring 10 copies. contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072, Please Note: This is a music session. IT IS NOT A DANCE.
Wednesday, February 27 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Susan Taylor calls to Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (pennywhistle, concertina), and John Devine (guitar). Special Workshop before the dance (7:15-8PM): Contra flourish workshop for intermediate to advanced dancers with Eria and Amelia.
Tuesday, February 26 2019
4th Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7 to 9 PM - at the Four Hour Day Lutherie
Monday, February 25 2019
English Country Dance
It's our annual Tropical Staycation! Wear your beach clothes! The caller will be Emily Aubrey; music will be provided by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Friday, February 22 2019
7-10pm, Free and open to all, all ages and any vocal ability. Vocal only for this part, no instruments. Easy to follow songs will be taught, no music reading involved. Please park with consideration for our neighbors. Stuart and Peggy at 612 Hollow Road, Ellicott City MD 21043. 410-465-1914
Wednesday, February 20 2019
Square/Contra Dance
NO DANCE TONIGHT! - Lovely Lane Church Closed Due To WInter Storm.
Monday, February 18 2019
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon will be the caller; music provided by Emily Aubrey (violin), Barbara Gorin (strings), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Wednesday, February 13 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the Lovely Lane String Band - Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), John Sauer (guitar), Jay White (banjo), and Artie Abrams (bass).
Wednesday, February 13 2019
Laurie Lewis
RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot.
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Cost: $15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Tuesday, February 12 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Song Swap - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Monday, February 11 2019
English Country Dance
TONIGHT'S DANCE is CANCELED due to weather. Stay home and safe! Sharon McKinley calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Dave Crandall (flute, sax), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, February 10 2019
Singing for Everyone
Second Sunday of each month, 7 - 9 pm, Contact for more info: Erin Kelly Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing if you have one.
Sunday, February 10 2019
Washington Family Dance
Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex, to the left of the main ballroom entrance in Glen Echo, Maryland. This month, its Janine Smith calling to Otter Loop. For more information go to and click on "Family Dance", or eMail
Info. on future FSGW Family Dances are at
Sunday, February 10 2019
Washington Family Dance
3 to 5 pm
Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex, to the left of the main ballroom entrance in Glen Echo, Maryland. This month, its Janine Smith calling to Otter Loop. For more information go to and click on "Family Dance", or eMail
Sunday, February 10 2019
Dances of Peace
3-5 pm, Doors open at 2:45. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 (google maps seems reliable)
Beginners and old friends: families with elders and young ones welcome to weave in and out of the circle, or play/ rest quietly in the space or outdoors in our yard
Come with or without experience and partners.
Donation requested: $5 - $8
For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, February 09 2019
Balfolk Dance!
The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
3 PM to 5 PM
Come to our second Balfolk! Folk dances from France and Brittany - bourree, an dro, laride, valse, schottische, hanter dro and MORE! All dances taught; no experience required. It's EASY and FUN! Live music by Slyte of Hand (Jon Kmetz - French bagpipes, viola; Michele McCann - hurdy gurdy, chalumeau, percussion; Mark Vidor - accordeon)
$10 donation suggested. For more information contact Mark Vidor at
Saturday, February 09 2019
2nd Saturday Dance
Brian Hamshar calls to The Organic Family Band: Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Michael Raitzyk (guitar),Rebekah Geller (fiddle), and Judith Geller (French horn).
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
Wednesday, February 06 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Tea and Honey -Rebecca Weiss (fiddle), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle), Sophie Chang (cello), and Bobby LaRose (piano).
Monday, February 04 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Tom Spilsbury calls to the music of Elke Baker (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, January 30 2019
Square/Contra Dance
April Blum calls to Elke Baker (fiddle) and Paul Oorts (guitar).
Monday, January 28 2019
English Country Dance
The caller will be Diane Schmit; music will be provided by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, January 27 2019
Traditional and Contemporary Folk Dance Music from Brittany and France
The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
2 PM to 4 PM
This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments. We will be playing tunes from the Balfolk repertoire - traditional and contemporary folk dance music from France and Brittany. Bourree, an dro, hanter dro, laride,valse and more!
Session Leader: Mark Vidor, accordionist. NEW Tunebook: Available in advance (PDF) or at the session (paper). For more information contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072, Please Note: This is a music session. IT IS NOT A DANCE.
Saturday, January 26 2019
Gentle English Dance
The caller will be Bob Farrall. The musicians will be Carl Friedman, violin, Marty Taylor, concertina and recorders, and Janina O"Brien, piano.
Friday, January 25 2019
Free, and open to all, all ages and any vocal ability. Vocal only for this part, no instruments. Easy to follow songs will be taught, no music reading involved. We'll have water out for drinking. Other drinks are welcome. An rsvp is not necessary (though appreciated). Please park with consideration for our neighbors. For those who want to extend the evening after the Sing is over, feel free to bring instruments. Stuart and Peggy at 612 Hollow Road, Ellicott City MD 21043. 410-465-1914
Wednesday, January 23 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Howard Zane (banjo), Joe Langley (guitar), and Art Abrams (bass).
Tuesday, January 22 2019
Song Swap at 4hr Day
The Four Hour Day
4305 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21214
Free (small donation for venue appreciated)
Monday, January 21 2019
English Country Dance
April Blum will be the caller; music provided by the fabulous Geud Band of Baltimore
Thursday, January 17 2019
Richie and Rosie
Richie Stearns is a legendary old-time banjo player (and my very first banjo teacher) while Rosie Newton is one of the finest young fiddlers on the scene today. $15-$20 suggested donation. Feel free to bring food and drink to share! Please RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot.
Wednesday, January 16 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Contre Temps - Andrew Tomlinson (flute), Mark Vidor (piano), and McGregor Yatsevitch (fiddle).
Monday, January 14 2019
English Country Dance
Guest caller Tom Roby calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Sunday, January 13 2019
Singing for Everyone
Contact for more info: Susan Warner,
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing if you have one.
Sunday, January 13 2019
Dances of Universal Peace
We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. Doors open at 2:45 to be ready to begin at 3:00 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Sunday, January 13 2019
Washington Family Dance
Glen Echo Park Ballroom Annex (to the left of the main Ballroom entrance) in Glen Echo, MD. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and older. No dancing experience is necessary -- the dances are taught for ages 4 and up, with a focus on having fun! For more information go to and click on "Family", or contact Penelope Weinberger at
Saturday, January 12 2019
2019 BFMS MidWinter Ball
The Red Hot Contra 2019 BFMS MidWinter Ball - with Cis Hinkle calling to Pete's Posse. At the Church of the Redeemer. Mind Blowing Contras in the Afternoon and the MidWinter Ball at night. On-line sales are closed but tickets will be available at the door.
Saturday, January 12 2019
No Dance This Month MID Winter Ball at different location
Tonight we have our Mid Winter Ball held at the Church of the Redeemer 5603 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21210
Check our Website for more details and Great Line up
Come see us next month for another great 2nd Saturday Dance
any questions
Wednesday, January 09 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Andrea Nettleton calls to Triple Helix - Colleen Reed flute, saxophone), Alexander Mitchell (fiddle, mandolin), and Keith Gillis (guitar)
Tuesday, January 08 2019
2nd Tuesday Song Swap
Singers Take Note! New 2nd Tuesday Song Swap!
The new 2nd Tuesday BFMS Song Swap debuts on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 7:30-9:30 at The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter, 6112 York Road in Cedarcroft (south of Towson)
Monday, January 07 2019
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Sharon McKinley calls to the music of Elke Baker (violin), Paul Oorts (things with strings), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, January 02 2019
Square/Contra Dance
Susan Taylor calls to Taylor Among the Devils - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (whistle, concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano).
Monday, December 31 2018
New Years Eve English Country Dance Gala
BFMS is pleased to present its annual Gala New Year's Eve English Country Dance on Monday, December 31st, 2017, at the Church of the Nativity and Holy Comfortor. Reception is at 6:30 PM and the Dance is 8:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Music by Elegant Echoes, Dances led by Melissa Running. Potluck supper at 7:30 PM. Tickets are on sale now.
Monday, December 31 2018
English Country Dance
New Year's Eve!! Join us for our New Year's Eve ECD Gala at Church of the Nativity, featuring caller Melissa Running, with music by Elegant Echoes (Becky Ross, violin; Colleen Reed, flute, and Liz Donaldson, piano). See for details.
Wednesday, December 26 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Carl Friedman (fiddle, flute ) and Marc Glickman (piano).
Monday, December 24 2018
English Country Dance
Christmas Eve NO DANCE!
Wednesday, December 19 2018
Circle Singing
CircleSinging is joyous choral style of singing originally created by Bobby McFerrin. Lead by Paris Kern and Brian Hehn, you will be lead in parts created on the spot. Donation of $10 for space rental( no one turned away from lack of funds). Stony Run Friends Meeting, 5116 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, 21210
Wednesday, December 19 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kim Forry calls to The Gravy Soppers - Rebecca Adams (banjo), Jeff Adams (guitar), Jason Miller (fiddle), and Johann Miller (bass). These folks are a popular old-time band from (mostly) western Maryland. Johann also plays with the Moose Whisperers, who won the band competition at Clifftop a few years ago.
Tuesday, December 18 2018
Song Swap at 4hr Day
A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break) with great acoustics. We'll take turns around the room. This is not an open mic. It is a singing community with no sound system or stage. Info:
info: Andy Cooper:, 410-628-8886
Ty St. Clare: 443-604-7621
Monday, December 17 2018
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey calls the figures; music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Brian Cardell (winds), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Saturday, December 15 2018
Helicon's 33rdAnnual Winter Solstice Concert
Kraushaar Auditorium, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd., Towson, Maryland 21204. Helicon's 33rd Annual Winter Solstice Concerts. 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM. Tickets: $30 in advance, $35 at the door. Group discounts are available. For ticket information, go to , or call 410-243-7254 or 410-746-8387 or email Ken at See also
Wednesday, December 12 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Anna Rain calls to Eloise and Co - Becky Tracy (fiddle), Owen Morrison (guitar), and Rachel Bell (accordion). Special Workshop before the dance (7:15-8PM): Contra flourish workshop for intermediate to advanced dancers with Eria and Amelia.
Monday, December 10 2018
English Country Dance
Bob Farrall calls the figures; music by Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano and more)
Saturday, December 08 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
Hilton Baxter calls to 2 Docs & a Friend featuring Emily Aubrey on fiddle, Robin Wilson on flute & Sax and Michael Raitzyk on guitar. We have a workshop for new dancers at 7:45. Bring a snack Bring a friend.
Wednesday, December 05 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Mike Lentz calls to the Polka Pants Trio - Charlie Pilzer (piano), Andrea Hoag (fiddle) and Rebecca Weiss (fiddle).
Monday, December 03 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Ann Fallon calls the figures; music by Andrea Hoag (violin), Susan Brandt (flute), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, November 28 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Hilton Baxter calls to Some Assembly: Joe Klausner (fiddle, mandolin), Mary Corletta Flora (flute, alto sax), Donna Boylan (piano), and Adam Lee (guitar).
Tuesday, November 27 2018
Song Swap at 4hr Day
The Four Hour Day Lutherie, 7-9 PM
4305 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21214
Admission - FREE
A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break) with great acoustics. We'll take turns around the room. This is not an open mic. It is a singing community with no sound system or stage. Info:
info: Andy Cooper:, 410-628-8886. Ty St. Clare: 443-604-7621
Monday, November 26 2018
English Country Dance
The caller will be Andrea Nettleton; music will be provided by Emily Aubrey (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Sunday, November 25 2018
Friday, November 23 2018
Annual Thanksgiving Concert
Baltimore's father-son duo Ken & Brad Kolodner will join with Alex LacQuement, Rachel Eddy (The Early Mays, formerly of Uncle Earl) and Charm City Junction at the Stony Run Friends Meeting House; 5116 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21210. Info:, 410-746-8387, $25 in advance ($1.00 service fee for credit cards); $27 at the door; $13 children under 13. Online at
Wednesday, November 21 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Susan Taylor calls to The Baltimore Open Band!
Monday, November 19 2018
English Country Dance
Tom Spilsbury will be the caller; music provided by Nora Smith (violin), Corey Walters (flute, mandolin, and melodeon),and Melissa Running (piano)
Saturday, November 17 2018
3-5 PM This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments. We will be playing tunes from the Balfolk repertoire - traditional and contemporary folk dance music from France and Brittany. Contact Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072, The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
Saturday, November 17 2018
Gentle English Dance
The caller will be Sharon McKinley, the musicians will be Emily Aubrey, violin, Brian Cardell, recorder and flute, and Ben Hobbs, piano.
Wednesday, November 14 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Janina O`Brien (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, saxophone, concertina). Special Workshop before the dance (7:15-8PM): Contra flourish workshop for intermediate to advanced dancers with Eria and Amelia.
Monday, November 12 2018
English Country Dance
Susan Taylor calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, November 11 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
Celebrate with us whether this is the first time you will come, you have been a regular, or a long while has passed since you came over. We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043 Donation requested: $5 - $8
Saturday, November 10 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
Anne Lutun calls to The Black Oranges: Sarah Foard - fiddle
Cynthia Marie - piano Gary Prince - guitar Manny Arciniega - percussion
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
Remember New location for our Dance!!!
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Directions to the Church of the Nativity
Friday, November 09 2018
Carroll Baldwin Hall Contra & Family Dance
Family dance 7-8 pm, Contra dance 8-10 pm. Suggested donation: $10 individual, $20 family. Band: Back Step Cindy; Caller: April Blum. Savage, MD: For more information, contact Sandy Hofferth,
Wednesday, November 07 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Penelope Weinberger calls to Ryck Kaiser (fiddle) and Jill Smith (piano). This dance will use the gender-free terms Lark and Raven to refer to people dancing the Left and Right roles
Monday, November 05 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Paul Oorts (things with strings), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Sunday, November 04 2018
Singing for Everyone
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one.
Erin Kelly / / 410-258-9259 (cell)
Wednesday, October 31 2018
Square/Contra Dance
It's Halloween at the BFMS Wednesday night contra dance! Andrea Nettleton will call to music by Tea and Honey - Rebecca Weiss (fiddle), Colleen Holroyd (fiddle), Sophie Chang (cello), and Bobby LaRose (piano). Enter the costume contest and you could win a prize--first place is TWO TICKETS to the BFMS Midwinter Ball!
Monday, October 29 2018
English Country Dance
Halloween! Come dressed as your favorite dance! Emily Aubrey and Sharon McKinley call the figures; music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Francine Krasowska (piano)
Saturday, October 27 2018
Jean Rohe | Rachael Kilgour
Catonsville, MD - Requested donation $15-20. Potluck snacks encouraged. Reservations required:
Thursday, October 25 2018
Circus No. 9
Wednesday, October 24 2018
Free Fall Baltimore Contra Dance
April Blum calls to The Treblemakers - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Liz Donaldson (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax). This dance is a Free Fall Baltimore event - Free admission for all!
Tuesday, October 23 2018
BFMS Song Swap
The Four Hour Day
4305 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21214
Free (small donation for venue appreciated)
Monday, October 22 2018
English Country Dance
The caller will be Tom Hinds; music by the fabulous Geud Band of Baltimore
Sunday, October 21 2018
Windborne - Concert
Windborne (Lynn Mahoney Rowan, Will Thomas Rowan, Lauren Breunig, and Jeremy Carter-Gordon) is a group of vocal chameleons who specialize in close harmony singing, shifting effortlessly between drastically different styles of traditional music within the same concert. Their musical knowledge spans many continents and cultures, but they remain deeply rooted in American folk singing traditions.
Admission is $15 for members, $20 for non-members, and $10 for students . Become a BFMS member at the door and receive the member discount.
3 PM - Catonsville, MD - Please bring munchies to share at intermission.
For the location and to make a reservation, please e-mail or call 410-321-8419 and leave a message. We will call you back to confirm your reservation.
Saturday, October 20 2018
2018 Autumn Assembly English Ball
Music by A Joyful Noise - Barbara Greenberg (violin), Daniel Beerbohm (winds), Kathy Talvitie (piano), with guest Marty Taylor (winds and concertina)
Review 1:30-4:00 pm, with caller Tom Spilsbury and music by Susan Brandt (flute) and Jonathan Jensen (piano).
Reception 6:30 pm, Ball 7-11 pm.
All events at The Church of the Redeemer, 5603 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21212
Admission by Reservation; register online at or by mail (fliers available online and at area dances).
Wednesday, October 17 2018
Free Fall Baltimore Contra Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to Music by Strings on Wings - Barb Schmid (fiddle) and Todd Clewell (fiddle, guitar)
Free Fall Event: Free Admission To This Dance!
Monday, October 15 2018
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley will be the caller; music provided by Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Tom Wright (mandolin)
Saturday, October 13 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
If you can move you can dance these dances, If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Donation requested: $5 - $8 For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, October 13 2018
2nd Saturday Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to Terpsichore Featuring Elke Baker (fiddle), Liz Donaldson (keyboard), and Ralph Gordon (bass).
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
Remember New Location for the dance
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212 DIRECTIONS
Wednesday, October 10 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon and Susan Taylor call to The Devine Devils - Marty Taylor (whistles, concertina), Steve Hickman (fiddle), John Devine (guitar), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and ocarina). This is Chestnut Night! It is a celebration of the grand old contra dances that dancers have loved for centuries, along with a sprinkling of grand NEW contra dances that have added new twists to the genre. Come on out and be a part of the tradition..
Monday, October 08 2018
English Country Dance
Tom Spilsbury calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Sunday, October 07 2018
Singing for Everyone
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Info: Erin Kelly
Friday, October 05 2018
Family/Contra Dance
Family dance 7-8 pm, Contra dance 8-10 pm. Suggested donation: $10 individual, $20 family. Band: Back Step Cindy; Caller: Kim Forry. For more information, contact Sandy Hofferth,
Wednesday, October 03 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Howard Zane (banjo), Joe Langley (guitar), and Art Abrams (bass).
Monday, October 01 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Wednesday, September 26 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to the Run of the Mill String Band - Palmer Loux (fiddle), Greg Loux (guitar), Paul Sidlick (banjo), and Mat Clark (bass).
Tuesday, September 25 2018
BFMS Song Swap
The Four Hour Day
4305 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21214
Free (small donation for venue appreciated)
Monday, September 24 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Ann Fallon calls the figures; music by Elke Baker (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Francine Krasowska (piano)
Friday, September 21 2018
Friendly Coffee House
We offer a friendly non-critical environment for you to share your performance talent. We often include sing alongs.First Unitarian Church of Baltimore Enoch Pratt Parish Hall. 1 West Hamilton Street
Free admission, snacks for sale
Contact Cindy Swiss
Wednesday, September 19 2018
The Fly Birds
Please RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot. Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Wednesday, September 19 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina), Ralph Barthine (guitar), and Janina O’Brien (piano).
Monday, September 17 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Emily Aubrey will be the caller; music provided by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, September 15 2018
Gentle English Dance
Caller : Ann Fallon. Musicians : Marty Taylor (concertina and recorders), David Crandall (flute and sax) and Francine Krasowska (piano).
Saturday, September 15 2018
Balfolk at the Lutherie!
2-4 pm, Live music by Slyte of Hand: Jon Kmetz - French bagpipes, viola, recorders; Michele McCann - hurdy gurdy, chalumeau, percussion; Mark Vidor - accordion.
$10 General Admission $5 Students
For more information contact Mark Vidor:
Wednesday, September 12 2018
Square/Contra Dance
The Too Hot Mamas (Janine Smith and Susan Taylor) call to the Dead Sea Squirrels - Craig Edwards (fiddle), Cathy Mason (fiddle), and Henry Yoshimura (guitar).
Monday, September 10 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Diane Schmit calls to music by Carl Friedman (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Janina O'Brien (piano)
Saturday, September 08 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
If you can move you can dance these dances. If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Doors open at 2:45 to be ready to begin at 3 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Beginners and old friends: families with elders and young ones welcome. Donation requested, $5 suggested. Bring potluck snacks if you wish. If weather allows, we dance outdoors, so bring layers and sun protection to be comfortable. For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, September 08 2018
Carroll Baldwin Hall - Family/Contra Dance
9035 Baltimore St, Savage, MD.
Family dance 7-8 pm, Contra dance 8-10 pm.
Suggested donation: $10 individual, $20 family.
Band: 70 West; Caller: Ann Fallon.
For more information, contact Sandy Hofferth,
Saturday, September 08 2018
2nd Saturday Contra Dance
NEW Dance Location Starting This Dance
Jean Gibson-Gorrindo calling to Cloud Ten which is Cedar Stanistreet on fiddle, Donal Sheets on cello, guitar, mandolin, Arthur Davis on piano, accordion, banjo, and Ness Smith-Savedoff on percussion.
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at the Church of the Nativity & Holy Comforter, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, September 05 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to the Baltimore Open Band!
Monday, September 03 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Sharon McKinley calls; music by Emily Aubrey (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Tom Wright(mandolin)
Sunday, September 02 2018
Singing for Everyone
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. contact Erin Kelly for directions:
Wednesday, August 29 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to. Contre Temps - Andrew Tomlinson (flute), Mark Vidor (piano), and McGregor Yatsevitch (fiddle).
Special Event Before the Dance on August 29 at 7 -8 pm: Have you seen rapper sword dancing and want to try it? Or you don’t know what it is but interested in trying an energetic dance connected to 4 other dancers? Members of Charm City Rapper team will be having an introductory workshop before the dance.
Please check out You Tube videos! Information: Kappy Laning:,
Tuesday, August 28 2018
BFMS Song Swap
info: Andy Cooper:, 443-676-2828
Monday, August 27 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Tom Spilsbury calls the figures to the music of Jeff Steinberg (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Wednesday, August 22 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Jacqui Grennan calls to Alexander Mitchell (fiddle), Larry Unger (guitar), and Ralph Gordon (bass).
Monday, August 20 2018
Slocan Ramblers
RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot.
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Cost: $15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Monday, August 20 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Emily Aubrey will be the caller; music provided by Becky Ross (violin), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Wednesday, August 15 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kim Forry calls to the Lovely Lane String Band - Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), John Sauer (guitar), Jay White (banjo), and Artie Abrams (bass). Member Night! This dance is free to all current BFMS members!
Monday, August 13 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter
Sharon McKinley calls the figures to the music of Steve Epstein (clarinet), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, August 11 2018
Ken and Brad's 9th Annual Backyard House Concert
The Ken and Brad Kolodner Quartet with special guest Bill and The Belles!!
Backyard of:
3806 Fenchurch Rd
Baltimore MD 21218
Rain location:
The Stony Run Friends Meeting House 5116 N Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21210
Saturday, August 11 2018
2nd Saturday Dance is canceled this month
No Dance August 11, 2018. September 8 we will have an amazing Dance at a New Location!!!! Cloud 10 will be on tour, so mark your calendars.
The new dance will be located at the Church of the Nativity, 6112 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212
Directions to the Church of the Nativity
Wednesday, August 08 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Karl Senseman calls to Broadwater - Andrew Broadwater (fiddle, steel drums, hammered dulcimer), Gerry Hemming (guitar), and Ed VandenBosche (cello)
Monday, August 06 2018
English Country Dance
NOTE: NEW VENUE Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter; click above for directions
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Sunday, August 05 2018
Singing for Everyone
Judy and Mark will host. Call or email for driving directions. Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing and/or Rise Again if you have one. Erin Kelly, 410-337-3701
Wednesday, August 01 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Andrew Frock calls to Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle). Marty Taylor (concertina, whistle), and John Devine (guitar).
Monday, July 30 2018
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls the figures to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Wednesday, July 25 2018
Square/Contra Dance
April Blum calls to Rebecca Weiss (fiddle), Andrea Hoag (fiddle), and Paul Oorts (guitar, mandolin)
Tuesday, July 24 2018
BFMS Song Swap
info: Andy Cooper:, 443-676-2828
Monday, July 23 2018
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the music of Andrea Hoag (violin), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Wednesday, July 18 2018
Che Apalache
RSVP to if you would like to reserve a spot.
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Wednesday, July 18 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Melissa Chatham calls to Medicinal Purpose - Ryck Kaiser (fiddle),
Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Jamie O'Brien (guitar), and
Bruce Campbell (bass)
Monday, July 16 2018
English Country Dance
Bob Farrall will be the caller; music provided by fab sound of the Geud Band of Baltimore
Saturday, July 14 2018
2nd Saturday Dance is canceled this month
No dance this month
Wednesday, July 11 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Anne Lutun calls to ContraForce -Andrae Raffield (fiddle), Jimi “Two Nails” Periano (guitar), and Joey Dorwart (hand/foot percussion, saxophone)
Monday, July 09 2018
English Country Dance
April Blum calls the figures to the music of Becky Ross (violin), Paul Oorts (other strings and etc.), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, July 04 2018
Square/Contra Dance
No Dance on July 4th!
Monday, July 02 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Hilton Baxter calls to the music of Carl Friedman (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet) and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Sunday, July 01 2018
Singing for Everyone
Randy and Jean will host Singing for Everyone
Erin Kelly,
Saturday, June 30 2018
Free Anniversary Contra Dance
Renate Reimschuessel & Jeff Myers' 45 year wedding anniversary Contra Dance Free contra dance at Lovely Lane Church; 2200 St Paul St; Baltimore, MD 21218. Contact Jeff Myers for info: 410-370-9565
Friday, June 29 2018
Dave Curley and Andrew Finn Magill
8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204
RSVP 410-494-8839 or
Wednesday, June 27 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Mike Lentz calls to The Contra Rebels - Todd Clewell (fiddle, guitar), Barb Schmid (fiddle), and Henry Koretzky (guitar, mandolin).
Tuesday, June 26 2018
BFMS Song Swap
info: Andy Cooper:, 443-676-2828
Monday, June 25 2018
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey calls the figures; music by the fabulous Geud Band of Baltimore
Wednesday, June 20 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Polaris - Rose Jackson (fiddle), Marta Bartholomew (fiddle), Sam Zakon-Anderson (piano), and Jesse Ball (guitar, hammered dulcimer, mandolin, accordion & feet)
Monday, June 18 2018
English Country Dance
The June 18 BFMS English Country Dance is CANCELED due to floor refinishing at St. Mark's. See you next week!
Saturday, June 16 2018
Haley Richardson and Don Penzien
Suggested donation $20. Session to follow (bring instruments).
RSVP 410-494-8839 or
Friday, June 15 2018
33rd Annual BFMS Spring Catoctin Music and Dance Weekend
Join dancers and musicians of all ages for a participatory intergenerational weekend of dancing, singing, workshops, jamming, crafts, hiking and more in a beautiful mountain setting from $89 per person. Ticket Sales are open.
Wednesday, June 13 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Donna Hunt calls to Wombat Crossing - Carl Friedman (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), and Charlie Pilzer (piano).
Monday, June 11 2018
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley calls to the dueling fiddles of Tina Chancey and Emily Aubrey, with Judy Meyers on piano
Sunday, June 10 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
If you can move you can dance these dances. If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Potluck snacks to follow Dances. Beginners and old friends: families with elders and young ones welcome. Come with or without experience and partners. Donation requested, $5 suggested. If weather allows, we dance outdoors, so bring layers and sun protection to be comfortable. For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, June 09 2018
June 9 and 10 - BFMS is sponsoring participatory dances, singing and music sessions at the Colonial Market Fair at the Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum in Oella, MD. All activities are free, however a $5.00 donation is requested for parking. If you have questions you may contact Steve at: or call 301-385-9292. For more information about the event, visit
Saturday, June 09 2018
2nd Saturday Contra Dance
DeLaura Padovan calls to Devine Comedy: Marty Taylor
(whistles, concertina), Steve Hickman (fiddle), and John Devine
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at St. Marks on the Hill, 1620 Reisterstown Road.
Wednesday, June 06 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to the Old Time Jam Band.
Monday, June 04 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Special guest Orly Krasner calls to the music of Elke Baker (violin), Susan Brandt (flute), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, May 30 2018
Jeff Scroggins & Colorado
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD
Doors at 7pm, Concert 7:30-9:30pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Wednesday, May 30 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Steve Gester calls to Paul Oorts (mandolin, guitar) and Elke Baker (fiddle).
Monday, May 28 2018
English Country Dance
Guest caller Tom Amesse calls the figures; music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concetina), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Saturday, May 26 2018
English Country Dance
TODAY! May 26, 2018
There will be a Gentle English Dance on Saturday, May 26, 2018, at
St. Mark's on the Hill, from 3:00 to 5:30pm. The caller will be Bob
Farrall. The musicians will be Andrea Hoag on violin, Marty Taylor on
winds, and Janina O'Brien on piano.
Wednesday, May 23 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to Organic Family Band and Friends: Michael Raitzyk (guitar), Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax), and Friends.
Tuesday, May 22 2018
BFMS Song Swap
info: Andy Cooper:, 443-676-2828
Monday, May 21 2018
English Country Dance
Bob Farrall will be the caller; music provided by Becky Ross (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Sunday, May 20 2018
House concert - Alejandra and Hector
5-6 pm, House concert. Baltimore MD 21218.
INFO: Ken Kolodner, (410) 746-8387,
Sunday, May 20 2018
Hammered Dulcimer workshop on Mexican Salterio
2-4 pm Hammered Dulcimer workshop on Mexican Salterio music and playing techniques. $40 if paid in advance. $45 day of.
INFO: Ken Kolodner, (410) 746-8387,
Wednesday, May 16 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Perry Shafran calls to Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, and sax), and Janina O'Brien (piano, bodhran, and whistle).
Monday, May 14 2018
English Country Dance
April Blum calls to the music of Carl Friedman (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, May 12 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
(Saturday this month since Sunday is Mother's Day)
Donation requested, $5 - $8 suggested.Bring potluck snacks if you wish.
If weather allows, we dance outdoors, so bring layers and sun protection to be comfortable.
For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Saturday, May 12 2018
Balfolk Workshop
Traditional and Contemporary Folk Dance Music from Brittany and France
The 4 Hour Day Lutherie, 4305 Harford Rd. Baltimore MD 21214
This free workshop/guided jam is for all musicians and all instruments. In this hands-on workshop you will experience the mystery of the mazurka, the propelling drive of the bourree, the ancient rhythms of the andro and hanter dro and MORE! The tunebook we will use is available for free electronically in advance: email . $3 for tunebook at the workshop (photocopying costs). Information: Mark Vidor, 410-790-4072,
Saturday, May 12 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
Greg Frock calls to Triple Helix Featuring: Alexander Mitchell (fiddle), Colleen Reed (flute, sax) and Keith Gillis (guitar).
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at St. Marks on the Hill, 1620 Reisterstown Road.
Wednesday, May 09 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Karl Senseman calls to the Baltimore Open Band
Monday, May 07 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Tom Spilsbury calls to the music of Elke Baker (violin), Susan Brandt (flute), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Sunday, May 06 2018
Singing for Everyone
Call for directions: 410-484-3246
Wednesday, May 02 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to Hickman and Jensen - Steve Hickman (fiddle) and Jonathan Jensen (piano).
Monday, April 30 2018
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls the figures; music by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Wednesday, April 25 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Janine Smith calls to Squirrelly Dan and the Eastern Rounders - Dan Levenson (fiddle), Emmy Truckenmiller (fiddle), Annie Trimble (guitar), and Suzanne Gates (bass).
Tuesday, April 24 2018
House Concerts at Brad's: Lonesome Ace Stringband
Doors at 7pm, Concert 7:30-9:30pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
More info
Tuesday, April 24 2018
BFMS Song Swap
info: Andy Cooper:, 443-676-2828
Monday, April 23 2018
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey calls the figures; music by Susan Brandt (flute), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Saturday, April 21 2018
Baltimore Square Dance
Mobtown Ballroom for a hilariously fun evening of square dancing, live music and infectious silliness. All are welcome - no experience or partner is needed. The bar at the ballroom will be open.
Wednesday, April 18 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Anna Rain calls to Organic Family Band: Michael Raitzyk (guitar), Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Rebekah Geller (fiddle), and Judith Geller (French horn).
Monday, April 16 2018
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley will be the caller; music provided by Emily Aubrey (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Saturday, April 14 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
Kim Forrey calls to Rhythmajigs: Jack Maus on (Piano) Patti Reum (flutes and whistle); Michael Giordano (fiddle and mandolin).
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at St. Marks on the Hill, 1620 Reisterstown Road.
Friday, April 13 2018
7th annual Baltimore Irish Trad Fest
A weekend of workshops, performances and sessions in Irish traditional music, dance and song.
Wednesday, April 11 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Anne Lutun calls to the Dead Sea Squirrels - Craig Edwards (fiddle), Cathy Mason (fiddle), and Henry Yoshimura (guitar).
Monday, April 09 2018
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the music of Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), Wayne Hankin (winds), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Sunday, April 08 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
We provide a warm and accepting space where we each find our own place; all moods are welcome; healing and laughter seem to find their way into our midst. If you can move you can dance these dances. If you can breathe, you can sing these chants. Doors open at 2:45 to be ready to begin at 3 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances. 612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Donation requested, $5 suggested. For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Wednesday, April 04 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kim Forry calls to the Lovely Lane String Band - Brenna Hogan (fiddle), Shane Knudsen (fiddle), John Sauer (guitar), Jay White (banjo), and Artie Abrams (bass).
Monday, April 02 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
April Blum calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Mark Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Wednesday, March 28 2018
Square/Contra Dance
No dance, as the Hall is not available on Easter Week..
Monday, March 26 2018
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls the figures; music by Elke Baker (violin), Tom Wright (mandolin), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Sunday, March 25 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
Doors open at 2:45 to be ready to begin at 3 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Donation requested, $5 - $8 suggested.Bring potluck snacks if you wish. For more info for questions call Peggy 410-465-1914
Wednesday, March 21 2018
Square/Contra Dance
See you in 2 weeks!
Tuesday, March 20 2018
BFMS Song Swap
A warm, welcoming place to sing (or take an instrumental break) with great acoustics. We'll take turns around the room. This is not an open mic. It is a singing community with no sound system or stage. Info: Andy Cooper:, 443-676-2828
Monday, March 19 2018
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey will be the caller; music provided by Becky Ross (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, March 18 2018
Brad's House Concerts: FY5
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Doors at 7pm, Concert 7:30-9:30pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
More Info
Saturday, March 17 2018
House Concert: LEA Morris (ThisIsLEA) and Robinson Treacher
Awkward Pause House Concerts, Hampden, 21211
Join us to hear two award-winning songwriters from Virginia and Long Island!
RSVP to contact Becca Derry at
Saturday, March 17 2018
English Country Dance
Gentle English dance 3:00 to 5:30pm at St Mark's on the Hill. The caller will be Sharon McKinley, the musicians will be Emily Aubrey, violin, David Crandall, flute and saxophone, and Francine Krasowska, piano.Wednesday, March 14 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Mike Lentz calls to Unbowed - Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Jamie O'Brien (guitar), Bruce Campbell (bass), and L.J. Palmer (percussion).
Monday, March 12 2018
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the music of the fabulous Geud Band of Baltimore
Saturday, March 10 2018
Annual State of the Society Meeting
It is time once again for the Annual State-of-the-Society meeting of the Baltimore Folk Music Society. All members are invited to join us to hear about the past year's activities, and plans for the future. The evening's agenda will include a report from our President, Brenna Hogan; a report from our Treasurer, Tom Bryson; and a proposed slate of BFMS Board candidates from our Nominating Committee. After that, the floor will be open for additional nominations, and board members will be available to answer questions about BFMS events and operations. All BFMS members who attend the meeting will get into the evening dance FREE. You can join on the spot! You must arrive by 7:15 pm to take advantage of this once-a-year offer! At St Marks-on-the Hill in Pikesville.
Saturday, March 10 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
Bob Isaacs calls to The Organic Family Band: Michael Raitzyk (guitar), Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Rebekah Gellar (fiddle), and Judith Gellar (French horn)
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at St. Marks on the Hill, 1620 Reisterstown Road.
Wednesday, March 07 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Donna Hunt calls to Steve Hickman (fiddle) and John Devine (guitar).
Monday, March 05 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Tom Spilsbury calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Sunday, March 04 2018
Singing for Everyone
Bring a copy of Rise Up Singing if you have one
Call for directions: 410-484-3246
Saturday, March 03 2018
House Concert: Brenda Castles and Liz Hanley
Irish trad. concertina and fiddle. Vocals and harmonies. Suggested donation $20
8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204
Session to follow (bring instruments). RSVP
Wednesday, February 28 2018
Brad's House Concerts: Jordan Tice & Mike Witcher
Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Doors at 7pm, Concert 7:30-9:30pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
More Info
Wednesday, February 28 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Hilton Baxter calls to the MetroGnomes - Bob Garber (clarinet), McGregor Yatsevich (fiddle, mandolin), and Mark Vidor (piano).
Monday, February 26 2018
Castlebay Concert
7:00 p.m., Memorial Episcopal Church; 1407 Bolton Street, Baltimore
Suggested donation: $20
Castlebay weaves together the heritage of New England and the Celtic lands.
Monday, February 26 2018
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls to the music of Carl Friedman (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Judy Meyers (piano), with special guest Wayne Hankin (winds and more)
Saturday, February 24 2018
Ceili-Contra Dance
A festive joint event co-sponsored by the Baltimore Folk Music Society and The Emerald Isle Club.
Irish Session - 3:30 - 5:30 PM, Pot Luck Dinner - 5:45 - 6:45 PM. Ceili and Contra dancing from 7 PM to 11 PM. St Marks on the Hill.
Friday, February 23 2018
Baltimore Square Dance
The Ideal Arts Space
905 W 36th St, Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Live Old-Time Music from The Vacutones (Bill Schmidt, Ann Porcella, Kevin Enoch, and Kate Brett) with calling from TBD. All dances will be taught. Beginners are welcome!
Cost: $12/$7 student
Friday, February 23 2018
Baltimore Irish Trad Fest Fundraiser Concert and Celebration
Tickets available at home page.
Featuring greats such as Billy McComiskey (button accordion), Donna Long (piano), Pat Egan, (songs and guitar), Jim Eagan (fiddle), Laura Byrne (flute), Bob Smith, banjo, Mikey McComiskey, (button accordion), Myron Bretholz, (bodhran/MC), Shannon Dunne, Alex Boatright, Peter Brice, Megan Downes, and MORE! There will be dancers, music, a silent auction and more...
Wednesday, February 21 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Andrew Frock calls to Amberwing - Emily Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, and sax), and Janina O'Brien (piano, bodhran, and whistle).
Monday, February 19 2018
English Country Dance
Beat the winter blahs at our annual Tropical Staycation! Wear your Hawaiian shirts, muumuus, and leis!
April Blum will be the caller; music provided by Amberwing: Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Janina O'Brien (piano and more)
Wednesday, February 14 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the Baltimore Open Band
Monday, February 12 2018
English Country Dance
Ann Fallon calls the figures to the music of Becky Ross (violin), Brian Cardell (winds), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Sunday, February 11 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
Doors open at 2:45 to be ready to begin at 3 PM. Potluck snacks to follow Dances.612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Donation requested, $5 - $8 suggested.
Bring potluck snacks if you wish.
If weather allows, we dance outdoors, so bring layers and sun protection to be comfortable.
Saturday, February 10 2018
2018 MidWinter Ball
The 2018 BFMS MidWinter Ball with Emily Rush calling to the Stringrays. RUSHFEST! at 3 PM, Reception at 7 PM, Grand March at 7:45 PM. The Ball is from 8:00 to 11:30 PM. At the Church of the Redeemer in Baltimore. Tickets are on sale now.
Saturday, February 10 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
This month there won't be a 2nd Saturday dance at St Marks on the Hill. We are having our Mid Winter Ball tonight at the Church of the Redeemer.
there will be a special afternoon dance as well as an evening dance. More details to come soon.
Wednesday, February 07 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Emma Gorin calls to Organic Family Band: Michael Raitzyk (guitar), Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Rebekah Gellar (fiddle), and Judith Gellar (French horn).
Monday, February 05 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Tom Spilsbury calls to the music of Trio con Brio: Elke Baker (violin), Paul Oorts (things with strings), and Jonathan Jensen (piano and more)
Wednesday, January 31 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kim Forry calls to Backstep Cindy - Sandy Hofferth (fiddle), Howard Zane (banjo), Joe Langley (guitar), and Art Abrams (bass).
Monday, January 29 2018
English Country Dance
Bob Farrall will lead the dances; Carl Friedman (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano and more) make the music
Saturday, January 27 2018
House Concert: Brian Conway and Zan McLeod
Sligo-style fiddler Brian Conway from New York will be joined by DC-area artist Zan McLeod on guitar and bouzouki. Suggested donation $20. 8 Jack Frost Lane, Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments).
Saturday, January 27 2018
Gentle English Dance
The caller will be Ann Fallon. The musicians will be Emily Aubrey, violin, Brian Cardell, recorders and flute, and Ben Hobbs, piano.
Thursday, January 25 2018
House Concert at Brad's: Mile Twelve
Boston- based bluegrass group
Doors at 7pm, Concert 7:30-9:30pm
$15-$20 suggested donation
Feel free to bring food and drink to share!
Wednesday, January 24 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to Broadwater - Andrew Broadwater (fiddle, hammered dulcimer, steel drums, recorder), Gerry Hemming (guitar), and Ed VandenBosche (cello, recorder).
Monday, January 22 2018
English Country Dance
Tom Spilsbury calls to the music of the fabulous Geud Band of Baltimore
Wednesday, January 17 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Perry Shafran calls to Paul Oortz (mandolin, guitar) and Elke Baker (fiddle)
Monday, January 15 2018
English Country Dance
Sharon McKinley will be the caller; music provided by Elke Baker (violin), Steve Epstein (clarinet), and Ben Hobbs (piano)
Monday, January 15 2018
Sing with Stuart
612 Hollow Rd, Ellicott City, 21043(Oella). All ages all abilities. No music to read. Free! I will teach the parts to simple songs. Stuart ( or Peggy ( if you'd like more information. No RSVP necessary (at above email) though always helpful.
Sunday, January 14 2018
Dances of Universal Peace
Peggy at 410-465-1914
Saturday, January 13 2018
Baltimore Square Dance
Live Old-Time Music from Brent Feito, Pete Winne and Lars Prillaman with calling from Kim Forry. All dances will be taught. Beginners are welcome! More info here.
Saturday, January 13 2018
2nd Saturday Dance
Caroline Barnes calls to Raise The Roof with Mat Clark - fiddle, Bob Pasquarello - bass Judi Stellar - hammered dulcimer & Kathy Talvitie - guitar
We have a workshop that begins at 7:30 and the dance begins at 8:00. Bring a snack and bring a friend.
For more information go to our website at or email Sara at satdance at
The dance is held at St. Marks on the Hill, 1620 Reisterstown Road.
Wednesday, January 10 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to Laurie Andres (accordion), Steve Hickman (fiddle), and John Devine (guitar).
Monday, January 08 2018
English Country Dance
Wednesday, January 03 2018
Square/Contra Dance
Shane Knudsen calls to the Old Time Jam Band - Ken Kolodner (fiddle) and Brad Kolodner (banjo, bass) lead the band
Monday, January 01 2018
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Start the New Year on the right foot--or feet, as the case may be!
Emily Aubrey calls to the music of Barbara Gorin (strings), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Sunday, December 31 2017
Gala New Years Eve English Dance
The 2017 Gala New Year's Eve English dance will be held at St. Mark's on the Hill in Pikesville, MD. Reception at 6:30, Potluck Supper at 7:30. Dance from 8:30PM to 12:30 AM. Tickets at the door.
Sunday, December 31 2017
English Country Dance
Gala New Year's Eve English Country Dance (Special event)
Potluck and dancing from 6:30 pm to 12:30 am
Ann Fallon and Tom Spilsbury, callers
Music by Elegant Echoes: Becky Ross, fiddle; Colleen Reed, flute; Liz Donaldson, piano
Visit for details and to register
Wednesday, December 27 2017
Terpsichore's Holiday
Intergenerational program of traditional dance, music and more.
Wednesday, December 27 2017
Square/Contra Dance
Greg Frock calls to Alexander Mitchell (fiddle, mandolin) and Henry Koretzky (guitar).
Tuesday, December 26 2017
BFMS Song Swap
The Four Hour Day Lutherie - 4305 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21214 - 7-9 PM Admission - FREE
Monday, December 25 2017
English Country Dance
Wednesday, December 20 2017
House Concert: John Whelan
John Whelan is a master of the Irish button accordion. Suggested donation $20. 8 Jack Frost Lane; Baltimore MD 21204. Session to follow (bring instruments).
Wednesday, December 20 2017
Square/Contra Dance
April Blum calls to Devine Devils - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (concertina, whistles), Jonathan Jensen (piano), and John Devine (guitar).
Monday, December 18 2017
English Country Dance
April Blum will be the caller; music provided by Jeff Steinberg (violin), Dave Crandall (winds), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Saturday, December 16 2017
Helicon's Annual Winter Solstice Concert
Kraushaar Auditorium, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd., Towson, Maryland 21204. Helicon is Ken Kolodner (hammered dulcimer, fiddle, and hammered mbira), Chris Norman (wooden flutes, whistle, small pipes, and vocals), and Robin Bullock (guitar, mandolin, cittern, and piano).
Wednesday, December 13 2017
Square/Contra Dance
Ann Fallon calls to the Treble Makers - Emily Aubrey (Fiddle), Liz Donaldson (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina, sax).
Monday, December 11 2017
English Country Dance
Diane Schmit calls the figures to the music of Carl Friedman (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano)
Sunday, December 10 2017
Dances of Universal Peace
Celebrate the coming of the Winter Soltice with us whether this is the first time you will come, you have been a regular, or a long while has passed since you came over.
Sunday, December 10 2017
Dances of Universal Peace
For more information: and click on the sub-heading "Videos" or call Peggy at 410-465-1914
Saturday, December 09 2017
Footworks Percussive Dance Ensemble
Destination Baltimore celebrates the Baltimore's multicultural history and includes some of the best Americana musicians in the country, including Grammy winning Mark Schatz, multi-instrumentalist Danny Knicely, Baltimore's own legendary fiddler Jon Glik, Gina Clowes, and Footworks' founding director Eileen Carson on lead vocals. Tickets are only $10.
Saturday, December 09 2017
2nd Saturday Dance
Perry Shafran calls to The Black Oranges: Sarah Foard - fiddle
Cynthia Marie - piano Gary Prince - guitar Manny Arciniega - percussion
Saturday, December 09 2017
Family Dance
Susan Taylor calls to the Megan Beller and the Charles Street Fiddlers.
The BFMS Family Dance is geared towards young children and
families. All ages are encouraged to attend. Dances are all
taught and dancing is to live music.This event is enjoyed by
children, parents, and grandparents as they dance and sing
together. $4 for member, $6 for non-members, children under
age 3 are free. 5:00 to 6:30 PM
There is a potluck from 6:30-7:20 Come and join in some good
food and conversation.
St. Mark's on the Hill, Parish
Hall 1620 Reisterstown Road Pikesville, MD. 21208
Wednesday, December 06 2017
Square/Contra Dance
Anne Lutun calls to Wild Wombats of the Chesapeake: Ralph Barthine (guitar), Carl Friedman (fiddle, flute), Janina O'Brien (piano), and Robin Wilson (flute, concertina).
Monday, December 04 2017
The Winter Jubilee
Sam Gleaves, Tyler Hughes, Emily Mann and Hasee Ciacco, which celebrates the winter holidays Appalachian-style. $15-$20 suggested donation. Please RSVP to Brad's House (831 West 33rd Street, Baltimore, MD)
Monday, December 04 2017
English Country Dance
Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Sharon McKinley calls to the music of Emily Aubrey (violin), Robin Wilson (winds and concertina), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Friday, December 01 2017
Baltimore Square Dance
Live Old-Time Music from Sam Gleaves, Tyler Hughes, Hasee Ciacco, Emily Mann with Susan Taylor calling. Ideal Arts Space (905 W. 36th Street). All dances will be taught. Beginners are welcome!
Wednesday, November 29 2017
Square/Contra Dance
Kappy Laning calls to Devine Comedy - Steve Hickman (fiddle), Marty Taylor (concertina, whistles), and John Devine (guitar).
Tuesday, November 28 2017
BFMS Song Swap
The Four Hour Day Lutherie - 4305 Harford Road Baltimore, MD 21214 - 7-9 PM Admission - FREE
Monday, November 27 2017
English Country Dance
Carl Friedman calls to the music of Jeff Steinberg (violin), Robin Wilson (flute and concertina), and Judy Meyers (piano)
Friday, November 24 2017
Thanksgiving Concert
Baltimore's father-son duo Ken & Brad Kolodner will join with Alex LacQuement, Rachel Eddy and Charm City Junction in a concert of old-time, Bluegrass and Irish music
The Stony Run Friends Meeting House
5116 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21210. Info:
Wednesday, November 22 2017
Square/Contra Dance
Hilton Baxter calls to Organic Family Band: Michael Raitzyk (guitar), Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle), Rebekah Gellar (fiddle), and Judith Gellar (French horn). New Dancer Orientation Workshop at 7:30.
Monday, November 20 2017
English Country Dance
Emily Aubrey will be the caller; music provided by Becky Ross (violin), Marty Taylor (winds and concertina), and Francine Krasowska (piano)
Saturday, November 18 2017
Gentle English Dance
The Caller will be Bob Farrall. The musicians will be Marty Taylor on concertina and recorders, and Janina O'Brien on piano.